Let you know more about your biceps and avoid tendinitis

2021/08/1723:28:20 lose 1835

# Talking about the biceps

Do you have any experience? After heavy lifting, I feel that my arm is pulled hard, and then the experience of hand weakness and elbow bending is difficult. ?

At this time, you may have injured the main load-bearing muscle of the upper arm, the biceps, and may also cause inflammation and tearing of the biceps tendon at the end.


  • header length into the biceps have

long head position: from the borders of the scapula The supra-glenoid tuberosity is attached to the radial tuberosity to the terminal. The action is to bend the elbow and lift the upper arm, which is also a powerful supinator muscle group.

Let you know more about your biceps and avoid tendinitis - DayDayNews

Let you know more about your biceps and avoid tendinitis - DayDayNews

Let you know more about your biceps and avoid tendinitis - DayDayNews

Let you know more about your biceps and avoid tendinitis - DayDayNews

s2 strong span 1 span_strong span 1 span_strong at the end of the span_strong spanThe movement function is to bend the forearm to assist the forearm supination. (As shown in the picture above)

In the biceps tendon, the long head tendon is the most prone to damage. When the force arm of this tendon is longer, the tendon is relatively short. Large, it is easier to produce distortional injuries that cannot be uniformly received. After the injury, it is easy to affect the function of the entire upper arm and shoulder.

biceps long head tendon: is located in the front of the arm and lies in the biceps musculo groove in front of the thigh. It is a strong but easily injured tissue. The organization of a double joint (length of moment arm) is more complicated in biomechanics and mechanical mechanics. Simple contraction (bending the elbow) is a compound movement for the biceps tendon (this The long head of the biceps brachii must provide the stability of the uplift of the radius and the stability of the back rotation of the humerus), so the function is complicated + the large curvature when exerting force becomes the tissue that is easy to be injured. Let's introduce them in detail one by one!

predisposed people

Generally speaking, the prevalence of biceps tendinitis is mostly people who use the shoulder joint repeatedly, or those who often move the shoulders at a large angle, and people who lift heavy objects are also prone to Ethnic group!

In general, the following occupations are easier to get biceps tendinitis:

strong_strong_span5 5 strong_strong_span5. Many things,There is always something to do. The arm that has been used is easy to cause fatigue injuries (when the muscles are weak, compensation will be used to replace normal movements), and sometimes heavy objects are required but the muscle strength is insufficient. It is easy to move quickly. Injured!

2. Moving workers

often requires too heavy weight to move the arm, and sometimes the weight is too heavy and the is too heavy. It is easy to be strained if you can bear it! (It is also easy to use the wrong muscle force to cause injury when the muscle strength is insufficient)

3. Athletes p p _p9 Rotating the arm ( baseball pitcher swimmer) This also easily causes the humeral head to squeeze the biceps tendon and cause injury! (Especially the correct rotation of the upper arm after abduction of 90 degrees (palm face up), if it is lacking, it is easy to cause pinching injuries) as shown in the figure:

Let you know more about your biceps and avoid tendinitis - DayDayNews

Let you know more about your biceps and avoid tendinitis - DayDayNews p0

4. Restaurant staff

restaurant work is usually very busy,Sometimes it’s easy to move too fast and it’s easy to ignore the body’s response and cause biceps tendon strain!

5. Fall _panem1271 _panem1271 _panem1271 _panem127emp _span1p p9p

5. It is usually complicated, and it is easy to combine inflammation and strain of the muscles around the shoulder joint, because we usually have a general subconscious hand to support a fall, because the sudden excessive load and the gravity speed muscle are easy to be injured. !!

Let you know more about your biceps and avoid tendinitis - DayDayNews

Physical changes after injury

1. After the biceps tendon is injured, it will be unable to provide effective span1_spantraction after the humerus retraction (span5) Run shoulder posture (run shoulder) , this posture is easy to cause the anterior pectoral muscle fibers to shorten and cause the humerus to twist forward and inward, and then produce non-traumatic symptoms of joint subluxation (ant . subluxation) dislocation caused by such a slight forward twist cannot be detected by any medical imaging, but the body's movements will cause compensatory imbalance and the risk of repeated injuries.

2, radius position change ,Patients with more severe biceps tendinitis will also accompany the proximal pain of the forearm, and sometimes it is easy to be diagnosed as golf elbow (golf elbow), because the long head of the biceps muscle will assist in the effective rotation of the forearm. Back movement, when injured, the surface of the muscle is prone to imbalance of calcium ions, causing the injured muscle to contract repeatedly, and then make the radius of the anterior dislocation relative to the palm surface. Such dislocation may cause the forearm and elbow to exert force. The situation of imbalance.

Let you know more about your biceps and avoid tendinitis - DayDayNews


biceps muscle tendon injuries are divided into the following four grades: _spans5span_ 1 span_ _span_ Pain (manifested as slight pain on the front edge of the shoulder joint or, the movement has not been restricted, but it will feel uncomfortable at the extreme angle).

second level: tendonitis Severe strain, accompanied by severe pain in the tissue (manifested as obvious pain around the shoulder joint, combined with pain and unsustainable force, at this time, angle exertion) It may be done, but the posture will appear abnormal or shrug posture).

Level 3: The muscle has structural injuries (severe lacerations), accompanied by intense pain and movement disorders.

Level 4: Tendon rupture : It is not painful, but there is no related movement function (loss of movement). It is recommended that surgery be repaired, and rehabilitation is recommended.

Frequently Asked Questions

Generally speaking, as long as the biceps tendon is injured before two levels, most of them will recover to about 80% in 4-6 weeks. Of course, if you cannot rest during repair, Recovery will be slower, and the recovery will be less ideal. Generally speaking, patients with biceps tendinitis have three things to avoid: 1. Lift heavy objects. 2. Repeated use of the arm. 3. Avoid pressure on the affected side while sleeping . Many people will ask a question, I have been rehabilitating my biceps tendon for half a year or 10 months, why is it still not good? Of course there are many reasons why the rehabilitation is not good (improper use and posture errors most often cause poor recovery) The most common clinically poor recovery is the sticking of soft tissues due to prolonged inflammation of the tissue, or the non-recovery feeling caused by tissue incomplete healing!

Professional treatment

biceps tendonitis When injured, the best treatment period is within two weeks. If you can get a professional and complete treatment within two weeks, the chance of recovery will be very great. However, most of the rehabilitation is given hot compresses and electrotherapy. The purpose of the treatment of the instrument is to relieve pain and improve circulation. For the adhered and damaged tissue, it is still necessary to give mechanical repair and improve the damaged state.

Let you know more about your biceps and avoid tendinitis - DayDayNews

Let you know more about your biceps and avoid tendinitis - DayDayNews


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