Usually we regard starting a family and starting a business as a kind of perfection in life. The master of the family must first complete the marriage between the two people. Everyone has personal privacy. When privacy becomes a reef that affects family harmony, how should we dea

2024/07/0111:50:32 emotion 1554

Usually we regard starting a family and starting a business as a kind of perfection in life. The masters of the family must first complete the marriage between the two people. Everyone has personal privacy. When privacy becomes a reef that affects family harmony, how should we deal with personal freedom and rights. Marriage is very fragile, and not many people seem to like to divorce casually. After all, marriage involves many things between the two families. Any strong personal consciousness of any protagonist, or a misunderstanding that they think is trivial, will become the trigger for the fragmentation of marriage and family, making each other physically and mentally exhausted. From the original intimate partners, they become bitter enemies, and the marriage ends. But it opened the curtain of resentment.

Usually we regard starting a family and starting a business as a kind of perfection in life. The master of the family must first complete the marriage between the two people. Everyone has personal privacy. When privacy becomes a reef that affects family harmony, how should we dea - DayDayNews

Xiaoyu and Tongtong are two of my colleagues in Weifang, and they are also very good friends. In August 2020, I left Weifang. At the end of last year, Tongtong suddenly sent me a WeChat message: I am no longer here, and I have no one to care for me! After some understanding, I found out that Tongtong’s mother had passed away. I said, why are you so pessimistic? I will eventually leave, but there are still Xiaoyu, sons and daughters. How can I say that no one will love her? ! The next night, Tongtong made another audio call to me and recounted her pain with a bit of sobs: Xiaoyu was just like a pimple, and he rarely talked to her all day long unless asked. Since her marriage, she has devoted a lot to this family and endured a lot of hardships. Xiaoyu has never asked for help; he is even nicer to her cell phone than to her. When my children go to school, I have to deal with all human relations by myself. I am almost fifty and have no social skills at all. I was not given any salary in the past two years. I had to figure out all the expenses for my family by myself, and now I still owe tens of thousands in debt. She suspected that Xiaoyu's salary was given to other women behind her back. As he spoke, he started to cry again.

I asked Tongtong, what kind of combination

Usually we regard starting a family and starting a business as a kind of perfection in life. The master of the family must first complete the marriage between the two people. Everyone has personal privacy. When privacy becomes a reef that affects family harmony, how should we dea - DayDayNews

was at the beginning, what did you want from him, and what advantages did you see in him. She said that when we go to work together, our work has always been solid. Although she doesn't use rhetoric, she is very down-to-earth in dealing with people, not lazy, and is a pretty good-looking person. I had no choice but to comfort her and say, that's it. Everyone who knows Xiaoyu knows that Xiaoyu is reticent and taciturn. It doesn't mean that she talks sweetly to others and is indifferent to you. If he looks at pretty beauties every day and makes his wife happy every day, do you think you can protect him? When you work for a company, you should know how much your salary will be, how much will be deducted from your insurance, how much will your loan repayment be, and whether you can default on it. Should your car be refueled and maintained, should you buy insurance, should Xiaoyu pay for your phone bill, should you participate in the courtesy exchanges between colleagues... Gradually, Tongtong stopped crying and thought about these issues silently. Finally, from the tone of her speech, I could feel that her heart had become much more open and she was no longer so depressed.

Usually we regard starting a family and starting a business as a kind of perfection in life. The master of the family must first complete the marriage between the two people. Everyone has personal privacy. When privacy becomes a reef that affects family harmony, how should we dea - DayDayNews

Some time ago, I heard about Xiao Guo again. Xiao Guo is the son of a neighbor in my hometown. In 2008, he graduated from junior high school and went to Weifang with me. I met Xiao Jiang from Taian at work. In fact, the two areas are not far apart. Two lively and enthusiastic young people fell in love not long after they met. They overcame various family and other difficulties and entered the palace of marriage. They all thought that the two of them, a talented man and a beautiful woman, were definitely a rare good match. But around the Mid-Autumn Festival last year, Xiao Jiang started to look at her mobile phone mysteriously. If Xiao Guo looked at her mobile phone without her permission, she would immediately turn against Xiao Guo and resent him for invading her personal privacy. Sometimes I have to wrap my phone in a plastic bag and take it with me when I take a shower.

Although Xiao Guo feels that something is very wrong, he cannot put a shit basin on his head without any basis or basis. Later, I also heard some rumors, and Xiao Guo didn't want to believe them. But thinking about my wife's recent behavior, I felt guilty. One day before the National Day holiday, when Xiao Jiang went to work in the morning, he told Xiao Guo that a fellow in the workshop missed the bus when he came back from his hometown. She would work a consecutive shift to cover for her, and he would live in an apartment at night and go to work tomorrow. This kind of thing happens often in the workshop, and Xiao Guo didn't pay attention. When Xiao Jiang didn't come back, one of Xiao Guo's buddies asked him to go out to make skewers, so they went to a snack street in the city together.At about ten o'clock at night, Xiao Guo saw two electric cars waiting for a traffic light at an intersection in the distance. On one electric car, the man did not recognize him, but the person in the back seat was his wife, Xiao Jiang. While the two were waiting at the traffic light, they hugged the man's waist tightly. The man put his left hand on his wife's leg and seemed to be caressing her. The wife just pushed the man's left hand away as if she was flirting. Xiao Guo was shocked by the closeness between the two. He couldn't get angry in front of his friend, so he hid aside and recorded the video on the pretext of going to the toilet. After Xiaojiang got off work the next day, Xiaoguo asked about what happened last night. Xiaojiang was very sincere and said that she went to work after eight o'clock after her hometown came back. Her colleagues in the workshop invited her out for a supper, so it was because she didn't ride an electric bike. Did you take a colleague’s electric car? "Is it just that you took a male colleague's electric car? Why didn't you hug me tightly when you were riding in my electric car? Then why did he put his hand on your leg so naturally?" Xiao Guo angrily scolded Xiao Jiang. , open the phone and display the video at that time. When Xiao Jiang watched the video, his face turned red and white, but he still emphasized that he was just a colleague with whom he had a close relationship. He refused to admit that he deliberately hugged his male colleague tightly because he was afraid of falling when the electric car started. As for the colleague's hand, it was nothing more than a pat on her leg to remind her that the light was about to turn green and to pay attention to her safety. Didn't she push it away? Isn't it just a small misunderstanding? Is it necessary to make such a fuss? It seems that Xiao Jiang himself is also sticking to the bottom line of marriage. Xiao Guo didn't listen to Xiao Jiang's excuse and told all the rumors he heard. Xiao Jiang said that he heard the wind and it was rain. The two of them broke up in a quarrel with no result. In this matter, Xiao Guo could not bite Xiao Jiang for betraying his marriage and family. It happened to be a book, with rumors and witnesses, but he could not convince himself to forgive Xiao Jiang.

Usually we regard starting a family and starting a business as a kind of perfection in life. The master of the family must first complete the marriage between the two people. Everyone has personal privacy. When privacy becomes a reef that affects family harmony, how should we dea - DayDayNews

The true meaning of life is the symphony of pots and pans, and plainness is the truth. Marriage is like the practice of an eminent monk. You need to be able to withstand loneliness. Every trampling you do in marriage will be repaid, and of course every effort will be rewarded.

On the stage of marriage, every hero and heroine should take care of themselves to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and cause regrettable harm to their marriage and family!

Usually we regard starting a family and starting a business as a kind of perfection in life. The master of the family must first complete the marriage between the two people. Everyone has personal privacy. When privacy becomes a reef that affects family harmony, how should we dea - DayDayNews

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