01 It is important to learn to refuse properly. First of all, we must make it clear that refusal is our right, and we cannot and should not compromise ourselves in order to cater to others. If you can help, just help, if you can't help, just refuse. This is a simple thing. You ca

2024/07/0211:20:33 emotion 1054

01 It is important to learn to refuse properly. First of all, we must make it clear that refusal is our right, and we cannot and should not compromise ourselves in order to cater to others. If you can help, just help, if you can't help, just refuse. This is a simple thing. You ca - DayDayNews

01 It is important to learn to refuse properly

First of all, we must make it clear that refusal is our right, and we cannot and should not aggrieve ourselves in order to cater to others. If you can help, just help, if you can't help, just refuse. This is a simple thing. You can't do it too much against your will, otherwise you will make things difficult for yourself.

You must know that human nature has the weakness of bullying and fearing the strong. If you don't know how to refuse, you can easily be exploited and bullied by certain people.

Of course, even if you refuse, you must pay attention to the method and method. You cannot refuse coldly and give full consideration to other people's emotions and face. The usual approach is to have a firm and clear attitude, but to provide relevant explanations and explanations.

02 When doing work, we must prioritize.

The dialectical point of view is to outline and follow the basics, grasp the principal contradiction, and use the resolution of the principal contradiction to drive the resolution of secondary contradictions. If you don't prioritize and just scratch your eyebrows and beards, the quality and effect will definitely not be much better, and your mind and energy will be wasted.

Just like what the leaders pay attention to, we should do a good job. We cannot take it for granted and do our own thing.

From this perspective, sometimes being too active and diligent is not necessarily a good thing, because there is not much time left for thinking, and it is easy to go in the opposite direction. Therefore, blank space and stability are the essence of development.

03 When dealing with leaders, you must pay attention to strategies

I once saw a very tolerant leader. When his superiors criticized him, his attitude was very disdainful and his words were unpleasant. He just suppressed it until his face turned red without any explanation or refutation. Until the superior leader finished venting and walked away. Later, the leader said that he could only endure it at that time. As long as he could not bear it, he would cause more troubles and problems. After all, his arms could not twist his thighs.

When getting along with leaders, do not "break your face" or refute the leader's face in public unless it is absolutely necessary.

No matter what problem you encounter, the best way to deal with it is to deal with it first, wait for the leader to calm down, and then explain or explain it to the leader in private. Otherwise, even if you are right, you will be viewed as contradicting or justifying by the leader.

04 You can complain in your heart, but not with your mouth.

To be honest, no matter where you work, it will never be smooth sailing, and there will be all kinds of troubles. It's understandable that you feel unhappy when something happens and want to complain. However, in the workplace, people who can't keep their mouths shut will mostly suffer because many words will change as soon as they reach the ears of others.

There are many words that you can never overthink in your mind, but as long as you say them out, they will become your constraints.

In fact, complaining cannot solve any problems, it will only increase worries. Therefore, no matter what happens, it is wiser to look forward and think more about how to solve it.

05 You must worry about your own affairs.

What do you mean by your own affairs? For example, if you feel unwell and need to take time off to see a doctor or rest; another example is that it is time for cadre adjustment and you want to take a step further. If you don't worry about these things yourself, then others won't worry about them, especially don't expect your leaders to take the initiative to care.

People are selfish. Everyone is thinking about their own future and future, and they don't care too much about others.

Besides, there are many things that you can only get opportunities by taking the initiative to worry about and actively strive for them. You can't be too selfish when doing things, but you can't help but think about yourself. This must be kept in mind.

06 Don’t take on tasks that don’t belong to you.

Is it always a good thing to be helpful? At first, I wasn't sure; it wasn't until I experienced a lot of things that I realized that everything must be done within a certain degree, and that going too far is not enough. Sometimes, is helpful and not only does not play a good role, but also causes you a lot of unnecessary problems and troubles, which is really frustrating.

Take work as an example, are you willing to help others? It's definitely not good, because you've crossed the line yourself.

On the one hand, have you done your own work well? If not, are you willing to help others? What does it mean? Whose fault is it if there is a problem? On the other hand, it may cause the leader to misunderstand and think that your work is light. , assigning you more work.

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