You must have seen many cases of third-married girls getting married, but it is probably still rare for third-married girls to publicly display their affection. This is not to say that third-married women are not worthy of showing affection. After all, everyone has the right to d

2024/07/0209:25:32 emotion 1095

You may have seen many cases of third-married women getting married, but it is probably still rare for third-married women to publicly show their affection.

This is not to say that three-married women are not worthy of showing affection. After all, everyone has the right to divorce and remarry, and they also have the right to show affection, whether in private or publicly on the Internet.

But sometimes, it is not a bad thing to be low-key in life. For example, when a third-married girl remarries, the love shown at the beginning is not so much love as "freshness" and "fantasy".

True love can withstand the test of time and can coexist with the passage of time. We are already married for the third time. If we show love in a few years, won't we feel more happy?

You must have seen many cases of third-married girls getting married, but it is probably still rare for third-married girls to publicly display their affection. This is not to say that third-married women are not worthy of showing affection. After all, everyone has the right to d - DayDayNews

This woman is from Hubei. Her marriage has been full of misfortunes. From her first marriage to now, she has failed twice, and this time she got married for the third time.

Generally speaking, we all know that after a divorce, it is difficult for a woman to find someone worthy of trusting her for the rest of her life. Those who can realize their wishes are mostly lucky.

Most divorcees live a muddled life, or even make do with it. After struggling once, they are not willing to struggle again.

It is even more difficult for divorced women with children. Even if they remarry, they will always worry about the environment in which their children will grow up.

As for women who have been married for three years, it is not only difficult, but also more sensitive.

You must have seen many cases of third-married girls getting married, but it is probably still rare for third-married girls to publicly display their affection. This is not to say that third-married women are not worthy of showing affection. After all, everyone has the right to d - DayDayNews

The sensitivity here does not refer to the woman herself, but to the strange eyes from her surroundings, and even being looked down upon by her husband's family. After all, objectively speaking, even though divorce is very common now, society still has some reticence towards women who remarry.

But fortunately, this woman did not encounter this kind of trouble even after her third marriage. On the contrary, her third husband loved her very much. It is worth mentioning that this third husband was the woman’s best friend. , the two have known each other for a long time.

This time, the woman went round and round in marriage, but ended up returning to her male best friend. This was an unexpected fate.

More importantly, the woman's parents are very satisfied with this marriage, and her husband's family also likes it very much and approves of this daughter-in-law.

The two got married during the National Day last year. Now they have a baby and the family is living a very happy life.

You must have seen many cases of third-married girls getting married, but it is probably still rare for third-married girls to publicly display their affection. This is not to say that third-married women are not worthy of showing affection. After all, everyone has the right to d - DayDayNews

In this case, the woman posted a lot of videos during this period, showing off her affection on the Internet, and many netizens also sent them blessings.

In this regard, the woman's happiness was beyond words. She said:

"Although the beginning is not you, I hope the process is you and the end is you. Husband and wife are the longest companionship in this life."

These love words are sincere and full of sweetness. Feeling, enviable.

Of course, since the woman showed off her affection on the Internet and indeed lived a happy life, netizens still have some opinions on this.

You must have seen many cases of third-married girls getting married, but it is probably still rare for third-married girls to publicly display their affection. This is not to say that third-married women are not worthy of showing affection. After all, everyone has the right to d - DayDayNews

For example, some netizens said that they were also married for the third time, and their husbands knew about it, but they never dared to mention that they were married for the third time because it would attract gossip and cause unnecessary trouble. I didn't dare to go back to my parents' home. My parents and brothers and sisters didn't want to see her. They said divorce was embarrassing. Others even sarcastically said in front of my mother: Why did your daughter find another one?

Some netizens also said that to put it bluntly, my parents-in-law do not like it, but they have no choice, because it is too difficult to find a wife now, and they will not find a second marriage if they are qualified, let alone a third marriage. You must have this self-awareness, Public displays of affection are even more inappropriate.

Some netizens said that even my parents thought I was embarrassed and said that I was divorced. They only contacted my current husband when they wanted money. They were the kind of people who didn’t want money if they didn’t want it. Fortunately, my parents-in-law Treating me as one of my own is my greatest blessing.

You must have seen many cases of third-married girls getting married, but it is probably still rare for third-married girls to publicly display their affection. This is not to say that third-married women are not worthy of showing affection. After all, everyone has the right to d - DayDayNews

Everyone has a different concept of marriage. Although some netizens are not optimistic about the woman's third marriage, many netizens also expressed support for the woman and sent her blessings.

Although third marriage sounds unpleasant, as long as you are clean and innocent, why should you care about the gossip outside? You live your own life, and only you know the ups and downs of life. Don't let other people's opinions affect your life.

hopes that women can be treated well, be full of hope for life, and live a happy life.

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