Some people spend a lot of time in their lives contending with their own character, the shadow of childhood, or their family of origin, or a certain profound influence. In fact, once you get through it, you will realize that this is all a reminder to you not to become that person

2024/07/0209:24:33 emotion 1777

Some people spend a lot of time in their lives contending with their own character, the shadow of childhood, or their family of origin, or a certain profound influence. In fact, once you get through it, you will realize that this is all a reminder to you not to become that person - DayDayNews

2. The world is like this. You will meet all kinds of people, you will be disappointed, and you will encounter incomprehensible malice. In fact, once you get through it, you will realize that this is all a reminder to you not to become that person.

3. The biggest function of making money is to liberate yourself from the trivial matters in life, pay others to take care of the trivial matters in your life, and then allow yourself to devote yourself to careers worth focusing on. Otherwise, there is no point in making money.

Some people spend a lot of time in their lives contending with their own character, the shadow of childhood, or their family of origin, or a certain profound influence. In fact, once you get through it, you will realize that this is all a reminder to you not to become that person - DayDayNews

4. If you want to have good interpersonal and social relationships, don't share the joy of success with anyone. The highlight of life is often an ordinary day. Few people expect to hear good news from you. Only I silently applauded in my heart.

5. The difference between a monthly salary of 10,000 and a monthly salary of 50,000 is more than 5 times. Assuming a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan, you can save 4,000 yuan a month; with a monthly salary of 50,000 yuan, you can save 40,000 yuan a month. In terms of income, the gap is only 5 times. Looking at the balance, the difference is 10 times.

Some people spend a lot of time in their lives contending with their own character, the shadow of childhood, or their family of origin, or a certain profound influence. In fact, once you get through it, you will realize that this is all a reminder to you not to become that person - DayDayNews

6. Many immature low-level giant babies will have a fantasy: It is too difficult to struggle alone. It would be great if there was someone by my side who could understand me, tolerate me, care about me, accompany me, and support me. This is a pipe dream.

In reality, the bottom-class partners are very unclear-minded and will only fight, quarrel, and hold you back just like those shown on TV. If you are unable to live a stable life and have relatively big goals, then it is better to remain single for the time being.

Growing up is always a lonely journey. No one will know what you have gone through.

Some people spend a lot of time in their lives contending with their own character, the shadow of childhood, or their family of origin, or a certain profound influence. In fact, once you get through it, you will realize that this is all a reminder to you not to become that person - DayDayNews

7. When making small decisions, don’t pursue the best. Decide quickly, try and make mistakes quickly, and just adjust if you make a mistake, and the cost will not be very high. If you spend your time and energy worrying about small decisions, your personal progress will become extremely slow. Because errors themselves are effective feedback.

8. For ordinary people, health is the biggest investment. These people will not be very happy if they have a car, a house, a lot of money, and are sick when they get old. A serious illness costs money like water, and many people have returned to poverty due to illness after a lifetime of hard work. Even if you don't own a house, as long as you are healthy, your happiness index will be higher than theirs.

Some people spend a lot of time in their lives contending with their own character, the shadow of childhood, or their family of origin, or a certain profound influence. In fact, once you get through it, you will realize that this is all a reminder to you not to become that person - DayDayNews

9. When making friends, you must make friends with like-minded people and the same values. Don't waste time and feelings on inappropriate people, otherwise you will part ways sooner or later.

10. Give up proving yourself to others and give up proving yourself to yourself. Do what you should do with concentration and selflessness, and solve the problem without any distractions.

When you follow your own path down to earth, the urge to prove something will become less and less. You will also become relaxed and free.

Some people spend a lot of time in their lives contending with their own character, the shadow of childhood, or their family of origin, or a certain profound influence. In fact, once you get through it, you will realize that this is all a reminder to you not to become that person - DayDayNews

11. Either work hard enough to be outstanding, or you are too lazy to accept your destiny. What I'm most afraid of is that your knowledge will be opened up, but you won't be able to keep up with your efforts. You will be extremely noble in your bones, but extremely weak in character.

12. If you approach people and things with the essence of trading in mind, the outcome will not be bad. However, once the feelings accumulated through companionship and chatting are linked to interests, they will immediately fall apart and their true colors will be exposed.

13. Only when people are true to themselves can they have unique personal charm. It is only a matter of time before the disguised personality collapses.

Some people spend a lot of time in their lives contending with their own character, the shadow of childhood, or their family of origin, or a certain profound influence. In fact, once you get through it, you will realize that this is all a reminder to you not to become that person - DayDayNews

14. Regardless of men or women, being described as "suitable for marriage" is not a compliment, but an insult. It probably means that you have no sexual charm, and he doesn't like you either. He just thinks you are stupid to work and have children, or that you are stupid and have too much money and cash machines. Why I know, because I have also been described like this.

15. Male IQ tax: Various aphrodisiac supplements are actually not as good as eating more high-quality fats and proteins. Women’s IQ tax: With all kinds of ineffective skin care products, it’s better to shut up and quit carbs.

Some people spend a lot of time in their lives contending with their own character, the shadow of childhood, or their family of origin, or a certain profound influence. In fact, once you get through it, you will realize that this is all a reminder to you not to become that person - DayDayNews

16. If your motivation for doing things is to gain recognition from others and prove that you are right - then I advise you to do less of such things, because in most cases the gain outweighs the loss.

17. What is nerdiness is mastering a bunch of beautiful principles and trying to make the real world adapt to these principles.These principles are sophisticated, but they are still far from solving practical problems. There is knowledge but no wisdom, or there is knowledge but not knowing where the applicable boundary is. This is nerdiness.

Some people spend a lot of time in their lives contending with their own character, the shadow of childhood, or their family of origin, or a certain profound influence. In fact, once you get through it, you will realize that this is all a reminder to you not to become that person - DayDayNews

18. In other people’s stories, you will always be a supporting role. No matter how successful you are, they don't care too much. The good news is, no matter how much they fail, they don’t care. It’s enough to create your own story and be your own protagonist.

19. Maturity is a process of constant subtraction. When I was young, I felt that the world had infinite possibilities, but gradually I realized that no matter how many roads there are in front of me, there is only one journey that you will finally step on firmly with both feet.

Some people spend a lot of time in their lives contending with their own character, the shadow of childhood, or their family of origin, or a certain profound influence. In fact, once you get through it, you will realize that this is all a reminder to you not to become that person - DayDayNews

20. In great joys and great sorrows, see yourself clearly; in great ups and downs, see your friends clearly.

21. Most people in life cannot achieve anything. If you are determined to achieve something, you must always be vigilant and not be assimilated by the people around you.

If you want to achieve something, you are destined to walk a lonely road and face the doubts and opposition of most people. You have to face this pain and bear it, there is no other way.

Some people spend a lot of time in their lives contending with their own character, the shadow of childhood, or their family of origin, or a certain profound influence. In fact, once you get through it, you will realize that this is all a reminder to you not to become that person - DayDayNews

22. Being loved can be felt. The one who loves you is available in all seasons, is free in all seasons, is available in the southeast, northwest, and enjoys all the sweet and sour foods. He is online day and night.

23. When a man likes a woman, he dare not hold her hand; when a woman likes a man, she dare not ask for money.

Some people spend a lot of time in their lives contending with their own character, the shadow of childhood, or their family of origin, or a certain profound influence. In fact, once you get through it, you will realize that this is all a reminder to you not to become that person - DayDayNews

24. Stop deceiving yourself and others under the guise of interest and talent. When I observe the people around me, very few succeed because of their talent. Most of them work hard first, achieve some small results, and form positive feedback; then they continue to expand their results and become industry experts. Many young people do not have the spirit to persevere and keep repeating at a low level. By the time they are 40 years old, they will have a mid-life crisis.

25. No matter how strong your ability is or how high your IQ is, as soon as your belief collapses, you will immediately lose your rationality. People compete for a breath, Buddha competes for a stick of incense. If this breath is still there, one can hold on; once it collapses, everything is over. When you are in the most pain, confusion, and helplessness, what beliefs can help you grit your teeth and persevere and never give up? This is important.

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