A person will always meet many people in this life. The Buddha said that looking back five hundred times in the past life in exchange for passing by one in this life and meeting a close friend are the fate of us returning to the same person thousands of times in the past life.

2024/07/0223:20:41 emotion 1690

Lu Xun said: "Friendship is two hearts treating each other sincerely, rather than one heart beating another heart."

People will always meet many people in this life. The Buddha said that looking back five hundred times in the past life, In exchange for passing by each other once in this life, we have to meet a close friend. It is our fate that we have returned to visit our hometown thousands of times in previous lives.

Whether that friend cares about you and likes you from the bottom of her heart, you can tell whether this person is worthy of deep friendship from how she treats you.

1. A friend who is willing to talk to you and listen to you

Talking is a way for people to communicate. Through talking, we can understand what difficulties the other party has encountered and their attitude towards things.

A person will always meet many people in this life. The Buddha said that looking back five hundred times in the past life in exchange for passing by one in this life and meeting a close friend are the fate of us returning to the same person thousands of times in the past life. - DayDayNews

Similarly, the person who is willing to confide in you is the one who truly regards you as her friend. Only then is he willing to confide in you. At this time, we must not reject each other. No matter how busy we are, we should listen to our friends' thoughts. Even just a few words of comfort can give her great encouragement.

A person will always meet many people in this life. The Buddha said that looking back five hundred times in the past life in exchange for passing by one in this life and meeting a close friend are the fate of us returning to the same person thousands of times in the past life. - DayDayNews

I have a friend. When we first met, she had low self-esteem, was introverted and anxious. She was the kind of student who studied twice as hard as others but whose academic results were not very significant. Her temper was not very good and her popularity was not good. And I am the kind of person who has good academic performance and can get along with everyone.

Later, she got to know me because of the problem and applied to share a dormitory with me. That semester, our study tasks were relatively heavy. In addition to seven cultural courses to study, there were also six or seven art classes to study, including dance, calligraphy, art, piano, vocal music, and oral English.

Sometimes when she was under great pressure, she would talk to me on the balcony outside the dormitory after taking a shower at night, and we would often chat until twelve o'clock. The lights out time in the dormitory is ten o'clock, so we will somewhat affect other roommates in the dormitory. But when she needs it, I will still go out and listen to her. After listening, I will put forward some of my own opinions and share some learning methods.

A person will always meet many people in this life. The Buddha said that looking back five hundred times in the past life in exchange for passing by one in this life and meeting a close friend are the fate of us returning to the same person thousands of times in the past life. - DayDayNews

I used to be a person who didnโ€™t like to talk to people about my true feelings, but when I see someone who believes in you so much and is willing to communicate with you, I will often share my joy with her and complain about some annoying things.

That time of talking under the moonlight is a beautiful memory of my student days.

2. Friends who are willing to help you when you are in trouble

Haruki Murakami said: "You should remember the person who holds an umbrella for you in the heavy rain, who helps you block foreign objects, and the person who silently hugs you in the dark. You laugh and chat with you all night long. "

You will encounter many ups and downs in life. When you are in trouble, you are willing to help you and don't mind your embarrassment, but still lend a helping hand to you. Such people are worthy of gratitude.

In 1977, when the Hong Kong property market was at its best, Cheung Weijian invested all of his fortune in the property market. However, God failed to fulfill his wish. Not long after, Hong Kong's property market plummeted, and Cheung Weijian lost all his money.

not only went bankrupt as a result, but also owed a huge debt. His girlfriend who had been in love for many years also left him. Just when he was desperate, Andy Lau found him.

wrote him a check as the owner of a brokerage company, and also provided him with many acting opportunities, helping him get through the most difficult moments in his life.

Andy Lau said to him: "Teach others what you learn, and give people what you earn!"

Later, Zhang Weijian said gratefully: "Without Andy Lau, I would not be where I am now."

A person will always meet many people in this life. The Buddha said that looking back five hundred times in the past life in exchange for passing by one in this life and meeting a close friend are the fate of us returning to the same person thousands of times in the past life. - DayDayNews

3. Always smile at you My friend

's smile is the power to heal misfortune, it is the soft breeze blowing on the face in March, it is a ray of sunshine in the cold winter, it is the clear stream slowly flowing through the dry stream, and it is the wild grass growing desperately in the desolation.

A friend who is willing to smile at you often is because she likes you from the bottom of her heart and is filled with joy when she sees you. I am honored that I have met such a friend.

On the contrary, if a person always treats you with a serious smile or a frown, then you will not be happy in your heart, and sometimes you will feel that you have done something wrong.

My friend is like Tang Yixin , with two sweet pear dimples and curved eyebrows. When she smiles, the world becomes brighter!

A person will always meet many people in this life. The Buddha said that looking back five hundred times in the past life in exchange for passing by one in this life and meeting a close friend are the fate of us returning to the same person thousands of times in the past life. - DayDayNews

Later, I asked her why she always smiled when she saw me. She said she thought I looked cute, my face was round like her favorite giant panda, and my movements looked like emoticons.

This also makes me dumbfounded. I am very thin, but my face is very fleshy. I donโ€™t really like my appearance. But she especially likes me like this. Almost every day I can hear her smiling and saying, "Why are you so cute?", "Come here, my panda Zai Zai", and "Your eyebrows look like little gray ones, so cute!". How can anyone be unhappy hearing these words every day?

"Some of us like ordinary people, some like people who are shiny but not dazzling, and some like people who are dazzling... But occasionally we will meet people who are as gorgeous as a rainbow. At this time, No one else can compare with him."

People are like rainbows, and you will know when you meet them. Maybe we are in a hurry in this life, but if we can meet a close friend in this short life, it is a blessing in life!

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