Accept it calmly! Supporting parents is the responsibility and obligation of children, and you cannot escape it. At the same time, your parents’ responsibility to support you ends at the age of 18, and no longer exists when you become an adult! Therefore, it is their extra contri

2024/07/0207:08:33 emotion 1943

Accept it calmly!

Supporting parents is the responsibility and obligation of children, and you cannot escape it.

At the same time, your parents’ responsibility for raising you ends at the age of 18, and no longer exists when you become an adult! Therefore, it is their extra contribution to support you in college and graduate school, and it is reasonable to hope that you can repay it with 1 million after you start working.

Of course, you yourself and the readers like us think that what they did is a bit inhumane and goes too far!

As for them saying they won’t buy you a house or give you property, that’s normal. Because the money and house belong to your parents, they can give it to whomever they want, and you have no right to say no.

Even though you are dissatisfied with them for favoring your younger brother, their actions do not violate laws and regulations. Even if they go too far, there is no way you can accuse them of mistreating you.

To be honest, your parents are pretty good compared to those ignorant patriarchal families! Not only will we let you go to university, we are also willing to send you to Hong Kong to study for graduate school!

Even though they treat you worse than an aristocratic school that costs 20,000 yuan to attend elementary school, even though they often say you are not as good as your younger brother and insult you, even though they want you to pay them back a million yuan after graduation, at least they don’t let you starve or deprive you. I won't let you read.

I personally suggest you, even if you feel unhappy or unwilling, don't show it.

Instead, as they suggested, start working to make money while you are in college or graduate school, but don't tell them the truth, but try to ask them for money to study and save the money you earn from working.

When your parents ask you for 1 million after working, you just say that you have just started working and you need to rent a house and buy daily necessities. You don’t have enough money and your business is miserable, so you ask your parents for a loan.

’s personal suggestion is that after you save enough money for the down payment to buy a house, quickly take out a loan without telling your parents, and buy yourself a pre-marital property, a house, in the place where you work, which is probably where you and your boyfriend are going to get married, before marriage. Bar!

Then, when your parents ask you for money again, you tell them how expensive the rent is and how uneconomical it is to rent a house. You ask your parents to lend you money to buy a house, and at the same time sell it hard.

Tell them about the unfairness and injustice of your parents, and tell them that the female classmates who are in the same situation as yours are not only exempted from paying for their college graduate fees, but also bought a house for them, and their future property will also be shared by their daughters.

Then, the behavior of vigorously accusing your parents makes you sad and chilling. And it is best to tell your relatives, friends and neighbors what they have done, so as to lay the foundation for you to pay your parents alimony according to the local minimum standard in the future, and also let your relatives, friends and neighbors sympathize with you and condemn your parents!

When you were studying, you perfunctorily agreed to pay your parents, but stated that you just had a job and didn’t have enough money. I hope they would try to be considerate of you and not push yourself too hard.

In fact, even if you are working, try your best not to pay your parents 1 million. You can do it if you can, and if you can, you can temporarily lose contact!

Wait until they are old and lose the ability to work and need support, then go and provide them with support! Let’s delay the 1 million they want until now and slowly give it to them! In this way, you will not suffer too much!

On the contrary, if you are about to get married, or if you encounter temporary difficulties at work, you will happily ask your parents for money. Never fall out with your parents. After all, they are your parents. If you can act rogue, do it while laughing.

However, you must be wary of your parents looking for your in-laws, selling you off with a high betrothal gift, and using the betrothal money to subsidize the family or buy a house for your brother's wife.

Accept it calmly! Supporting parents is the responsibility and obligation of children, and you cannot escape it. At the same time, your parents’ responsibility to support you ends at the age of 18, and no longer exists when you become an adult! Therefore, it is their extra contri - DayDayNews

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