When I saw him, he was wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt, sitting behind his parents, looking innocent. 28 years old, unmarried, sunny and handsome, at first glance, he looks like a refreshing big brother next door.

2024/07/0122:18:35 emotion 1927

saw him, he was wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt, sitting behind his parents, looking innocent.

html is 128 years old, unmarried, sunny and handsome. At first glance, he looks like a refreshing big brother next door.

But in the eyes of his parents, who are university professors, he is a "hateful breed".

has no girlfriend, is not married, and is "discriminated" by his parents in various ways.

Parents who have become accustomed to urging marriage have another plan in mind and record a "marriage proposal video" for their son.

And he looked like a "silly son of a landlord" throughout the whole process, with only a face full of emoticons.

It's just a marriage proposal, facing the camera, it doesn't take a few minutes to explain everything clearly.

In fact, just those few clear words from the parents directly shook people's hearts and minds, and actually led the whole family to become popular on the Internet.

When I saw him, he was wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt, sitting behind his parents, looking innocent. 28 years old, unmarried, sunny and handsome, at first glance, he looks like a refreshing big brother next door. - DayDayNews

(Zhang Zhihao went out to play with his parents)

Facing the future daughter-in-law, the mother said:

English level 4 or 6, specialization level 8, TOEFL IELTS one-on-one, promised to "guarantee".

Father’s advice:

Teacher Editor, Business Editor, Civil Servant, I will give you one-on-one tutoring. An iron rice bowl is not a dream.

Mother-in-law pays for education and father-in-law pays for career. Many girls are eager to try out such "rich betrothal gifts" and yearn for them.

This video has nearly two million likes, and various media are also targeting this family of three with high IQ and emotional intelligence.

The keyboard warriors came after hearing the news, but how could they be upset?

This is really not a trick to attract attention and attract traffic.

People already have this ability. If they dare to speak out, they will definitely show it.

The comment area is like celebrating Chinese New Year in the countryside, full of excitement and joy:

Let’s just say, is it possible not to have the wronged son, but only the parents-in-law?

Do you mind getting divorced and raising two children? I mainly plan for my two children to learn English in the future. If I agree, I will divorce now.

I signed up for my daughter. My daughter is two years old this year. She needs one-on-one English. I wonder if your son can wait another 18 years...

Of course, there are many serious people.

Someone attached the woman’s conditions and contact information;

Someone recommended himself and showed his trump card.

With a pair of such awesome parents, how could their "hateful" son Zhang Zhihao be a "poor kid"?

When I saw him, he was wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt, sitting behind his parents, looking innocent. 28 years old, unmarried, sunny and handsome, at first glance, he looks like a refreshing big brother next door. - DayDayNews

(Zhang Zhihao participated in the event)

"Zhihao will" is his platform account. As a heavyweight Internet celebrity, he currently has more than 8 million fans on the entire network. According to estimates, he can earn at least one million a year.

In 2018, 24-year-old Zhang Zhihao returned to China after graduating from the United States with a master's degree and became an English video blogger.

From then on, he picked up all the big names in Hollywood , earned an annual salary of one million, and traveled around the world.

Interviewing, hosting, education... He is very familiar with the field of self-media.

was born in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province in 1994, to parents who are both university professors...

is handsome, a master of English, master's student ...

was born in a well-educated family, and his starting point in life was in "Rome". He is talented, and the key is to keep working hard.

is so chased by God to reward her with food, but she still can't escape being forced to get married.

In the same world, with the same parents, he is filial and willing to be held in the palm of his parents' hands.

When I saw him, he was wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt, sitting behind his parents, looking innocent. 28 years old, unmarried, sunny and handsome, at first glance, he looks like a refreshing big brother next door. - DayDayNews

html is 11.86m tall and ages.

Full-time self-media expert, bilingual reporter, host, English speaking teacher...

The label on Zhang Zhihao properly explains what " slash youth " means.

Regardless of the growth environment or career development, if you are thrown into a crowd, you will definitely be considered a winner in life.

But according to his self-introduction, he was a poor English student in junior high school.

is learning "dumb English" and can't even do his homework.

The transformation happened after his parents took him to the United States.

When I saw him, he was wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt, sitting behind his parents, looking innocent. 28 years old, unmarried, sunny and handsome, at first glance, he looks like a refreshing big brother next door. - DayDayNews

(Zhang Zhihao participated in an English competition in college (first from the right))

After traveling in the United States for two weeks, he could not understand a word that others said.

Fortunately, he did not reject English because of this, but instead stimulated his enthusiasm and interest in learning.

As he said, English is a key to the outside world, not homework in the schoolbag.

I have the motivation to study, and my mother is a strong assist.

His English learning journey has been on the fast track since then.

In college, he spent half of his time participating in various English competitions.

He is not competing for ranking, but simply likes to "talk".

The English speech competition is a good opportunity to learn spoken English.

Every time you participate in a competition, you must prepare an English speech, practice it repeatedly, and present the results...

In this process, not only will your speaking level be improved, but your body language, eye contact, and overall self-confidence will also have new breakthroughs.

Zhihao also revealed the shortcut to learning English well through a scene performance with his mother.

The first is extensive listening, which is "filling the ears", allowing English to fill the air every minute and every second.

The second is intensive listening, listening to a sentence three times, painful but effective.

At the same time, he used complaints to restore the process of learning English:

Get up at 6 o'clock every morning and memorize 100 words; listen for 2 hours at noon; and memorize 5 texts at night.

How many people can persevere with such intensity of study?

When I saw him, he was wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt, sitting behind his parents, looking innocent. 28 years old, unmarried, sunny and handsome, at first glance, he looks like a refreshing big brother next door. - DayDayNews

(Zhang Zhihao returned to his alma mater to give a lecture)

From this point of view, everyone’s appearance of glory does not come out of thin air. Behind the scenery seen by outsiders is one person’s efforts and persistence.

In addition to hard work and persistence, Zhihao also collaborates with his mother on live broadcasts to share tips on learning English well.

Employees, managers, students, customers, lovers, brothers... He attracted a lot of attention with his lively and smart scene interpretation.

coupled with "dry food" snacks, it is convenient and practical, and fans from all walks of life stopped to support it.

Learning requires environmental support, external assistance, and more importantly, a person's introspection.

External factors are powerful and internal factors are awakening. No matter what you learn or do, the results will naturally be within your expectations.

When the label of slash youth is superimposed on this sunny boy, it also means that his hard work and persistence have been rewarded.

When I saw him, he was wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt, sitting behind his parents, looking innocent. 28 years old, unmarried, sunny and handsome, at first glance, he looks like a refreshing big brother next door. - DayDayNews

Zhang Zhihao’s father once told his family story.

He and his wife are both teachers at Shaanxi Normal University. His major is international politics and international relations and Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges research, and his wife's major is British and American literature.

The education they give their sons is not to talk about big principles from a high level, but to use subtle words and deeds to guide their sons to develop their own interests.

Education is like controlling water, it should be dredged rather than blocked.

Forcing may backfire, but taking advantage of the situation will go your way.

When I saw him, he was wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt, sitting behind his parents, looking innocent. 28 years old, unmarried, sunny and handsome, at first glance, he looks like a refreshing big brother next door. - DayDayNews

(Zhang Zhihao and parents)

In 2012, Zhang Zhihao was admitted to Xi'an International Studies University and studied radio and television journalism at the School of Journalism and Communication.

In 2015, Zhang Zhihao represented Shaanxi and participated in the national finals of the CCTV "Star of Hope" English Style Contest.

In this competition, Zhang Zhihao used his excellent overall performance to obtain invitations from Harvard University , King's College London , and San Diego State University .

After graduating from college, Zhang Zhihao went to the University of Florida to study for a master's degree in journalism, and also became a news anchor on a local TV station.

In 2017, the typhoon in Florida became the global focus.

A live video report recorded by Zhang Zhihao was recognized and adopted by Phoenix TV .

Excellent people have many shining points hidden in them, and they will always gain momentum at a certain stage in their lives.

As an outstanding young student, Zhang Zhihao had the opportunity to stay in the United States and find a job.

But after some weighing, he chose to return to China and gave up his parents' favorite TV station job, and resolutely entered the self-media industry to start a business.

My parents were once worried. After all, starting a business is risky and unstable.

But seeing their son's high morale, they chose to support him.

When I saw him, he was wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt, sitting behind his parents, looking innocent. 28 years old, unmarried, sunny and handsome, at first glance, he looks like a refreshing big brother next door. - DayDayNews

(Zhang Zhihao)

The father said:

Since the child has chosen a direction and gained confidence, why don’t parents encourage him?

We have a traditional father-son relationship, but more of a father-and-friend relationship.

Sometimes, he becomes our teacher again, educating us on many issues.

Is this relationship a new type of ‘teaching and mutual learning’?

Zhang Zhihao was lucky to grow up in such a relaxed, democratic, understanding and tolerant family environment.

It is this kind of "free-flying" education like flying a kite that makes him broaden his mind and body, have a long-term vision, and become an "inspirational master" with a successful career.

When I saw him, he was wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt, sitting behind his parents, looking innocent. 28 years old, unmarried, sunny and handsome, at first glance, he looks like a refreshing big brother next door. - DayDayNews

Looking at Zhihao’s videos, one feels like a “social master”.

In his video collection, there is an album of interviews with Hollywood stars.

Thor, Dutch brother , Jason Statham , Dwayne Johnson, Schwarzenegger , Donnie Yen , etc. have appeared one after another.

’s smooth English communication skills and ability to improvise on the spot have all added a lot to Qihao’s live interview process.

Although they are all short clips that have been edited, the excellence of Zhihao can be seen from them.

When I saw him, he was wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt, sitting behind his parents, looking innocent. 28 years old, unmarried, sunny and handsome, at first glance, he looks like a refreshing big brother next door. - DayDayNews

(Zhang Zhihao with Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart)

Let’s look at the interactions with domestic celebrities and Internet celebrities.

Yao Chen , Jiang Shuying , Liu Yan , Da Bing , Lin Yun , Deng Ziqi , Li Xueqin , Yang Shoucheng , etc.

The abilities of a self-media account owner, in addition to professional knowledge of being in the industry, strong personal social skills are also very effective in stabilizing fans.

Zhihao's performance in this regard is absolutely remarkable.

Many people lamented that he was "really awesome", but he very sincerely admitted to everyone that he was very nervous when facing Hollywood superstars and domestic stars.

But isn’t this human nature?

Therefore, a person's professional experience and abilities can only be accumulated after experiencing N times of actual practice.

If you want to become an industry pioneer, rich theoretical knowledge and strong practical knowledge are indispensable.

On the stage of " one stop to ", Zhihao faced off against another self-media celebrity "Wang Zhongyao".

In the fierce question-answering duel, he lost to Zhong Yao because he answered a question wrong.

He said his motto:

No matter what difficulties you encounter in life, remember 'will be back' (will be back).

Therefore, Zhihao is not inherently good, nor has he ever failed.

But he is not discouraged, but cultivates his inner strength, returns to where he failed, and continues to challenge.

On March 1, 2018, Zhihao, who was still studying abroad, began to publish short videos.

The video content at that time included "universal interview template", "how to learn spoken English", "how to cure procrastination" and other useful information on young people's life and study;

He also went to Harvard University to do interviews, using Harvard college students

on "how to enter Harvard", and provided reference for young people in need through different answers from current students.

On September 27, 2020, Zhihao released a video of " 'Family', the most important thing is space ".

Starting from when his parents went to the United States to attend his master’s graduation ceremony in 2018, how did he get his current excellence?

Many young people envy their native family, scholarly family background, and smooth sailing. How does Na Zhihao view this problem?

When he was a child, he was an extremely rebellious child who was always in tit-for-tat opposition to his parents.

And his parents are very busy at work. When he goes to seek help from his parents, his parents often say, "You can solve your own problems by yourself" and "You control your own future."

He didn't understand it very much. When he saw other people's parents surrounding their children, he only interpreted the parents' behavior as "not caring."

It was not until he went to college that he achieved good results in oral English, speech, and debate, and when he showed his self-worth, he realized:

It turned out that it was the 'growth space' given to him by his parents that made him successful, and he relied on these Ability and shining points, apply to the top ten universities in the United States.

When I saw him, he was wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt, sitting behind his parents, looking innocent. 28 years old, unmarried, sunny and handsome, at first glance, he looks like a refreshing big brother next door. - DayDayNews

(Zhang Zhihao becomes GRE brand ambassador)

Why is this?

Zhihao’s explanation: space.

Excessive care makes children resist, and appropriate "blank space" allows family affection to ferment.

Parents and children can only hold more happiness and love by giving each other a comfortable space.

Zhihao believes that it was his parents who gave him enough space to try and make mistakes that gave him the opportunity to make independent choices, develop and breathe.

Zhihao's native family is indeed enviable. As someone said, his starting point is already the end point pursued by too many people.

As a result, his views on children's growth have also been criticized by many people.

Your parents are just too busy to take care of you, while our parents are too busy to survive.

You don’t know how much better your family is than others.

You have never encountered any big torture, so you think it is a setback to not have parents around to take care of you.

Of course, some people also see another thought conveyed by Zhihao.

We don’t have such parents, but we try our best to be such parents and let our children become ‘Zhihao’ and better people.

Regardless of the cultural level of the original family, only when parents love and respect each other can children grow up healthily.

Actually, everything has two sides, and the same goes for educating children.

No matter which method parents adopt, the most important thing is the child's inner awakening.

A person's self-discipline is not high. No matter how good the family conditions are, parents will not be able to give their children space to grow normally.

Whether family conditions are good or bad cannot determine a person's growth direction. The key lies in oneself.

When I saw him, he was wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt, sitting behind his parents, looking innocent. 28 years old, unmarried, sunny and handsome, at first glance, he looks like a refreshing big brother next door. - DayDayNews

(Zhang Zhihao)

When I saw him, he was wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt, sitting behind his parents, looking innocent. 28 years old, unmarried, sunny and handsome, at first glance, he looks like a refreshing big brother next door. - DayDayNews

In 2020, Zhihao bought a car for his father.

A family of three went to the dealership to pick up their car. The mother was moved to tears several times.

As for my father, he was smiling and had a calm expression.

When my son grows up, he knows how to use the money he earns to be filial to his parents.

He said: "Thank you, Mom and Dad, for nurturing me."

On the way home, there was such a conversation between Zhihao and his mother.

"You are worth it!"

"I can't think like that, you bought this."

" But I am yours. "

The mother, who had been emotional and crying, finally smiled.

During the conversation, mother and son spoke in Chinese and English, and the father was smiling in front of the happy driver.

Many people were infected by Zhihao's filial piety:

I was moved to tears by the filial and outstanding child.

I also cried when I saw my mother’s expression.

What my parents received was not a car, but happiness...

Many people were immersed in a warm and touching atmosphere.

When I saw him, he was wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt, sitting behind his parents, looking innocent. 28 years old, unmarried, sunny and handsome, at first glance, he looks like a refreshing big brother next door. - DayDayNews

(Zhang Zhihao took his parents out to play)

But there are always people who do not miss any opportunity to slander others, and controversy ensued.

Some people said: "It is a good Chinese family, why should we mix it up. So much English? "

Zhihao replied: "I am an English blogger, and my mother is an English teacher. Speaking English is our normal life. "

Unexpectedly, the keyboard warriors came online again.

"If you are Chinese, speak Mandarin, otherwise you will not be patriotic. "

Zhihao expresses his views in English righteously:

I speak English not to show off, nor to be unpatriotic.

On the contrary, I can better contribute to the country.

I introduce Chinese food to foreign countries, with It's English; I teach Hollywood stars to learn Chinese, and I also use English.

And keyboard warriors, what have you done?

So, I not only want to speak English myself, but also teach more people to speak English.

And the summary he gave to the keyboard warrior is really heart-warming:

There are many levels in life, you don’t understand.

If you don’t know it, you won’t understand.

Zhihao’s words remind me of a person.

Chen Huxiong of stationery, now the king of stationery in Asia and a billionaire.

He was born in a poor family and said something that many people have heard:

I have struggled for 18 years before I have the qualifications to sit and drink coffee with you. .

Because he was poor and had dreams, he was determined to change the status quo.

Therefore, he worked hard to break out of his lower-level circles and found his place in a higher-level circle

When I saw him, he was wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt, sitting behind his parents, looking innocent. 28 years old, unmarried, sunny and handsome, at first glance, he looks like a refreshing big brother next door. - DayDayNews

(Chen Huxiong)

And many keyboards. Xia, what kind of mentality do they have towards the current situation that they are not satisfied with?

Don't work hard, just wait for pie to fall from the sky.

When they see someone better than them, they immediately transform into lemon spirits; Those who are inferior will have to step on them.

Zhihao is right. If you don't reach that level, you won't understand.

This is not to promote class concepts, but to say that there are many good things in the world, but you need to do it yourself. Go for it.

The whole family speaks English every day.

Other people’s families drive luxury cars and live in luxury houses. This is the result of the hard work of two generations, or even several generations.

Other people’s families. Producing filial and talented children is the result of parents’ dedication and hard work in educating them.

You can be envious, and then pursue it to create a better future for yourself and future generations.

You can treat it with a normal mind and still live a stable and ordinary life in your own circle.

But you cannot be jealous, slanderous, like a clown, and be treated as a joke by others.

In fact, no matter which level you are at, it is "more than enough than those above".

Moreover, no level can be perfect.

Just follow your own path in life and take care of your own life.

Others have nothing to do with you; why bother, always trying to embarrass yourself.

When I saw him, he was wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt, sitting behind his parents, looking innocent. 28 years old, unmarried, sunny and handsome, at first glance, he looks like a refreshing big brother next door. - DayDayNews

(Zhang Zhihao)

When I saw him, he was wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt, sitting behind his parents, looking innocent. 28 years old, unmarried, sunny and handsome, at first glance, he looks like a refreshing big brother next door. - DayDayNews

html On July 7, a new marriage urging video was launched.

Sunshine boy Zhihao was wearing a white short-shirt and was "forced to go into business" with an aggrieved and hopeless emoji.

The mother used English and the father used Mandarin to introduce her son Zhihao to his future in-laws.

Parents joke that Zhihao is their "invention". After more than 20 years of polishing, it has three major functions.

First, he speaks fluent English;

Second, he has complete certificates (good grades and high achievements);

Third, he has strong genes (height follows his father, 186cm; dimples follow his mother, very cute).

The most important thing is that if the woman is not satisfied, we provide a "7-day no-reason withdrawal" service.

Zhihao, who has no choice or decision-making power, apart from showing a variety of emoticons, is only left with the embarrassment of being choked back by his mother whenever he speaks.

Among the more than 20,000 comments, there are many highly educated women who come to "apply for jobs".

This is not a marriage proposal, it is clearly a "competition to recruit a wife" arena.

No one with even the slightest talent and knowledge would dare to seriously compete for the position of "the young lady of the Zhang family".

Some netizens said that this is "the ceiling of the marriage industry", and this is not wrong.

If "knowledge" is used to measure the wealth of a family, Zhihao's family of three can be considered a "multi-millionaire".

Otherwise, you see, even if the dog is new to the family, the mother has to teach it to learn English.

Master dog, doctorate dog, elite dog, mother has planned a sparkling "dog path".

When I saw him, he was wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt, sitting behind his parents, looking innocent. 28 years old, unmarried, sunny and handsome, at first glance, he looks like a refreshing big brother next door. - DayDayNews

(Zhang Zhihao and Schwarzenegger)

Money will disappear, but knowledge is rooted in the bones and will only become more fragrant over time, but it cannot be taken away.

Zhihao seems to be despised, but in fact he is the pride of his parents.

talks about "grievance" in his mouth, but hides contentment in his heart.

In today's society, 27 years old is not considered an older youth. There are many unmarried young men and women in their 30s.

Promoting marriage is just a kind of entertainment for this family of three, and it is also a way for Zhihao to operate his account.

But from their work and life patterns, we can see many things of practical significance.

For example, "Why do people need to learn knowledge?"

Zhihao and his parents' knowledge reserve are typical examples.

Excellent learning genes and unyielding efforts are passed down from generation to generation, which is bound to be a good thing for future generations.

Faced with Zhihao's marriage proposal, many people are eager to try it, but of course many people are discouraged.

Many people lamented:

Being a daughter-in-law in such a family is very stressful.

Getting married is the same as taking a PhD exam. In addition to studying, you still study.

is admired by some and disliked by others, so Haowill's account operation is a joyful scene.

When I saw him, he was wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt, sitting behind his parents, looking innocent. 28 years old, unmarried, sunny and handsome, at first glance, he looks like a refreshing big brother next door. - DayDayNews

(Zhang Zhihao’s parents)

When I saw him, he was wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt, sitting behind his parents, looking innocent. 28 years old, unmarried, sunny and handsome, at first glance, he looks like a refreshing big brother next door. - DayDayNews

Parents and children, the best way to get along is to become friends.

Between friends, the most important thing is fair communication.

It is precisely because of following this principle of getting along that Zhihao's family of three has become an enviable existence.

Don’t multimillionaire families and Kochi families have frivolous family affairs and useless children? Of course there are

, they are everywhere.

Therefore, being born in "Rome" is not the determining factor of whether a child is good or not.

Only if parents have a good pattern and their children work hard enough can they keep their position as "Rome".

’s father said that it was precisely because his son was engaged in new media work that he and his wife had the opportunity to help his son appear on camera and shoot videos.

It is this kind of "reluctant" participation that forces the couple to adapt to the new trend and find a new platform for learning and releasing their own value.

We-media has become another classroom for them to “teach and educate people”.

stays on the same channel as his son and naturally keeps pace with the times.

The son is filial and talented, and his parents are democratic and tolerant. Even if a family of three like

does not have the aura of a "Kochi family", it is still a happy existence in the eyes of ordinary people.

Looking forward to the day when "The Young Mistress of the Zhang Family" will appear...

When I saw him, he was wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt, sitting behind his parents, looking innocent. 28 years old, unmarried, sunny and handsome, at first glance, he looks like a refreshing big brother next door. - DayDayNews

(Parents go to the United States to attend their son's master's degree graduation ceremony)

Author: Zhu Xiaolu & Qingcheng

Follow me When I saw him, he was wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt, sitting behind his parents, looking innocent. 28 years old, unmarried, sunny and handsome, at first glance, he looks like a refreshing big brother next door. - DayDayNews

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