Inscription: The three major tragedies in life are the loss of mother at an early age... Author: Nanhai Cloud Watcher's life is neither too short nor too long. If everything goes well, it usually lasts for decades. However, some people do so because of Various reasons lead some p

2024/07/0119:23:33 emotion 1149

Inscription: The three major sorrows in life are the loss of mother at an early age...

Author: Nanhai Kanyun

A person's life is neither short nor long. If everything goes well, it will usually last for decades, but Some people leave this beautiful world for various reasons.

It doesn't matter if they just leave. The key thing is that some people still have children in the world. If the children are not effectively cared for, it will have a great impact on the children's lives.

Inscription: The three major tragedies in life are the loss of mother at an early age... Author: Nanhai Cloud Watcher's life is neither too short nor too long. If everything goes well, it usually lasts for decades. However, some people do so because of Various reasons lead some p - DayDayNews

html The 51-and-a-half-year-old daughter stayed outside the cremation room without making any noise: I want to wait for my mother to come out

The life of a 35-year-old mother in Guizhou will always be fixed this year. Unfortunately, she died of illness in July, leaving behind three children. In the last stage of her life, These children are very sensible. The eldest child knows the situation, but the youngest child does not.

During the final stage of her mother’s cremation, her one-and-a-half-year-old daughter watched the people walking around her and consciously stayed silent outside the cremation room. When someone asked her, she said: I want to Wait for mom to come out.

immediately made everyone cry. Everyone couldn't hold back their tears. They didn't expect there to be such a sensible child.

Inscription: The three major tragedies in life are the loss of mother at an early age... Author: Nanhai Cloud Watcher's life is neither too short nor too long. If everything goes well, it usually lasts for decades. However, some people do so because of Various reasons lead some p - DayDayNews

When will you burn paper money so that your mother can have money...

Another 12-year-old daughter saw such a thing and knew that her mother had passed away, but she was very sensible and did not cry. She kept asking her second aunt: What? Sometimes I burn paper money so that my mother can have money...

When the second aunt saw such a scene, she couldn't help but shed tears. She felt very sorry for these three poor children. As she cried, she said: From now on, the second aunt will love you and cherish you, grandpa, grandma, and mom. I will also take good care of you...

These children are indeed pitiful. Without their mother, they will only have to rely on their father's work to support them in the future. Fortunately, there are still grandparents, but now that society is good, there are usually relief funds, so if the child If you are sensible, life will be difficult, but you can still continue studying.

Inscription: The three major tragedies in life are the loss of mother at an early age... Author: Nanhai Cloud Watcher's life is neither too short nor too long. If everything goes well, it usually lasts for decades. However, some people do so because of Various reasons lead some p - DayDayNews

Netizen: She doesn’t even know what “passing away” is.

The sage said that there are three major sorrows in life: losing one’s mother in early years, losing one’s wife in middle age, and losing one’s children in old age. Unexpectedly, in this family, such a small child no longer has his mother to accompany him in life. Seeing such a scene makes people sad and shed tears.

Netizen Xiao Maotai’s grandmother left a message: Poor child, my heart aches after seeing it.

Netizen Sister Shui Nianhua said: So pitiful, I feel so heartbroken.

netizen Marshall11 thinks: My son is four years old. When I was giving him a bath last night, he didn’t remember why I said something about how my mother will be after she dies...Thank you. My son cried very sadly. He stayed in this mood for a long time after that. When I said I didn't want my mother to die, I just said it casually at first, but later I found out that he was very sad...

Netizen Buyi Geng's reader left a message: Losing my mother is like an angel breaking his wings! When my mother passed away, she left me with three sisters. The eldest sister was less than nine years old, the second sister was less than four years old, and I was only eighteen months old... I couldn't bear to look back with sadness! Fortunately, the three siblings are together...

Inscription: The three major tragedies in life are the loss of mother at an early age... Author: Nanhai Cloud Watcher's life is neither too short nor too long. If everything goes well, it usually lasts for decades. However, some people do so because of Various reasons lead some p - DayDayNews

Inscription: The three major tragedies in life are the loss of mother at an early age... Author: Nanhai Cloud Watcher's life is neither too short nor too long. If everything goes well, it usually lasts for decades. However, some people do so because of Various reasons lead some p - DayDayNews


There are many misfortunes in life. It is indeed uncomfortable to see some people encounter misfortune, but it has become a fact and can only be faced. If the sadness is excessive, it is also sorry for the relatives who have passed away. .

If you encounter such a thing now, you can apply for help from relevant departments and your relatives and friends. Maybe this help is a little bit little, but it can help you grow up and become self-reliant.

hopes that families who have encountered misfortune can face it bravely and live a normal life as soon as possible.

Inscription: The three major tragedies in life are the loss of mother at an early age... Author: Nanhai Cloud Watcher's life is neither too short nor too long. If everything goes well, it usually lasts for decades. However, some people do so because of Various reasons lead some p - DayDayNews

Inscription: The three major tragedies in life are the loss of mother at an early age... Author: Nanhai Cloud Watcher's life is neither too short nor too long. If everything goes well, it usually lasts for decades. However, some people do so because of Various reasons lead some p - DayDayNews

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