Text/Xi Yue Photo/Internet There is a foreign movie "How to Become a Latin Lover". It is a comedy about a tall and handsome man who is determined to be a soft rice in his life. His life is full of twists and turns, and he finally succeeds in eating a soft rice. The story is told

2024/07/0104:05:33 emotion 1678

Text/Xi Yue Picture/Network

There is a foreign movie "How Became a Latin Lover ". It is about a tall and handsome man who is determined to eat soft rice in his life. His life is full of twists and turns, and he finally succeeds in eating soft rice. .

The story is told in the form of a comedy, with constant jokes. But in fact, in real life, men who eat soft food are not popular with people. This is also very detrimental to a man's dignity and majesty. However, the same rice feeds all kinds of people. Some people are diligent and hard-working, while others are not ashamed to eat soft food.

Grandma Ye Zi’s son-in-law is a man who lives a soft life and relies entirely on Grandma Ye Zi’s daughter. The son-in-law acts like a young man every day, sleeping in, playing games, and occasionally spending time with the children.

Mother-in-law Ye Zi was very dissatisfied with her son-in-law and felt that it was not worthwhile for her daughter. However, she was also afraid that they would get divorced, which was extremely contradictory.

Text/Xi Yue Photo/Internet There is a foreign movie


Grandma Yezi has only one daughter. Although her daughter is an only child, she is not spoiled. On the contrary, she is very capable and is also a good hand in business.

Because my daughter is a strong woman and she gave birth to an autistic son, the autistic son needs someone to take care of him every day. Therefore, after the couple discussed it, the son-in-law quit his job and took care of him full time at home. Got a baby.

When her daughter told her that her son-in-law was resigning, Grandma Ye was not very happy. Grandma Ye was of an older generation and believed that men should be the pillars of a family, rather than women leading the charge.

However, no matter how unhappy Grandma Ye was, she could not bear to say anything. After all, this was a matter between her daughter and her husband. Although she was an elder, she could not interfere too much.

Text/Xi Yue Photo/Internet There is a foreign movie

However, the son-in-law not only has no fighting spirit in life, but is also lazy. Since resigning and staying at home, he has been able to take care of his children at home with peace of mind. He has never thought of doing anything else and relies entirely on Grandma Ye Ye's daughter.

Mother-in-law Ye Zi’s daughter goes out early and comes home late every day, working hard to make money. The son-in-law sleeps until he wakes up naturally every day, and even sending his son to school in the morning is done by Grandma Ye. Grandma Yezi does not live with her daughter and son-in-law. Every morning at 8 o'clock, Grandma Yezi buys breakfast and comes to pick up her children from school. After school, she sends her children home. By this time, her son-in-law has already gotten up and is playing games at home. When

resigned, he agreed that the company and education of his grandson would be handed over to his son-in-law. However, only half a year later, the son-in-law complained that he was tired and said that it was too tiring to take care of the child alone. The daughter had no choice but to ask her mother to come and help in the morning. .

Another thing that makes Grandma Ye Zi feel even more uncomfortable is that the cars at home are all used by her son-in-law. When the son-in-law sleeps in in the morning, the cars are placed in the garage. Grandma Ye Zi's daughter uses an electric car to get to get off work instead.

Text/Xi Yue Photo/Internet There is a foreign movie

Not only that, the son-in-law does not have much patience with his autistic son. Most of the time, he lets him play by himself while he looks at his mobile phone.

Because of all these, Grandma Yezi became more and more dissatisfied with her son-in-law. When he resigned, Grandma Yezi was not happy, but she also understood that her autistic grandson needed someone to accompany her, so she said nothing.

However, in the past three years since her son-in-law resigned, what he did made Granny Ye Ye feel very sorry for her daughter, and it was not worth it to take care of her daughter. However, no matter how dissatisfied she was with her son-in-law, Granny Ye never thought of divorcing her daughter. After all, it was very difficult for a woman to raise an autistic son.

Text/Xi Yue Photo/Internet There is a foreign movie

Sentiment Analysis

Mother-in-law Ye Zi is not worth it for her daughter because she feels that her daughter has paid too much and her son-in-law has paid too little.

In fact, Ye Zi’s mother-in-law’s mentality is very similar to that of mothers-in-law. Many mothers-in-law can’t stand their daughters-in-law who take care of their children at home and don’t work. They think that they rely on their sons to enjoy happiness, eat well, are lazy, and only reach out for money.

The truth is the same, people's hearts are the same, they are all biased, they are biased towards the people they care about, and they are biased towards the people who are important to them. Mother-in-law Ye Zi saw all her shortcomings when she looked at her son-in-law. The main reason was that her son-in-law had no job and made no money. He relied on his wife for everything and was living a soft life.

Mother-in-laws can't bear to see their daughters-in-law not working. The main reason is that the daughter-in-law doesn't make any money and relies on her husband for everything, palms up.

all say that you can only see the goodness of a person by looking at his strengths. Mother-in-laws should correctly view their contribution to the family when looking at their daughters-in-law. Without them at home to take care of the children, educate the children, and do housework, men would not be able to stay at home. To work with peace of mind, wives have to pay, but they pay in different ways.

Text/Xi Yue Photo/Internet There is a foreign movie

Grandma Ye’s son-in-law also contributed. If he didn’t quit his job and take care of the children at home, how could Grandma Ye’s daughter be able to work hard and make money outside with peace of mind.

Anyone who has raised an autistic child knows that it is very difficult to raise an autistic child. Some people have even said that they would rather raise three normal children than one child with a problem.

Just like Grandma Ye Zi said at the end, if her daughter really gets divorced, how will a woman with an autistic child go out to work, and how can she live a good life?

Therefore, when looking at people and things, you cannot just look at one aspect, but look, wait and consider from multiple aspects.

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