I was feeling particularly depressed last night. I was walking alone by the river when I met a man smoking a cigarette. Make eye contact and smile politely as a greeting. "Want a cigarette? I see you're not in a good mood!" He took out a cigarette and handed it to me! I had quit

2024/06/3011:03:32 emotion 1597

I was in a very depressed mood last night. I was walking alone by the river when I met a man smoking a cigarette. Make eye contact and smile politely as a greeting.

"Want a cigarette? I see you're not in a good mood!" He took out a cigarette and handed it to me!

I have quit smoking for a long time, but now I took the cigarette he handed me and started smoking greedily!

The man in front of me is only 24 years old, not married yet, looks a little anxious, and looks almost old. Maybe I needed to talk too much. As soon as I lit the cigarette he handed me, he couldn't wait to tell me about his love history:

I planned to get married this year, but it didn't happen. I brought a girl back half a year ago. I was very good to her, and our whole family was very good to her. I will buy her whatever she wants, food, drink and fun. No matter what she wants, as long as she says it, I can do it for her.

She wants to eat oranges, okay, we will buy them; she wants to eat apples, okay, we will buy them. There are all kinds of meats in the refrigerator. What kind of wine she wants to drink, red, white, beer, we move the boxes home.

She wants to go play, amusement park, ecological park, KTV... No matter what kind of project, as long as she likes it, I will satisfy her. Whether it's a holiday or her birthday, I will prepare gifts and surprises for her...

Whatever clothes she likes, as long as she likes them, I will buy them for her. I have changed a lot for her. I didn’t cook before, but for her, I learned to cook. I listen to the songs she likes to listen to, and I do the things she likes to do. I do all the housework. We are a man, so much. It doesn't matter if you do something. Every time she lost her temper at me, I endured it silently, and in the end I smiled to make her happy.

We have a house in the city and a house in the countryside. If she wants to live in the countryside, she can live in the countryside; if she wants to live in the city, she can live in the city. We don't want to do anything, we just want to live a good life with her. We won't let her do any work, as long as she eats, drinks and has fun. Even if she has a child, she won't be allowed to take care of it. My parents can take care of their children even when they are young. I give her 4,000 yuan of my monthly salary of 5,000 yuan, and I only keep some for daily entertainment.

We need a betrothal gift for marriage. They are 180,000 yuan and we are 200,000 yuan. No problem! It's okay for us to buy another car. Do you know how funny the reason she gave me for breaking up was? She said she'd never liked me and oh my god that's hilarious you know? He has never liked me, and yet he has been with me for half a year... I feel really chilled! In this era, is there no love? I have finally seen through it all, love and love are all bullshit... I am really hurt. I don’t want to fall in love or get married anymore. I am too tired. This 24-year-old young man was very emotional and burst into tears.

I talked with this young man for more than two hours, basically he was talking and I was listening. I just try to comfort him occasionally, but in fact, what he is talking about is more than just himself? He said: Why can't a man who wants to live his life meet a woman who wants to live his life? Why do you have to turn a good man into a scumbag to feel comfortable?

Yes, when some women are still complaining that there is no good man in the world, have you ever thought about whether you have ever met a good man? How do you treat the man you meet? Is it all the man's fault?

Family members, is there really no love in this era?

I was feeling particularly depressed last night. I was walking alone by the river when I met a man smoking a cigarette. Make eye contact and smile politely as a greeting.

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