"A gentleman who is poor at first has natural bones, and a villain who is rich at first has a poor body." Everyone cannot undergo earth-shaking changes all at once, but they all have a long history.

2024/07/0204:03:33 emotion 1035

"A gentleman who is poor at first will have natural bones, and a villain who will be rich at first will not escape from poverty." Everyone cannot undergo earth-shaking changes all at once, but they all have a long history.

Everyone has a totem in his heart.

If your totem is a vicious person, you will become a villain step by step;

If your totem is a big shot, you will not give up despite all the hardships, and you will achieve something after a thousand twists and turns;

Your totem is bullying the weak , you will live as an example of a bully;

your totem is that once you encounter hardships, you will be in trouble.


"A bad potato" is such a person: after going through hardships, he never gives up and eventually achieves success. From "A Bad Potato", we can see the middle-aged man's pursuit of a better life by embracing his original intention, never giving up, going through many twists and turns, and always succeeding. Frankly speaking, I admire "a bad potato" quite a bit.

People have all kinds of opportunities in this life: studying is an opportunity, marriage is an opportunity, and choosing a career is an opportunity. In today's China, for ordinary people, everyone will face these three opportunities. If you seize one of the three opportunities, you can take your life to a higher level, and then continue to iterate, and the road will become wider and wider.

Studying is the first opportunity

Studying and taking exams is the easiest opportunity, but it is not an opportunity that most people can seize. I have read the book, but few have actually completed it, and even fewer have been able to change their destiny through reading. The purpose of most people's study and examination is to increase their knowledge and wisdom, and to have a better starting point and platform. However, when it comes to changing their destiny, not many people seize such an opportunity.

Change your destiny through reading. I think the most typical one is Jiubian: I passed the college entrance examination and Beihang , learned a good major, chose a career and entered a big factory, and my life jumped to a higher platform and a larger company. Platform, from then on, life went smoothly. This is an excellent example of how reading and studying can change your destiny.

In this process, there are too many pitfalls to overcome. For example, if your academic performance is average, you will not have much chance of taking the exam. Of course, there are also situations where you go to a very average school, but your major is very relevant. Employment is very good, and life is on a smooth road. Lucky people have been there since ancient times, and there is no blame for this. For another example, your major is not ideal and it is very difficult to choose a career. Too many people are in this situation, so it is impossible to talk about changing their destiny.

At this point, "a bad potato" obviously does not have it. He himself said:

"The resume I just graduated from is pretty good, but I still can't find a job in my 30s?"

It can be seen from this that he The major he studied was definitely not much better, and he was not the best at studying and taking exams.

Marriage is a second chance.

Marriage is the second opportunity to change your destiny. The good wind will send me to the blue sky with its power. A marriage that can make you stronger, a marriage that can help you, is another code for your smooth life.

For a successful life, what kind of marriage is a good marriage? A marriage that can help your career is of course the best. However, to achieve such a marriage, you always have to lose something and you always have to compromise something.

Therefore, a marriage that supports and encourages each other even though it does not directly help the career should be a more satisfactory marriage.

The marriage of "a bad potato" is perfect at this point. Even when he is at his lowest point, his wife will never leave him without attacking or making excessive demands. Such a marriage is very rare.

In fact, my life experience is very similar to that of "a bad potato". I failed to choose a good industry or a good platform through studying and studying, but my marriage was okay, although it couldn't help my career. , but generally speaking, you never complain or complain. Whatever you do, your spouse will think you are right. Even if you fail, she will think you are blameless and blameless. This is a very contented marriage.

Your spouse never thinks it is your fault. Even if it is an obvious mistake, she never takes it seriously. She tolerates you and recognizes you equally. For her, this seems to be nature, not As some people said, couples should tolerate each other, understand each other, etc. For these, she does not need to listen to the ideas instilled by others, nor does she need to do psychological construction. This is her nature. For her, , Tolerate each other without any difficulty, which is extremely valuable.

"A good wife brings few troubles to her husband." When others are pursuing fame and wealth, she never has too many demands on you. Even if she is at the bottom of society, she will remain the same as before. In this way, you will have very little pressure, except In addition to dealing with the pressure of your career, if you have very little pressure in your life, you can save a lot of energy and focus on your career. Although your career may not be successful, at least you can gather your energy together and it will be very easy for you. Work hard and let God decide whether you succeed or not.

Therefore, if you cannot choose a marriage that will directly help your career, then choose a spouse who is very understanding and supportive of you. That will be a great blessing in life.

looks back on the path he took in the first half of his life. He was in a mess in his career, worked hard, and achieved nothing by relying on his own. But fortunately, his marriage was still satisfactory. He raised two boys and trained them very carefully. When I was young, I tried my best to be with him as much as possible, turned down too many social activities, and spent as much time as possible on my family. Now, the two boys have gone as far as they wished and grown up so well. This can be said to be the most regrettable thing in life.

Fortunately, when I was young, I gave up when my career was on the rise and put my family first, because the cost of my career at that time was too high and beyond my ability to bear, because my career had to pay for my family. It was simply impossible to take both into consideration for happiness. After much consideration, I finally made the choice to focus on the two boys.

Sometimes it is very painful to make a choice, but otherwise, it is really difficult to satisfy your inner wish. I don’t want to be the kind of person who has a successful career but a miserable family life. Since I am a father, I must bravely shoulder my responsibilities. Since I have brought my children into the world, I must take good care of them as much as possible. , let you receive the best education and give you the most suitable life. Now, everything seems to be worth it.

Choosing a job is the third opportunity

"A Bad Potato" said:

"Actually, it's not that I couldn't find a job in my 30s, and I still can't find a job in my 40s."

It can be seen from this that he is choosing a career. I never found the right rhythm online, and I never found a better platform. In the end, I had to find a way for myself and engaged in self-media:

"In two years, I started from scratch and completed more than 400 articles with 100,000 reads. +'s original article, the result is the same as 8 years ago, still can't find a job... I sent more than 30 resumes, but no one took care of them..."

Although he has written so many articles, he is still useless, so The desolation is uncomfortable. But reality is reality, and it is very difficult to find a platform that suits you well.

I have been writing materials for more than ten years, and the materials are quite excellent, but I have never met the most suitable person. Therefore, I can understand the sadness and taste the feeling.

Fortunately, God helps those who help themselves. Without a good platform, they had no choice but to go into battle and build a platform for themselves. Finally, they became prosperous in the self-media and did well.

Jiubian is the most enviable appearance of everyone. Everything is so logical and everything is the best choice: go to a good university, study a good major, enter a good big factory, and settle down somewhere. Good cities, often travel around the world. How wonderful this kind of life is, you can't even see the traces of his efforts at all.

In fact, there is too much hard work in his life, but all the hard work leaves no trace, and all the hard work looks as natural as without any thought.

In fact, behind the nine-sided text, we can see its years of hard work. Everyone knows that working in a large factory is very hard and busy, but even though it is so hard and busy, Jiubian still uses his spare time to write so many and long words, and he has been writing for so many years, and he has been writing non-stop. , you can imagine how diligent and attentive he is.

If you can get into a good university and study a good major, you should be smart enough. Since you are smart enough and work hard enough, such a person is a successful person. Smart + hardworking = success, this is the perfect interpretation. Does this need to be explained? Can't you see these things?

Don’t you know what to learn from Jiubian? Jiubian is the best way to be a scholar, the best way to have a smooth life. This is what we have been pursuing.

"A bad potato" is the way to survive from a desperate situation. If there is no self-media, then "a bad potato" may also be a real "bad potato", which will not grow teeth, will not bloom, and will not find hope from despair. If self-media is not done well, then very few people will know about "a bad potato", and no one will care about his joys, sorrows, and joys, let alone analyze his life and pay attention to the path he has taken.

"A Bad Potato" read a good book, but his job was not going smoothly. He took his wife and children to live in Shenzhen. When the Spring Festival came, he sent his wife and children back to his hometown of Taiyuan for the New Year. He couldn't even pay for the air tickets back home. I had no choice but to huddle up alone in Shenzhen and spend a miserable Spring Festival. People, in this life, you can taste everything. That is the real life.

A life that is too smooth is actually meaningless? What achievements can be achieved in life without experiencing great sorrow and great joy?

When I was young, I used to be complacent and thought I could live a good life. However, in the face of reality, all my dignity and pride were shattered to pieces. It was not that I did not work hard enough or that I was not attentive enough, but that my choices always failed me. It's just unsatisfactory.

Speaking of the issue of individual choice, it is ultimately due to insufficient life experience and too little social experience. A stupid white mouse can only get beaten in society.

Wu Song in " Water Margin " has been beaten by society since he was a child. He has developed a keen eye for observing society. Even so, he still cannot escape the trap set by Zhang Dujian. It can be seen that society How important is experience in growing up in life.

In fact, a person's IQ plays a limited role in a person's growth process, but a person's social experience plays an extremely important role in your success. When you have spare energy, travel around the world as much as possible and understand the social reality. This will definitely be of great benefit to your growth.

You don’t think that all human nature is kind,

You don’t think that all human hearts are sinister,

You don’t think that all human nature is hopeless,

You don’t think that there is always hope for human nature,

Everything depends on it Your cognition depends on your choice, and the premise for making your choice is your social practice experience.

Therefore, I am always very grateful for people such as Dr. Huang Guoping and Nanjing University student Chen Shixin who were exposed on the Internet. These people will have great achievements in the future.

They have been severely beaten by this society since they were young, and they have recognized the true face of this society. Therefore, when they make choices, they always make the choice that is most suitable based on the truest society they have seen. This way People are invincible. Such people will not be "silly and sweet". Such people have a deep understanding of society, especially the bottom class. They know what they really need and what this society really needs. Therefore, they I will definitely be an elite in the future and my life will not be too bad.

To paraphrase an old saying, suffering is the medicine of your life. Life without suffering is not worth trying.

"A Bad Potato" must have had a smooth and uneventful first half of his life. Fortunately, he had two entrepreneurial failures, which made his life tough, thick and strong. I got up, so I started working on self-media unswervingly, and finally found my own way.

The first half of my life was also very smooth, so that when I reached middle age, I had to stop and enrich myself, filling my light life with knowledge, experience, experience and wisdom. Let yourself become thicker step by step, and let yourself become stronger step by step.

A life without suffering is not worth trying, and a life without thickening is not worth trying. In this way, you will grow up like "a rotten potato" and you will be as smooth as Jiubian.

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