4 small methods of "leaning against the wall" practice of yoga forward bending, extreme stretching, feeling super strong

2021/10/1520:29:06 lose 1489

often practices yoga. There is a saying: " is good at practicing forward bending, ". This is enough to prove that practicing forward bending poses a lot of benefits for the body.

4 small methods of

So, today, I would like to recommend 4 simple ways to lean forward against the wall and get the ultimate stretch of the whole body. It’s super strong, you can practice it at home, let’s try it together:

Method 1:

4 small methods of

li span1 span1 span1 span

li span1 li span1 leaning against the wall
  • One shoulder width or half shoulder width from the wall
  • Separate the feet and hip width, inhale, extend the spine _li48 , Your hips against the wall
  • relax your head and neck,Bend your knees slightly
  • Try to bring the abdomen as close to the thighs as possible, and then straighten the knees
  • for 20-30 seconds 9

    4 small methods of

    • on the basis of method 1
    • 3 span lipan lipan _span _span _span _span 43 back to the wall
    • Extend the hips against the wall backwards and upwards
    • First bend your knees slightly and stretch your abdomen close to your thighs li li_span li _span li _span li _span li _span li48 relax head and neck,Extensible back
    • holding 5-8 respiratory

    Method 3:

    4 small methods of

    • facing the wall, from the wall
    • one-shoulder or half-shoulder distance
    • exhale, bend forward and keep your back against the wall with your hands on the wall stable
    • if possible, close to the wall feet
    • relax neck, hips rearwardly upwardly
    • 20-30 seconds

    Method 4:

    4 small methods of

    • mountain style standing facing the wall li43 _li48 open the feet slightly larger than the hips
    • inhale and lift both hands up above the head
    • hug each other's elbows,Exhale and bend forward down
    • Lean back against the wall and walk your feet slowly towards the wall
    • for 20-30 seconds
    • 9

      • If you can, bring your feet closer to the middle
      • Open the back as wide as your shoulders, or put your feet together as wide as your back _li4span _span _span1 To the wall
      • back and up, the legs are in a straight line and vertical cushion
      • for 20-30 seconds _ulli48li_ul85.
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