In a relationship, partners cannot tolerate betrayal from the other party. If there is no love between the couple in the marriage, they can choose to get together and break up. After all, it is really immoral to betray the family during marriage. Review of the incident: A woman b

2024/07/0122:20:32 emotion 1609

In relationships, partners cannot tolerate betrayal from the other party. If there is no love between the couple in the marriage, they can choose to get together and break up. After all, it is really immoral to betray the family during marriage.

Review of the incident: A woman betrayed her husband during marriage. After giving birth to a son with the man, she was abandoned by the man. Her current husband from the second marriage also questioned the identity of their child.

In a relationship, partners cannot tolerate betrayal from the other party. If there is no love between the couple in the marriage, they can choose to get together and break up. After all, it is really immoral to betray the family during marriage. Review of the incident: A woman b - DayDayNews

Speaking of Tang Fei, I feel a little sympathetic and hateful. I sympathize because she was abandoned as a woman; hateful because she also betrayed her own family, so I agree with the saying: every cause must have its effect.

When Wu Haibo and Tang Fei met, they both knew that both of them had families, and life was full of endless temptations. The two people came together like this, and then broke up the original family. We lived together as we wished.

Before Tang Fei divorced her ex-husband, Tang Fei was already pregnant with a child, and all this laid a fuse in Wu Haibo's heart. It was not until a year after his wife Tang Fei went out to work without saying a word that he broke out. of.

Who doesn’t know that the two of them broke up their original families and came together because they fell in love with each other. Who could have expected that they would get divorced now?

Wu Haibo said that he and Tang Fei once had a very deep relationship. Even now, he still feels that he can't let go of his wife Tang Fei. So if he can't let go, why does he want to divorce his wife Tang Fei?

In a relationship, partners cannot tolerate betrayal from the other party. If there is no love between the couple in the marriage, they can choose to get together and break up. After all, it is really immoral to betray the family during marriage. Review of the incident: A woman b - DayDayNews

We were really puzzled. Later he said frankly that it was all because his wife left without saying goodbye and went out to work without leaving a word. He also left a child for him to take care of. At that time, he really couldn't figure out why his wife seemed to be a different person.

No matter how Wu Haibo called his wife Tang Fei's number, she never answered. Three months later, when Tang Fei returned home, Wu Haibo told him that he could not take care of the child, and that after Tang Fei left, he would not be alone. People stay.

Wu Haibo's words had reached this point, but Tang Fei still didn't take Wu Haibo's words to heart and insisted on what she wanted to do.

all know that rural people gossip a lot, and it is normal to have rumors. The most talked about thing Wu Haibo heard from others was that the daughter he had with Tang Fei was not his biological child. Therefore, Wu Haibo was very resistant to them on this matter. children.

In the rumors among the villagers, it was okay to say that the child was not his biological child. They also said that Wu Haibo helped Tang Fei's ex-husband raise the child, which made Wu Haibo even more angry. A dignified man, being said like this by others, felt in his heart All pimples.

In a relationship, partners cannot tolerate betrayal from the other party. If there is no love between the couple in the marriage, they can choose to get together and break up. After all, it is really immoral to betray the family during marriage. Review of the incident: A woman b - DayDayNews

In all this, only Tang Fei, as the mother of the child, knows better who is the biological father of the child, but Tang Fei also answered frankly: She doesn't know.

Tang Fei's answer made Wu Haibo unable to accept the child anymore, so Tang Fei boldly went to her ex-husband and asked her to raise the child. In the end, her ex-husband refused because he had no conditions to raise the child.

Wu Haibo is actually a very troubled person in his heart. He said that he still can't let go of his feelings for Tang Fei, but he is also very concerned about the identity of his child, so he has been deliberately alienating her.

But the way adults solve problems cannot be determined by guesswork. Now that the matter is over, you might as well do a paternity test , and everything will be clear.

When the results came out and proved that the child was Wu Haibo, Tang Fei decided to sign the divorce agreement because Shi Haibo had betrayed her while she was working outside, and although Shi Haibo was reluctant to let go of this relationship, But he was unwilling to bow his head and admit his mistake.

In a relationship, partners cannot tolerate betrayal from the other party. If there is no love between the couple in the marriage, they can choose to get together and break up. After all, it is really immoral to betray the family during marriage. Review of the incident: A woman b - DayDayNews

Xiaoyan’s point of view

As a man, Wu Haibo should treat the rumors calmly and deal with them calmly when faced with the rumors from the villagers. Adults should handle things with caution rather than recklessness and guesswork.

When it comes to adults' emotional problems, the most innocent ones are children. When the child's identity is questioned, Wu Haibo should provide strong evidence to shut up those who like to talk nonsense.

But like others, he blindly speculated and became resistant to the child. Wu Haibo was really confused.

In this matter, Tang Fei has the main responsibility that she cannot shirk. As someone else's wife, she and Wu Haibo should be in the same community. If she wants to go out to work and make money, she can discuss it with her husband.

But Tang Fei did not discuss or explain, which caused a series of problems. As a mother, you should be responsible for the child you give birth to and give her a healthy growth environment.

hopes that before they do anything in the future, they will consider the cause and effect of the matter, be a responsible person, and be a pair of qualified parents, so that their children can feel loved and cared for in their future growth. .

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