A few days ago, when I was 32 years old, I drove my newly purchased car back to my hometown and ran into my ex-girlfriend whom I hadn’t seen for eight years at the entrance of the village. I took the initiative to sit at his house, but saw a strange little girl at his house. When

2024/07/0214:06:33 emotion 1154

A few days ago, when I was 32 years old, I drove my newly purchased car back to my hometown and met my ex-girlfriend whom I hadn’t seen for eight years at the entrance of the village. I took the initiative to sit at his house, but saw a strange little girl at his house. When I saw the little girl's face, I was stunned. Later, I discovered this secret that had been buried for eight years, and made a decision that surprised everyone. My name is Yang Yuhui, and I am 32 years old this year. When I was admitted to university, it was not easy to get out of the mountain village. Now, after nearly ten years of hard work, I have made it. I became successful and now I am the marketing director of a listed company with an annual salary of more than 1 million. I haven’t returned to my hometown for many years. A few days ago, I drove my newly bought Mercedes Benz and drove all the way back to the small mountain village that I missed day and night. I was timid when approaching the village. The closer I got to the village, the slower I drove. The scenes that happened before I left home kept popping up in my mind. Back then, my father and my mother raised me alone. My family was the poorest in the village, and all the villagers were poor. They look down on us and bully us orphans and widowed mothers everywhere. When I was admitted to college, they laughed at my mother, saying that if she sent me to college, no one would care about her in the future. At that time, I secretly swore in my heart that I would stand out in the future, return home in fine clothes, make those who bullied us regret it, and let my mother live a good life that everyone would envy. So this time I specially drove my newly bought car, bought a lot of high-end gifts, and filled the car full. As soon as the car entered the village, it attracted many people. The gazes of the chatting villagers, and I knew they were commenting on my car without even getting out of the car to see their eyes and gestures. I suddenly felt very comfortable in my heart, because I just wanted to let them know that I was no longer the young boy they looked down upon. Driving towards my house, I saw from a distance the new two-story building I built for my mother. It was particularly conspicuous among the bungalows. If my mother hadn’t lost it and I wasn’t allowed to be too public, I was originally planning to build it for my mother. Build the house more luxuriously. That night, many villagers gathered at my house. In order not to seem like I was fussy, I gave them a lot of the nutritional supplements I brought back to my mother. They all gave me a thumbs up and said that I have a lot of them. He is indeed a big boss. Early the next morning, my mother asked me to go to the market at the entrance of the village to buy some fruits and vegetables. At the market, I found a woman selling persimmons who looked very much like my ex-girlfriend. I went over and saw that it was indeed him, my ex-girlfriend Xiaolan. I gently. Calling him, he raised his head, his eyes full of panic. He said in surprise, why are you back? He looks much thinner than when we last met eight years ago. We exchanged pleasantries and I volunteered to go sit at his house. He took me to a dilapidated bungalow, and I asked her, why do you live here? She married into a very wealthy family in the village. I thought she should be living a good life. How could she be so down and out? Xiaolan saw the doubts in my heart and asked me to come in and give it to me. He moved a small bench and sat down, and told me what happened in the past few years. My thoughts couldn't help but wander back to many years ago. I was admitted to college that year, but Xiaolan failed. After I went to study, Xiaolan went to the city to work. During the four years of college, Xiaolan sent me almost all the money he earned from working. Because of Xiaolan's help, I was able to successfully graduate from college. When I graduated from college and started working, I returned to my hometown to propose marriage to Xiaolan’s family. Who would have thought that Xiaolan’s mother asked me for a gift of 200,000 yuan, but as a newly graduated college student, how could I have so much money? When I couldn't meet Xiaolan's mother's conditions, he kicked me out of the house with a broom. The night I left home, I told Xiaolan that he must wait for me and that I would try to find a way to come back and marry her as soon as possible. Xiaolan hugged me with tears in her eyes. That night, we had sex as a couple. However, when I returned to the village half a year later with the money I had scraped together, I was told that Xiaolan was already married. I almost collapsed and left home without looking back. From then on, I put all my energy into my work. After eight years, I finally had a successful career and returned home in glory. But when I came back, I found that the girl I loved so much back then had turned out to be like this.I asked Xiaolan what happened, and Xiaolan told me that the reason her mother asked me for so many colorful gifts was because her family was in trouble and needed a lot of money to solve it. His mother couldn't think of any other way but to use it as a bargaining chip. Shortly after I left, her mother married her to a rich man in the village for 200,000 yuan. But the man was addicted to alcohol, and within two years he fell into the river and drowned after getting drunk one night. From then on, his life went from bad to worse. It was so painful that it became what it is now. I feel very sorry for the person I loved back then. Now he is not doing well. How can I not feel sad? While they were talking, a little girl came out of the back room, she looked about seven or eight years old. When I saw the little girl's face, I was stunned. The little girl's eyebrows are very similar to mine, especially the dimples on her cheeks, which are exactly the same as mine. Xiaolan said this was his daughter. I quickly asked the little girl how old she was, and the little girl told me that she was seven years old, but Xiaolan quickly corrected her and said, he was only. Six years old? My heart skipped a beat. Could it be that seven years old is late? Could it be my daughter? I was completely stunned. After repeated questioning by me, Xiaolan finally admitted that the little girl was my daughter. I asked Xiaolan why she hadn't contacted me all these years. She said that she was a widow with a daughter and was not worthy of me in every aspect. How dare he expect to have anything to do with me again? I burst into tears and felt mixed emotions in my heart. Xiaolan left me to eat at home and let me cook for a while while he went to the kitchen to prepare. I sat there, feeling increasingly uncomfortable. I took out a 200,000 yuan bank card from my bag, wrote the password on the back, put the card on the table, and left quietly. I am very confused and need to think carefully. After I went back, I thought about it all night and finally made a decision. I decided to get back together with Xiaolan and let my daughter have a complete family. Although there is a big gap in status between Xiaolan and I now, he and I still have feelings for each other. We were once childhood sweethearts. We separated because of a trick of fate. I was once extremely poor. If it weren't for Xiaolan's support, I would never have been able to complete college. It can be said that half of my current success is due to Xiaolan, so I should reciprocate and take care of him. Thinking of this, I fell asleep with a smile on my face. Do you support my approach? If you were my relative, would you allow me to do this?

A few days ago, when I was 32 years old, I drove my newly purchased car back to my hometown and ran into my ex-girlfriend whom I hadn’t seen for eight years at the entrance of the village. I took the initiative to sit at his house, but saw a strange little girl at his house. When - DayDayNews

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