01 As the saying goes: "You only lower your head to pull the cart, but don't raise your head to look at the road." The real poor often cannot observe changes in the people and things around them in their lives and work, and often fall into the situation of "a blind man's race". A

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As the saying goes: "You only lower your head to pull the cart, but don't raise your head to look at the road."

The real poor often cannot observe the changes in people and things around them in life and work, and often fall into the situation of "a blind man's race".

As long as there is a target ahead, they will lower their heads and work hard, just rushing forward on their own, but they do not see that due to their ignorance and recklessness, they splash dust and mud on others.

Even if they find out, they don't take it seriously because they "just lower their heads to pull the cart and don't raise their heads to look at the road."

Therefore, people must have strategies, and your efforts will be rewarded. This article is based on Guiguzi thoughts As the center, three life suggestions are put forward.

01 As the saying goes:


The first suggestion is to master the skill by mastering the emotion.

means that you must first obtain information and then think about countermeasures.

The ancients said: "Know yourself and the enemy, and you will never be defeated in a hundred battles."

In fact, on the career path, you should know more about you and me.

For example, if you want to open a milk tea shop locally, but if you open a milk tea shop rashly without doing research, you will inevitably bear the risk of overturning.

Because there are a lot of local milk tea shops, and you have opened a new milk tea shop, this will undoubtedly lead to a loss of money.

Therefore, the collection of intelligence is very important. Without intelligence, all your efforts will be zero.

If you want to succeed, you must choose the right direction. Only by choosing the right direction can you give full play to your strengths and preferences.

If you choose the wrong direction, the harder you work, the further away you will be from the goal of success.

So, a person's thinking, cognition and vision are very important. Be sure to choose the right platform that suits you, and choose the right people who resonate with you to move forward together.

Remember, if you go in the right direction, your efforts will be rewarded.

01 As the saying goes:


The second suggestion is to follow the trend of the times.

Lei Jun said something in the book "Go with the Trend": "I realized that people cannot push stones up the mountain. This will be very tiring, and they will be hit by stones rolling down the mountain at any time. Go on. "

Efforts are important, but if you choose the wrong direction, you will get half the result with half the effort.

Guiguzi said: " If a general wants to make changes, he must first cultivate his will and subdue his mind to see. Those who know how solid they are are nourishing themselves. Those who let themselves be nourished are also nourishing others. Therefore, the existence of gods and the destruction of soldiers are due to the situation. .

According to today’s meaning, if you want to do something, you must first assess the situation, and before the time is ripe, you must first hide your light, cultivate your character, and sharpen your will. When the time comes, strike decisively, follow the trend, and success is expected.

In fact, the biggest crisis is when a person cannot assess the situation.

If you don't see the situation clearly, you will easily make the same mistake again and again, and all your efforts will be in vain.

Therefore, you must follow the trend of the times, work in the right industry, and work hard in the right industry to make it easier to succeed.

01 As the saying goes:


The third suggestion is to know how to advance and retreat.

Remember, impermanence is the nature of things, and you must know how to go with the flow in life.

Guiguzi said: "Observe the opening and closing of yin and yang to name things, know the door of survival and death, plan the end and beginning of all kinds of things, understand the principles of people's hearts, see the changes in me, and guard the door. "

This sentence The meaning of the words is: by observing the changes of yin and yang phenomena, we can make preliminary judgments about things and further understand the key factors for the survival of things.

can be summed up in one sentence: Observe the situation first and understand the principles of advance and retreat before taking action.

Zeng Guofan also once said: "The way of heaven prohibits surplus."

Nothing should be too full, nor should we demand perfection or perfection, because it will inevitably attract foreign troubles.

A person who knows how to give in will have a bright future, because he can bend and stretch, does not care about gains and losses, and is not so greedy.

Remember, you must retreat when it is time to retreat, because at any stage, you cannot have your cake and eat it too.

01 As the saying goes:

Mencius said: " You can't have your cake and eat it too. "

You can have both, but the final result is often nothing.

We have all had this experience when we went to the beach:

It is impossible to grab a handful of sand. Put the sand in your hand, and the tighter you hold it, the faster the sand will drain away. But if you open your hand, it will be superfluous. The sand flows away, and the rest stays firmly in the palm of your hand.

Therefore, it is easier to succeed if you can see the form clearly and know how to advance and retreat.

01 As the saying goes:


You must not be too simple as a person. You would rather keep your worries in your stomach than say them casually.

Things on your mind are your own secrets and should only be kept to yourself. Never let things go unchecked and become a handle for others to blackmail you. That's simply too much, and it's terrible.

Ordinary people have a common problem: they can't keep their worries in their stomachs, and they always want to talk to someone if they have a little bit of joy, anger, sorrow, or joy;

What's worse, they don't care about the time, the person, or the occasion, no matter who they meet. They all take their worries outside.

In fact, it’s not that you can’t say it, but it depends on the person.

As Gui Guzi said, "Follow the trend."

A person's speech requires a clear understanding of the situation. You cannot be blinded and speak bluntly, otherwise you will be the next one to be ruined.

I wish you and I could be more sophisticated and cautious in our words and deeds.

I hope you and I know how to advance and retreat, and understand gains and losses.

Friends who feel benefited from reading it can follow me, like, forward and comment.

Author: Xinyue Culture 95

picture materials are all from the Internet.

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