Tao Te Ching: All the grievances suffered in life will be exchanged for merit and virtue in another way

2020/04/2211:51:19 emotion 2246

Daodejing: All the grievances suffered in life will be fulfilled in another way.

In life, the most painful thing must not be the lack of material, but the torture of human nature disputes, such as 世道tresty, 人情不测 and so on.

In getting along with people, " people" is always the most difficult role to handle. , things are easy to do and difficult to handle, because where there are people, there are conflicts and conflicts. And pain stems from this.

Tao Te Ching: All the grievances suffered in life will be exchanged for merit and virtue in another way - DayDayNews

When we have conflicts and sufferings with others, the biggest problem is not the contradiction itself, but that we cannot hold the pain and grievance .

There is a problem in the subconsciousness of human nature: excessive rejection is not satisfactory.

According to the "Tao De Jing", what a person is evil is loneliness, widowness, and no grain, but the prince thinks that the old things may be lost for gain, or gains and losses.

The world hates Wolithality, loneliness, incompleteness , this is human nature, we always encounter contradictions and disputes when we get along with others, when we cannot accept grievances, we use resistance When facing these grievances emotionally, pain is born from this .

Tao Te Ching: All the grievances suffered in life will be exchanged for merit and virtue in another way - DayDayNews

And a person’s wisdom is willing to bear these pains, accept and nurture all the imperfections in life in his own way, even if there is a villain in your life, you can stand In the higher angle of view of , the existence of the villain is accommodated.

From another angle, all the grievances contained in life will be returned to you in another way , there is no unreasonable tolerance in this world, all tolerance will bring a better Your own self will also present another kind of peace.

Tao Te Ching: All the grievances suffered in life will be exchanged for merit and virtue in another way - DayDayNews

There is a passage in the "Sage Hug Yi" in the "Tao De Jing": If you don't see yourself, you know; if you don't see yourself, you can express yourself; So it has merit; it is not self-sufficient, so it is long. The husband does not fight, so the world cannot fight with him.

This passage means: not only by what you see, but can see clearly, not self-righteous, but admired, not boasting, but can see the merits, not arrogant, but long. It is precisely because does not compete with the world, so no one can compete with him. , how can the truth of Qu Zequan that the ancients say is empty talk? From the perspective of the law of the unity of opposites of dialectics, as long as it can be followed in good faith, this is the way of nature we often say.

Tao Te Ching: All the grievances suffered in life will be exchanged for merit and virtue in another way - DayDayNews

So, when you go to coping with life in the state of low profile , what life has given you must be the unexpected completeness .

And willing to endure grievances and unsatisfactory life is a kind of wisdom that conforms to the Tao.

Therefore, you must know withstand grievance , when you can survive what you think "suffering deep pit ", you will meet a very good life .

In the "Cai Gen Tan", it is said: The words say: "climbing is resistant to side roads, snow is resistant to dangerous bridges", the word "Nei" is very meaningful, such as perilous favors, rough worlds, if not one The word resistance supports the past, and the geometry does not fall into a pit?

Tao Te Ching: All the grievances suffered in life will be exchanged for merit and virtue in another way - DayDayNews

This sentence means: as the saying goes, “climbing must be able to withstand steep and difficult roads, and snow must withstand dangerous bridges”. The word "Nati" has a profound meaning, just like a sinister human relationship, a rough world, If you can't use a word "Nati" to support it, there will be almost no thorns.In the deep stream.

Tao Te Ching: All the grievances suffered in life will be exchanged for merit and virtue in another way - DayDayNews

In life, there is no one who does not experience grievances, just like people in the world, there is no one who does not fall into the world.

When encountering a chaotic world and a sinister human relationship, you must believe in the word "resistance", swallow this grievance, and move forward in the dark. God will definitely not let you down.

Tao Te Ching: All the grievances suffered in life will be exchanged for merit and virtue in another way - DayDayNews

Read the "Tao De Jing" Chinese learning wisdom, feel the ancient culture, experience a different world, and see a different life.

《德德经》 Although only more than 5000 words, the number of words is only the length of a preliminary paper, but it is Laozi一生智慧的晶.

The biggest advantage of studying Tao Te Ching is that you can reorganize your own way of thinking by and improve your leadership in life.

Anyone who takes life seriously should read the Tao Te Ching, "consistently", and everyone should be their own leader.

Reading the "Tao Te Ching" will give you better control and do the right thing at the right time of , don’t go against the sky, follow nature, your 人生不差!

Tao Te Ching: All the grievances suffered in life will be exchanged for merit and virtue in another way - DayDayNews

Although the Tao Te Ching has only more than 5,000 words, but because it is mostly in classical Chinese, it is short but the words are brilliant, so many people think it is very esoteric when they read it. With a dazed look.

Therefore, I sincerely recommend the fully-annotated and fully-translated version of "The Tao Te Ching" (hardcover version) that I am reading .

Tao Te Ching: All the grievances suffered in life will be exchanged for merit and virtue in another way - DayDayNews

text-to-white contrast, it is barrier-free to read, the language is also very fluent, it will not give people a sense of mechanical translation, and give people a comfortable sense of reading .

Because "The Tao Te Ching" is still a very classic verse , its words and sentences are all highly concentrated in the beauty of language, comparable to art,

Therefore, in morality While looking for great wisdom in the scriptures, don’t forget to read with your children to read , and feel the charm of Chinese culture together. By reading the Tao Te Ching, you can also let your children experience the Tao Te Ching. Language beauty , children can understand what is the stress of a sentence, etc., in the imperceptible cultivate children's interest in national studies .

Tao Te Ching: All the grievances suffered in life will be exchanged for merit and virtue in another way - DayDayNews

Ma Yunxingshang for decades, there are always several books in the work bag, these books will always be replaced, but is the only one "Tao De Jing" "always there.

马云 Once when I watched 《德德经》, I was suddenly excited and said: "Oh! I am reading Laozi, obviously Laozi is reading me, and he is reading To the deepest part of my heart .

Whether you buy it for yourself or your children, as long as you calm down and watch it, I believe it will have a positive impact on your life.

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