I think that andrologists should usually bring up the problems that both parties feel embarrassed but have to face, and then help solve them in many ways. If andrologists don't take off this fig leaf, then who else will?

2024/07/0112:29:33 emotion 1681

I think that andrology doctors should usually bring up the problems that both parties feel embarrassed but have to face, and then help solve them in many ways. If andrologists don't take off this fig leaf, then who else will ?

I think that andrologists should usually bring up the problems that both parties feel embarrassed but have to face, and then help solve them in many ways. If andrologists don't take off this fig leaf, then who else will? - DayDayNews

Women have an increasing demand for sexual life after the age of 30. At this time, male friends are more busy with their careers and their bodies are also unable to cope with their needs. At this time, how should male friends satisfy female desires? There are many things like this.

I think that andrologists should usually bring up the problems that both parties feel embarrassed but have to face, and then help solve them in many ways. If andrologists don't take off this fig leaf, then who else will? - DayDayNews

Previously, a male friend with a successful career came to see me and said that he had just passed his forties this year. In less than half a year, the couple, who used to treat each other like guests, recently felt that there was some crisis in their relationship. The reason was the wife's "dissatisfaction" with her husband. The wife thinks that her husband is no longer interested in her, which is manifested in the fact that the man has no response to the woman's sexual demands. The wife even thinks that her husband loves someone else, because the husband has always been able to meet his wife's sexual requirements in the past, but now no matter how the wife tries to stimulate her husband's sexual organs, the husband just can't produce a "response." In a hurry, the wife had no choice but to adopt other methods to satisfy her sexual desires.

I think that andrologists should usually bring up the problems that both parties feel embarrassed but have to face, and then help solve them in many ways. If andrologists don't take off this fig leaf, then who else will? - DayDayNews

So, what went wrong? Is it true that my female friends are worried that my husband is having an affair? In fact, this is a relatively complex problem, but it is a very common problem and one that everyone needs to treat correctly. When a person reaches the age of 40, it is called the age of "no confusion". When a person has a more mature understanding of many things in life and work, it should be easier to deal with daily affairs. However, at this age, male friends have another kind of confusion, which is impotence or aversion to sex.

I think that andrologists should usually bring up the problems that both parties feel embarrassed but have to face, and then help solve them in many ways. If andrologists don't take off this fig leaf, then who else will? - DayDayNews

For middle-aged people around the age of 40, especially middle-aged men, because couples have been together day and night for many years, everything has become routine and unremarkable, and mutual attraction has gradually faded. In addition, if the work is relatively busy, it is often easy to become monotonous. , add a little indifference to the boring sex life, and the resulting tension begins. If this relationship is not properly handled in time, you can imagine what will happen next. However, how to keep the relationship between husband and wife permanently close and warm is also one of the topics worthy of attention and research by sexologists today.

Generally speaking, men have stronger sexual desire and are active, proactive and aggressive, while women are more passive, passive and tolerant. But this situation is not suitable for the performance of lifelong sexual responses of men and women. Most data show that as time goes by, the requirements and responses of both men and women to sexual life can change significantly.

I think that andrologists should usually bring up the problems that both parties feel embarrassed but have to face, and then help solve them in many ways. If andrologists don't take off this fig leaf, then who else will? - DayDayNews

Before the age of 25, men tend to have stronger requirements for sexual life than women. It reaches its peak between the ages of 25 and 30, and then begins to decline. Most women's sexual physiology and psychology are not fully manifested until they are 26 to 28 years old, or even 30 years old. After a woman reaches the age of 30, most of them have had children and their children are older. From then on, they can more easily cope with their husband's sexual requirements and sometimes show great initiative. Therefore, when men and women reach about 40 years old, there will be an obvious "sexual desire difference", which some people call the "scissors difference". If you don't understand this "scissors difference", or you understand it but can't find a way to deal with it, Methods will naturally confuse men who are already promising in their careers. In response to this confusion, it is a top priority for men who are troubled by this matter or who are about to enter their 40s to do the following "work" well.

I think that andrologists should usually bring up the problems that both parties feel embarrassed but have to face, and then help solve them in many ways. If andrologists don't take off this fig leaf, then who else will? - DayDayNews

(1) Actively exercise, arrange work reasonably, pay attention to dietary adjustments, maintain a good mood, and prevent the occurrence and development of various diseases, especially the occurrence of hypertension , coronary heart disease , etc.

(2) Sexual harmony between husband and wife comes from the emotional blending of husband and wife. For this reason, middle-aged couples should care, support and encourage each other in their careers, and they need to care, considerate and take care of each other in life, so that both husband and wife can still appreciate the warmth of family. and happiness.

(3) Learn and master some necessary sexual knowledge and skills, and often change some methods in sexual life to create a more romantic sexual life environment and add some novelty and comfort to sexual life.

(4) We must treat the degradation of functions correctly. In particular, wives should understand their husbands' sexual abilities, be good at getting some pleasure from communicating with their husbands, and enhance their husbands' sexual confidence.

(5) Cultivate new common hobbies for both parties, preferably sports related to fitness and brain-building. In common hobbies, both parties can often find unexpected joy and delay physical, mental and sexual aging.

If after all the above points are completed, it is still not ideal, you can also go to a specialist for medical treatment. These confusions can usually be resolved, and the sexual life and other relationships of the couple can still be happy and harmonious.

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