In everyone's impression, nanny is a profession that only women can do well, but you have never seen that men can also do well as nannies. And this male nanny was highly praised by the female employer. The male nanny said: I am very satisfied with taking care of my female employe

2024/07/0114:15:33 emotion 1592

In everyone's impression, nanny is a profession that only women can do well, but you have never seen that men can also do well as nannies. And this male nanny was highly praised by the female employer. The male nanny said: I am very satisfied with taking care of my female employe - DayDayNews

In everyone’s impression, nanny is a profession that only women can do well, but you have never seen that men can also do well as nannies.

and this male nanny is highly praised by female employers. The male nanny said: I am very satisfied with taking care of my female employer. She treats me very well. I live a very happy life. I am willing to serve this female employer for the rest of my life.

She is fine, and so am I!

What is this all about?

Don't worry, please pay attention to the editor, and ask me to tell you this emotional story.

The male nanny’s name is Zhang Liang, and he is 43 years old this year.

In everyone's impression, nanny is a profession that only women can do well, but you have never seen that men can also do well as nannies. And this male nanny was highly praised by the female employer. The male nanny said: I am very satisfied with taking care of my female employe - DayDayNews

Highlight started working as a live-in nanny two years ago. He takes care of a woman in her 60s.

In the past two years, Zhang Liang fulfilled his responsibilities as a male nanny and took care of his female employer with great satisfaction.

The happy Zhang Liang said: The female employer has special respect for me, and I often call her aunt.

This woman’s employer’s name is Wang Meng, and she is 65 years old. Wang Meng is very kind to others and does not make things difficult for mean nannies like some nannies.

The female employer was really kind to Zhang Liang. When the employer's life was happy, Zhang Liang also felt happy.

Zhang Liang chose the nanny industry when he was 35 years old.

To be honest, his original purpose was not to do the nanny job because he felt that it was too embarrassing.

Once, while chatting with friends, Zhang Liang accidentally said that men can make a lot of money as nannies, but this career of male nannies is too humble and low-level and will be looked down upon by people.

Zhang Liang’s friend said to him unceremoniously: No matter how humble or humble the job is, it is worthy of respect as long as it does not break the law.

You didn't work as a nanny, but your wife still divorced you and ran away.

In everyone's impression, nanny is a profession that only women can do well, but you have never seen that men can also do well as nannies. And this male nanny was highly praised by the female employer. The male nanny said: I am very satisfied with taking care of my female employe - DayDayNews

It turns out that before Zhang Liang became a nanny, he worked in a factory. At that time, the salary was low, only 3,000 yuan per month.

As for Zhang Liang’s wife, she is a civil servant with a monthly salary of 6,000 yuan.

Because Zhang Liang and his wife were not in the right family and had the wrong household, his wife often had the idea of ​​cheating on her.

If he hadn't given birth to two children, his wife would have divorced her long ago. Just for the sake of her two children, she did not choose to divorce.

Zhang Liang often said to his wife, although you are a civil servant and I don’t earn as much money as you, except for my low income, I am still very good in other aspects.

Even so, he still failed to retain his wife's heart. Therefore, Zhang Liang knew that her water was shallow and she could not support this mermaid. In the end, she eloped with her rich male colleague.

This male colleague’s family is indeed very rich, so his wife is a typical money-worshipping woman.

As the saying goes: flies don't bite seamless eggs, the wife likes to cheat on her, and the male colleague likes to flirt with women. In this way, the two of them sing together and often secretly hang out together.

Once, his wife came home and asked Zhang Liang for a divorce.

Zhang Liang did not blame her, after all, he did not have the ability to let her live a "happy" life.

In the end, the wife agreed to leave the house and get a divorce.

Just like that, Zhang Liang and his wife agreed to divorce.

In everyone's impression, nanny is a profession that only women can do well, but you have never seen that men can also do well as nannies. And this male nanny was highly praised by the female employer. The male nanny said: I am very satisfied with taking care of my female employe - DayDayNews

After the divorce, the ex-wife immediately married this rich male colleague. I heard from others that my ex-wife lived a very happy life after marrying this man, so I could only silently send my blessings.

From now on, the burden of supporting the family will fall on Zhang Liang, a man.

With an income of 3,000 yuan, he simply cannot afford to support his two children and his own family living expenses.

In order to earn more money, Zhang Liang has to find several jobs every day.

He heard that men could earn a lot of money as nannies. Zhang Liang was only in his early 30s at the time, so he went to apply for a job as a male nanny with uneasiness.

In its own words, for the sake of face, I am afraid these two children will starve to death. Therefore, in order to prevent his two children from starving, he had to put aside his dignity and start working as a nanny.

doesn't read that family's books and doesn't know that family's characters.

Only after Zhang Liang started working as a nanny did he realize that the job of a male nanny was hard and bitter. Not only was I wronged, but I was also extremely tired.

When you encounter a bad-tempered employer, you may be wronged beyond your imagination.

So, although the nanny industry is a bit unfair, the wages are still relatively high. It can be said that the monthly salary is no less than six to seven thousand yuan.

Just like that, Zhang Liang endured the grievance and worked for many years.

In these many years of nanny life, he has met too many employers. There are young employers and there are old employers. But he never backed down in front of these employers. No matter how difficult the employer is, he will insist on completing the contract until the end of the contract.

Later, Zhang Liang met a warm-hearted female employer.

, the female employer, especially knows how to respect others. She told Zhang Liang that the nanny is also a person, and respecting others is equivalent to respecting oneself. So Zhang Liang is very satisfied with his employer.

In everyone's impression, nanny is a profession that only women can do well, but you have never seen that men can also do well as nannies. And this male nanny was highly praised by the female employer. The male nanny said: I am very satisfied with taking care of my female employe - DayDayNews

Although this woman is past her sixties, she still has a feminine charm. She knows how to understand and respect others. So this woman is a good employer who knows how to deal with people.

Why does this woman’s employer hire a nanny?

Wang Meng said with a smile: My husband passed away early, and my children all got married and lived separately, so I was the only woman left in the family.

Sometimes I feel lonely at home, so I want to find a nanny at home to talk and chat with me.

If one day, I have a headache or a fever, there will be someone around me to take care of me, and I will no longer have to live in fear all day long.

In Zhang Liang's home, the female employer never regarded Zhang Liang as an outsider, as if he were part of the family.

When she went out to attend banquets, she often took Zhang Liang with her, but this woman never told her friends that Zhang Liang was the nanny she hired.

The purpose is naturally to give Zhang Liang dignity, fearing that her friends will laugh and look down on him.

As long as Zhang Liang completes the tasks assigned by his employer, the remaining time is completely Zhang Liang's time.

He can do whatever he wants, and his employer has never interfered with Zhang Liang's time.

So Zhang Yan feels here that she is relaxed and has her own dignity, and the salary given to herself is extremely high.

During holidays, Zhang Liang's children will come here to play. But the female employer never minded, and she made two more rooms for the two children to live in.

Regarding this female employer, judging from Zhang Liang's thoughts, as long as this woman does not let him fire, then he is willing to serve this woman for the rest of his life.

In everyone's impression, nanny is a profession that only women can do well, but you have never seen that men can also do well as nannies. And this male nanny was highly praised by the female employer. The male nanny said: I am very satisfied with taking care of my female employe - DayDayNews

In this way, not only can you easily earn a lot of money here, but you can also have personal freedom, and you will especially be respected by your employer.

So Zhang Liang said to the female employer: I am grateful to have met you in my life.

Hello, me too!

Chinese emotion Qiao Cunxing

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