Hu Shi said: "The biggest evil in human nature is to hate you for what you have, laugh at you for not having, despise you for being poor, and fear that you are rich. You can live a good life, but just don't be better than me. This is human nature."

2024/07/0115:44:33 emotion 1902

Zhang Ailing said: "Human Nature" is the most interesting book, and I can read it in a lifetime.

Hu Shi said: "The biggest evil in human nature is to hate you for what you have, laugh at you for not having anything, despise you for being poor, and fear that you are rich. You can live a good life, but just don't be better than me. This is human nature."

We come to this world When you take a trip, you must bravely throw yourself into the complicated adult world, with a pair of clear and translucent eyes or ignorant eyes. If you don't read through this interesting book, how can you call it experience life?

Hu Shi said:

I have been quite busy recently, so today I have free time to summarize some of the secrets of human nature for the benefit of readers. True knowledge comes from practice, and it may become dark. There is no right or wrong, it is just an objective statement of facts.

1. If a person finds that he is getting more and more lonely, and the friends he used to have become passers-by one after another, then congratulations, it means that you have grown and made rapid progress.

2. How to distinguish the high and low stages of women? There is only one criterion to see if she is jealous. A high-ranking woman has no time to be jealous of others. She spends her time learning, growing, making money, and achieving herself. She knows that those who slander her behind her back are women who are inferior to her and men who are out of her reach, and she cannot be on the same level as them.

Groups of best friends gather together just to gossip and ridicule others to gain psychological satisfaction. Apart from wasting time and ostomy industry, there is no practical value. You are gossiping, she is making progress, and the ups and downs are obvious.

3. Love is a man’s pastime and a woman’s destiny. In the end, it's just a matter of one person losing it and the other picking it up. Whoever is serious will lose. There are 80,000 words in the world, but the word love is the most hurtful. But wake up and remember how much trouble you will save if you use the time for romance to do serious things.

4. If you don’t have a lot of love, you must have a lot of money. Money can't buy happiness, but it can solve 99% of life's problems.

Hu Shi said:

5. The person who can hurt you is always the person closest to you, without exception. Because you are close, you are not on guard, and because you care, you are deeply involved. If you hand yourself over, you have to bear the risk of being hurt. Therefore, don’t get too close to anyone, and don’t trust anyone easily. The only person you can trust in this world is yourself.

6. Your kindness must be sharp. Without thunderbolt means, there is no Bodhisattva heart. The road you are going to take must be filled with thorns and obstacles. It is impossible to obtain the true scripture without passing five levels and killing six generals, killing gods when gods block them, and killing demons when demons block them.

7. Those who talk about relationships lose in the end. Return to rationality, everything is interests. Human nature is to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. If you serve his interests, you are a good person. If you harm his interests, you are a bad person. Act according to the rules of the game, save time and reduce internal consumption.

8. People at the top of the pyramid are really lonely. Only those who are lonely can achieve great achievements. Heroes and tycoons are nothing but winners and losers. Don't fantasize about the perfection of "both wanting... and wanting...". To get it, you must first give it up. Between gain and loss, giving up is gain.

Hu Shi said:

9. Morality, rules, order, and civilization are all tools used by the strong to enslave the weak. If you look at their top-level logic for grabbing resources, which one relies on metaphysical things? At a time when resources are becoming less and less, only by restoring the wild nature of animals can we win in Law of the Jungle . The fate of wolves is to eat sheep, big fish to eat small fish, and small fish to eat shrimps. It is barbarism that always defeats civilization. Only when you are alive can you have the opportunity to talk about the future.

10. Some people call men lecherous, some people call women materialistic, some people call officials privileged... Don't do this!

Understand human nature, comply with human nature, and control human nature, and human nature is the tool for your growth;

If you contradict human nature, accuse human nature, and complain about human nature, human nature is the shackles of your growth.

What you are complaining about is not the interests themselves. What you are complaining about is that you do not have interests.

Zhang Ailing said: "Human Nature" is the most interesting book, and I can read it in a lifetime.

Hu Shi said: "The biggest evil in human nature is to hate you for what you have, laugh at you for not having anything, despise you for being poor, and fear that you are rich. You can live a good life, but just don't be better than me. This is human nature."

We come to this world When you take a trip, you must bravely throw yourself into the complicated adult world, with a pair of clear and translucent eyes or ignorant eyes. If you don't read through this interesting book, how can you call it experience life?

Hu Shi said:

I have been quite busy recently, so today I have free time to summarize some of the secrets of human nature for the benefit of readers. True knowledge comes from practice, and it may become dark. There is no right or wrong, it is just an objective statement of facts.

1. If a person finds that he is getting more and more lonely, and the friends he used to have become passers-by one after another, then congratulations, it means that you have grown and made rapid progress.

2. How to distinguish the high and low stages of women? There is only one criterion to see if she is jealous. A high-ranking woman has no time to be jealous of others. She spends her time learning, growing, making money, and achieving herself. She knows that those who slander her behind her back are women who are inferior to her and men who are out of her reach, and she cannot be on the same level as them.

Groups of best friends gather together just to gossip and ridicule others to gain psychological satisfaction. Apart from wasting time and ostomy industry, there is no practical value. You are gossiping, she is making progress, and the ups and downs are obvious.

3. Love is a man’s pastime and a woman’s destiny. In the end, it's just a matter of one person losing it and the other picking it up. Whoever is serious will lose. There are 80,000 words in the world, but the word love is the most hurtful. But wake up and remember how much trouble you will save if you use the time for romance to do serious things.

4. If you don’t have a lot of love, you must have a lot of money. Money can't buy happiness, but it can solve 99% of life's problems.

Hu Shi said:

5. The person who can hurt you is always the person closest to you, without exception. Because you are close, you are not on guard, and because you care, you are deeply involved. If you hand yourself over, you have to bear the risk of being hurt. Therefore, don’t get too close to anyone, and don’t trust anyone easily. The only person you can trust in this world is yourself.

6. Your kindness must be sharp. Without thunderbolt means, there is no Bodhisattva heart. The road you are going to take must be filled with thorns and obstacles. It is impossible to obtain the true scripture without passing five levels and killing six generals, killing gods when gods block them, and killing demons when demons block them.

7. Those who talk about relationships lose in the end. Return to rationality, everything is interests. Human nature is to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. If you serve his interests, you are a good person. If you harm his interests, you are a bad person. Act according to the rules of the game, save time and reduce internal consumption.

8. People at the top of the pyramid are really lonely. Only those who are lonely can achieve great achievements. Heroes and tycoons are nothing but winners and losers. Don't fantasize about the perfection of "both wanting... and wanting...". To get it, you must first give it up. Between gain and loss, giving up is gain.

Hu Shi said:

9. Morality, rules, order, and civilization are all tools used by the strong to enslave the weak. If you look at their top-level logic for grabbing resources, which one relies on metaphysical things? At a time when resources are becoming less and less, only by restoring the wild nature of animals can we win in Law of the Jungle . The fate of wolves is to eat sheep, big fish to eat small fish, and small fish to eat shrimps. It is barbarism that always defeats civilization. Only when you are alive can you have the opportunity to talk about the future.

10. Some people call men lecherous, some people call women materialistic, some people call officials privileged... Don't do this!

Understand human nature, comply with human nature, and control human nature, and human nature is the tool for your growth;

If you contradict human nature, accuse human nature, and complain about human nature, human nature is the shackles of your growth.

What you are complaining about is not the interests themselves. What you are complaining about is that you do not have interests.

Hu Shi said:

11. Suppose there are 4 people:

A: He always gives up his seat to the elderly, pregnant women and children when taking the bus. Is he a good person?

B: He likes to steal other people’s steel and steel plates on construction sites and sell them. He is a bad person, right?

C: He is never willing to buy food and clothing for himself, but he leaves the best things to his children. He is a good person, right?

Ding: He has a bad temper. He always wants to jump in line when waiting in line, and even quarrels with the people in front of him. He is a bad person, right?

If I tell you that A, B, C and D are actually the same person, then let me ask you: Is he a good person or a bad person? Is he good or evil?

Human nature always has a good side and an evil side. The display of good and evil in human nature does not depend on people, but on interests. So-called good people, when induced by benefits, will also have evil thoughts and even do bad things; so-called bad people, when induced by benefits, will also have good thoughts and even do good deeds. Everyone is the same. Don't underestimate the kindness of your own humanity, and don't overestimate the ugliness of your own humanity.

Human nature is fickle. Determine whether human nature is good or evil? The size of the benefit should be used as a reference. Human nature is essentially good when there is no interest relationship. As long as benefits are generated, human nature is selfish; if the benefits are large enough, human nature is inherently evil.

There are very few pure good or bad people: if you harm his interests, you are a bad person in his eyes; if you are in line with his interests, you are a good person in his eyes.

Low-level players spend their time evaluating the quality of human nature, being emotional and hurting others and themselves, which does not help. Experts understand human nature calmly, do not take strange things, and make good use of human nature as a tool to control human nature and use it to help others. What I use.

Hu Shi said:

12. What is the relationship between people? It is the relationship between trees and vines. If a tree does not grow vines, the tree will be surrounded by other vines; if the vines grow but the tree does not grow, the tree will be surrounded by other vines. This is a law of nature.

We must always understand that humans are a part of nature and are essentially no different from animals and plants.

13. If you are too accommodating to others, others will make things more difficult for you; if you are too tolerant of others, others will go out of their way to hurt you. Everyone's bad attitude towards you is due to your good habits.

14. What is easily obtained will not be considered valuable; what is hard-earned will be cherished more; what
cannot be obtained will be remembered to the death. People's hearts have always been like this.

Hu Shi said:

15. The poor value profits to facilitate entry. The less money a person has, the less likely it is that you should talk to him about big and empty things like visions and ideals. Tell him directly how much money you can make.

Respect the weak and approach with humility. When asking some low-level people, people with low status to do things, you must have a lower profile, you must give them face, and you must respect them, because they are very lacking in this.

A strong person values ​​results and starts with things. Strong people generally don't like to deal with weak people, so you don't need to be too humble when dealing with them. Just talk about the matter and go straight to the topic. They are most averse to formalized nonsense, and they only like to play with people who have results.

A wise man rebuilds it with a true approach. Real masters practice themselves every day and reflect on themselves. They are people who understand life. You are transparent in front of such people. People can see through the little tricks and routines you play at a glance, so you have to be true and honest in front of them. The biggest trick for masters to compete with each other is sincerity.

The villain made a heavy plan and used virtual cuts. The more truthful you are when you treat wise people, the better. When you tell the truth and do real things, you should be a real person. When you treat villains, the more fake you are, the better. When you tell lies and do fake things, you should be honest. Don't be soft when it comes to negotiating rules.

When you have a pair of cold gray eyes that can appreciate the bright side of human nature and accept the dark side of human nature, your insight into human nature will become higher and higher and more accurate.

Everyone loves Sister Lin, but no one knows that people like Sister Lin are destined to die young in chaotic and troubled times. You still have to be more honest as a person. Don’t ask for blessings, but ask for self-protection.

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