"After a man cheated on me, I tried every means to get him to break up with the third party, but he didn't listen at all. When I decided to give up, he knelt down and begged me to forgive him. Do you think I should be soft-hearted? "This is a question raised by student Ms. Liu (p

2024/06/3017:55:32 emotion 1847

"After a man cheated on me, I tried every means to get him to break up with the third party, but he didn't listen at all. When I decided to give up, he knelt down and begged me to forgive him. Do you think I should? Are you soft-hearted? "

This is a question raised by student Ms. Liu (pseudonym).

She suffers from the fact that men have to change. She wants to forgive but feels something is wrong, and she cannot harden her heart to forgive, so she has been in a state of hesitation, which is very annoying.

In fact, a man’s sudden desire to return may not be sincere.

First, he may be worried that you will divorce in anger, so he did this in order to preserve the interests of the marriage;

Second, he is tired of the third party, but he can't bear to break up, so he wants to run away from each other.

In this situation, if the first wife really foolishly trusts that he has really changed his ways, then he will soon find out that he is a clown.

Therefore, you can forgive if you want, but you must make him really change his bad habit of cheating, otherwise forgiveness will be useless!

Today, I will take Ms. Liu’s case as a typical example and tell you how can solve the problem of those cheating men who fake return.

Let’s first take a look at what Ms. Liu encountered.

"I have been married to a man for 11 years. We met on a blind date, but after the initial contact, I just wanted to try dating first. As we talked, I felt that it was not a good fit. If you want to break up, did not expect me. I was young and ignorant at that time and didn't know what to think, so I got pregnant before we were married. I had no choice but to get married.

We had conflicts before marriage, not to mention all the little things like salt and vinegar tea after marriage. We often quarreled. But maybe as a woman, I have a soft heart. I think that since we are married and have children, we should overcome these problems. I didn’t expect that men would really cheat.

Many of my friends reminded me, Recently, men don’t stay at home very much, and they have suddenly increased their social activities, which makes me pay attention. However, I don’t think that a man who has been in love for so many years will do so many things. My mother was sick a while ago, and he drove her everywhere to see the doctor. She also accompanied her.

She didn't look like she would betray her family.

But my fantasy was shattered after the third party came to my door. In the chat history provided by the third party, I clearly saw that she was usually indifferent to me. The man is so gentle and considerate towards the third party.

To be honest, I really want a divorce, but I still have expectations for the man, so I will definitely forgive him, as long as he breaks up with the third party, I didn’t expect the man. The attitude is very vague . It doesn't mention breaking up or divorce. It keeps delaying. The only change is to hand in the salary card.

But I often read the teacher's articles and know that even if I have the money in my hand, I can't. Let the extramarital affair develop, otherwise the day when the third party is ready to take over will be the day I suffer. So I carefully observed the dynamics between the man and the third party and found that the man really wanted to start a threesome marriage.

I really didn’t want to. I knew what to do. My friend came to see me and asked me to get divorced before I left. I was so excited that I said yes. It happened that the man who had just returned home heard me.

From that day on, he became uncharacteristic and suddenly started to repay his favor automatically. Itinerary, and said that he would definitely break up with the third party, and cried and begged me to forgive her. I really wanted to get back together with him again.

But after my initial conversation with the teacher, I realized that the man was just hitting him. For those little calculations, he is the general manager of a listed company, and his boss is a divorced woman who is very concerned about the emotional problems of male employees. That day, my friend asked me to bring the matter to his company, and he probably heard it

. He didn't want to divorce because he couldn't bear to part with his children and the property that was about to be divided.

So I am at a loss now. How should I solve such an extramarital affair and such a difficult man? ”

First analyze the situation:

01. The reason why Ms. Liu’s extramarital affair is so stalemate and men play so many tricks is because she is too easy to bully and she never showed an attitude that made men afraid from the beginning.

Therefore, the man's attitude was vague at first, because he knew that Ms. Liu would not do anything and could not do anything. He was testing Ms. Liu. When he found out that Ms. Liu had the idea of ​​​​divorcing, but was not firm about it. At that time, he asked for forgiveness because he wanted to tease Ms. Liu's softness.

As long as Ms. Liu agreed, soon the patience of his friends would be exhausted and her edges would be worn away, and the man would definitely still be with the third party.

02. Ms. Liu should break her own fantasy now, break the man's fantasy, and let the man realize that there is a price for his cheating, and he should make a decision about whether to divorce. But from Liu It can be seen from the woman's attitude that she does not want to divorce, but this does not mean that she cannot confront the man directly.

Because men are more worried about divorce.

Next, we will formulate and implement the plan according to the analysis:

. In the first step,

the man was still acting and said that he wanted to break up with the third party. Ms. Liu pretended not to believe it and asked the man to break up with the third party in front of her. There was no way to avoid divorce, so the man had no choice but to agree. He asked the third party out and said harsh words in front of Ms. Liu.

Ms. Liu even went up and slapped the third party. The third party held back, but she would definitely make trouble with the man behind his back.

In the second step, when the man can't help coaxing the third party behind his back, Ms. Liu increases her efforts to express that she cannot see the man's sincerity, and repeatedly asks the man to be more cruel.

Once the man expresses his disagreement, Ms. Liu pretended to be worried and had no choice. In order to gain Ms. Liu's trust, the man made a lot of drama with the third party. The conflicts between them began to get bigger and bigger. The third party began to sabotage the plan secretly, hoping that the man I really broke up with Ms. Liu.

In the third step, Ms. Liu poked the man in front of the third party’s small actions and started to lead the two people to fight each other. In the end, the man really got into trouble with the third party and had to break up.

Finally, Su Yue wants to say that as long as a man cheats, no matter how soft-hearted you are, you must deal with the matter in time, otherwise you will definitely regret it!

Instead of believing a man's lies, it is better to arrange a plan like Ms. Liu to expel the third party, and then take advantage of the man's weakness to get what he wants in his hands, such as marital property, children, the trust of parents-in-law, etc.

If you really don’t know whether you should divorce, whether the man is lying, or how to save the marriage, you can directly follow Su Yue and chat privately about your situation.

I am Su Yue, I will solve your marital crisis!

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