Text | Yuanlai Jiangzi's "Book of Rites and Ritual Utensils": "Ji's sacrifice is to catch the darkness and sacrifice. When the sun is insufficient, candles are used. Although they have a strong appearance and awe-inspiring hearts, they are all tired." Day after day Doing the same

2024/05/1923:31:33 emotion 1424


Text | Yuanlai Jiangzi's

"Book of Rites and Ritual Utensils": " Ji's sacrifices are made in the dark. When the sun is insufficient, candles are used. Although they have a strong appearance and a respectful heart, they are all tired. ”

Doing the same job day after day, life remains unchanged, and the sense of powerlessness and frustration accumulated in the process will begin to produce doubts and denial of self-worth, gradually becoming tired of work and unable to improve life. Work hard and eventually lose motivation for work and love for life.

“Not interested!” “I don’t want to do it!” These mantras are all caused by this sense of burnout. Is this sense of burnout a disease?

Burnout means burning or exhausting. People with burnout will develop feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, which are the two main symptoms of depression. Severe burnout can cause an individual to become disconnected from clients, customers, co-workers, and ultimately family, creating a sense of isolation.

The World Health Organization (WHO) is admitting that this is one of the factors causing mental illness. Its definition is: a syndrome that is caused by long-term work stress but cannot be successfully dealt with.

Specifically, it has three characteristics: feeling exhausted and exhausted, having a negative or cynical feeling about work or life, and lack of self-efficacy for work and life.

Text | Yuanlai Jiangzi's

Burnout is a state that can be seen everywhere, whether at work, marriage, school, social interaction, etc. Burnout will occur. --Sugar Psychology

Robert Berg (who has won the title of " Microsoft Valuable Expert" 17 times) and Terry Berg (a clinical nurse expert with more than 30 years of nursing experience) are a couple who have long been committed to improving workplaces and management. Research in organizational change and developing talent.

pointed out in their book "The Psychology of Burnout: Why You Don't Want to Do or Think About Anything": Burnout is not only related to work, but also occurs in situations that can give people a sense of value and meaning. In all areas such as marital burnout, academic burnout, parenting burnout, social media burnout, and more.

Moreover, if a person is in a state of burnout for a long time, he is prone to depression and negative emotions of being world-weary.

Text | Yuanlai Jiangzi's

If you put it badly, it will make your life more and more empty

"Burnout will often make you convinced that you can't change anything, so you will feel that there is no need to try anything. This is the so-called "learned helplessness" "It tends to spread like wildfire to other areas." -- "The Psychology of Burnout"

Growing uncertainty and a lack of economic opportunity are frustrating modern young people, and they are resorting to a new fad Words - new terms such as lying down, lying flat, involution, etc., to express their attitude towards life.

Objectively speaking, "showing off" is the process of starting to pursue the lowest quality and lack of quality, and it is also the behavior that is most likely to lead to a state of destruction. This is a state similar to "escape" from risks. Life often has this kind of inner "ruin philosophy", which causes the emptiness of life to continue indefinitely.

The famous American psychologist Maslow believes: "If human beings want to live actively and peacefully with themselves, musicians must create music, artists must paint, and poets must write poems."

Life is about enjoying happiness and freedom, but people who feel tired can’t even do what they should do, can’t do anything, want to run but can’t move their legs, lose enthusiasm for things, and feel that their bodies are being stretched. Empty...

The author believes that burnout often appears as a continuous state, and each of us will be in a certain stage of this state.

But as long as you can master the methods of dealing with burnout and practice it frequently, you can effectively resist the erosion of burnout and have a higher quality of life, whether at work, study or life.

Text | Yuanlai Jiangzi's

Adjust your own cognition

The author proposes two related and complementary models of burnout:

The first model is called the bathtub model: it can explain what burnout looks like when you think about the present and the future. This model compares your “individual agency” to a bathtub and focuses on the balance between the inflow and outflow of your bathtub. When your bathtub is "empty," you experience burnout.

"Individual agency" has three sources: perceived results, obtaining support and self-care. Perceived results can help us accurately understand our effectiveness and individual agency. Obtaining support from others can gain more individual agency. Self-care can not only Supplementing individual mobility can also increase the capacity of the "bathtub".

And your initiative depends on the way you look at the results: looking up and magnifying the results will only make you think the worst in everything, and underestimating the results will underestimate your own value.

The second model is called the perceptual model, which focuses on your view of the past, focusing on how you view the reasonableness of the results and the results you have achieved. With this model, you can base your perceptions on reality and adjust them.

This reality is based on "living in the present", stopping constantly "playing" the worst-case scenario that has happened, setting a "boundary" for what you are willing and able to do for others, and not being completely dominated by others. , and realize that not everything you do can be the best, even if you can't create any value, you are still valuable.

Text | Yuanlai Jiangzi's

Use success to lead yourself to a satisfying day

"If you want to see the value you bring to the world, the key is to realize that you are good enough." -- "Burnout Psychology"

"As long as you use your heart, No matter how boring the job is, you can achieve different results. "When you repeat your daily work mechanically, it is easy to feel burnout. If you can proactively adjust and make new attempts and changes, you can restore the freshness of .

Although sometimes we cannot change the content of our work, no one says that you must complete this task in the same way. If you make some small changes every day, you may find other more efficient methods.

For example, use some tools to make you more efficient when processing data; or organize a SOP to make the work process smoother; integrate your self-image and show your unique abilities to gain inner strength and resilience.

Burnout is not terrible. It is like the workplace cold in the 21st century. It is an epidemic. No one is immune, and there is no specific medicine that can completely cure it.

You need to learn to deal with burnout. When it appears in stages, face it, adjust it, overcome internal obstacles, and improve your self-efficacy.

Text | Yuanlai Jiangzi's

The content of the book "The Psychology of Burnout: Why You Don't Want to Do Anything or Think About Nothing" has some discussion questions at the end of each chapter, which is like "burnout self-help" and helps through some questions. You gain a deeper understanding of this book based on your own experience and life experiences.

Although you have always been enthusiastic and devoted to your work in the past, but now, you feel that what you do no longer gives you a sense of accomplishment, or you feel tired. I suggest you refer to this The methods provided in this book can help you rekindle your passion for work and life by consciously changing your behavior.

As long as you can change your behavior, your enthusiasm and energy will appear, which can help you achieve internal and external harmony in an environment that is more suitable for you.

Text | Yuanlai Jiangzi's

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