Coordinates, Huizhou, Guangdong. Recently, something I experienced personally gave me a new understanding of the relationship between relatives and friends. This feeling is not good and may not be right, but it is very real. Before 8 o'clock in the morning, the community WeChat g

2024/06/2605:44:32 emotion 1368

coordinates, Huizhou, Guangdong. Recently, something I experienced personally gave me a new understanding of the relationship between relatives and friends. This feeling is not good and may not be right, but it is very real.

Before 8 o'clock in the morning, the community WeChat group sent a message saying that Building C where he lived needed to be temporarily isolated due to close contacts. As a result, the community WeChat group suddenly became lively, and everyone was talking about it. The good news came less than two hours later. People in the entire building only need to go downstairs to take nucleic acid tests, and then they can come and go freely. It was originally a good thing, but when I told a relative the good news, I could clearly feel that the other person was a little disappointed. He seemed to be very curious about the fact that I was not quarantined, and kept asking questions.

Alas, the human heart, why do you show evil at critical moments?

Coordinates, Huizhou, Guangdong. Recently, something I experienced personally gave me a new understanding of the relationship between relatives and friends. This feeling is not good and may not be right, but it is very real. Before 8 o'clock in the morning, the community WeChat g - DayDayNews

As a middle-aged man, I have experienced a lot, but when such naked thoughts are exposed in front of you, you still feel the chill. If you have not just entered the society, I believe everyone has some insights into the human heart. The human heart in the real society is not as beautiful as imagined. Between relatives and friends, in the workplace, and in the business world, sometimes a very small thing can be seen through human nature.

Once upon a time, I was also a warm-hearted and good young man who treated others sincerely. However, as I grow older and experience more things, I slowly talk less and less and think more.

Guo Degang once said:

It is difficult to reach the sky, it is even more difficult to ask for help, Coptis chinensis is difficult, and it is even more difficult to have no money.

The world is dangerous, and people's hearts are even more dangerous. Spring ice is thin, and human feelings are even thinner.

's words are ugly, but they are all the truth. You must understand that talking too much will lead to mistakes. In public places, the more familiar and close the people are, the less they say. It’s no wonder that everyone laments: the older you get, the fewer friends you have.

Some things must be said less. For example, making money, if you share such things with others, it will be okay if you help others, but if you fail to achieve their wishes, you will be blamed. For example, regarding your personality, talking too much to others will only cause you trouble and distress.

Some things in reality are destined to be shouldered by yourself. Don't think that you have been wronged. Many people will come to comfort you. In fact, the more you talk about it, the more they look down on you in their hearts.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are evil people. People's hearts are like wolves. Please accept this reality. Also, don’t test human nature easily, give it a try and game over.

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