If you have read some books and taken some classes, you know that the essence of this world is a game of emptiness. The more you play according to the rules of the game, the easier it will be for you. The rule is: go with everything that happens, and regard everything that you th

2024/07/0103:28:32 emotion 1989

If you have read some books and taken some classes, you know that the essence of this world is a game of emptiness. The more you play according to the rules of the game, the easier it will be for you. The rule is: go with everything that happens, and regard everything that you think is "bad" as a tool to help you play the game, so that you will become stronger and stronger.

Life is about taking a hard time and gaining wisdom. Life is a practice. You practice Taoism, I believe in Buddhism, and he is a Confucianist. Each has his own way of doing things. This is destined to demagnetize the magnets in our hearts in each other's magnetic fields. This is an inevitable choice. Inadvertently, between. Either time is passing by, or fate dictates it.

If you have read some books and taken some classes, you know that the essence of this world is a game of emptiness. The more you play according to the rules of the game, the easier it will be for you. The rule is: go with everything that happens, and regard everything that you th - DayDayNews

The quality that can withstand pressure is tolerance. You must learn to bend down and accommodate, accept everything, and you will get everything. There is no need to do anything, and your heart is as tranquil as flowing water and clouds, and you enjoy what you have. Only in this way can life be real. We also need this attitude towards life in our life and work. On the road to success, only those who work hard can make up for their shortcomings, transcend mediocrity, and achieve final victory.

The scenery of life is colorful. People yearn for and look for happiness. In fact, happiness is a kind of mood. Once the originally simple heart becomes complicated, joy and happiness will be far away. Life is the source of happiness. If you care less, you will have more happiness; what life lacks is a soul that can feel happiness.

If you have read some books and taken some classes, you know that the essence of this world is a game of emptiness. The more you play according to the rules of the game, the easier it will be for you. The rule is: go with everything that happens, and regard everything that you th - DayDayNews

For those who feel, life is a tragedy; happiness is not the more the better, but just the right amount; happiness is not the vanity on the face, but the inner need; happiness is not in the eyes of others, but in one's own heart. If you don’t agree to your happiness, others will never be able to take it away from you. At such moments, we need to wait patiently and wait with confidence, believing that life will not give up on you and fate will not abandon you.

's unhappy life essentially stems from his own incompetence. A person should have the strength to pull himself out of all the heavy, old, and listless things, and use constant attempts and flexibility to change his situation. Life will not give you any kind of wound that it cannot heal on its own.

If you have read some books and taken some classes, you know that the essence of this world is a game of emptiness. The more you play according to the rules of the game, the easier it will be for you. The rule is: go with everything that happens, and regard everything that you th - DayDayNews

Life will not be perfect. We must correct our mentality and face the ups and downs. Complaints are a contagious disease that will harm others and yourself if not treated. Don't delay what you want to do, some things are purely by chance; don't put aside the people you want to see, some people will pass by and may never be seen again. Only by taking that step will your life be different.

Treat others with tolerance and face life with an open mind. Mood is an emotional state. If you have a good mood, you will have confidence, and then you will have youth and health. We have longing for the future life, full of expectations, let us have a good mood, because life is luck and happiness.

If you have read some books and taken some classes, you know that the essence of this world is a game of emptiness. The more you play according to the rules of the game, the easier it will be for you. The rule is: go with everything that happens, and regard everything that you th - DayDayNews

Vanity is a demon. It has confused so many people and satisfied so many people. It has caused so many things and caused so many troubles. No one can get rid of it. Especially in an era when people don't have to worry about food and clothing, and pay more attention to spiritual enjoyment, the demon of vanity will only confuse people to lose themselves more and more. No one can predict when the end will suddenly appear. All we can do is cherish everything we have around us.

Living between heaven and earth, self-reliance is the most important issue. There is a kind of confidence, which is called you can do it; there is a kind of heroic spirit, which is called you can; there is a kind of domineering, which is called you are the best! Don’t always look forward and backward, do what you want to do boldly; be brave enough to meet the people you want to meet. !

If you have read some books and taken some classes, you know that the essence of this world is a game of emptiness. The more you play according to the rules of the game, the easier it will be for you. The rule is: go with everything that happens, and regard everything that you th - DayDayNews

I am Pangpang, grateful for life and sharing happiness! Answer every question carefully and make every friend with your heart. Thank you for reading. Please retweet and like if you agree. Thank you for following the headline number: Fatty Love!

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