My little cotton-padded jacket is named Wang Haiyan. She is 22 years old this year. She is 1.70 meters tall and weighs 49 kilograms. The little cotton-padded jacket is too thin and refuses to eat. The little cotton-padded jacket has just graduated from a university in Jiangsu wit

2024/07/0205:52:32 emotion 1892

My name is Wang Haijun, I am 50 years old and I work in a small county in Jiangsu. My wife works out of town. We can only get together as a couple during the Spring Festival.

My little cotton-padded jacket is named Wang Haiyan. She is 22 years old this year. She is 1.70 meters tall and weighs 49 kilograms. The little cotton-padded jacket is too thin and refuses to eat. The little cotton-padded jacket has just graduated from a university in Jiangsu with a bachelor's degree in computer science. Her job has not been settled yet. I I tried to persuade her to take the civil service exam, but she refused, but she had promised me to consider it.

I basically raised my little cotton-padded jacket from childhood to adulthood. I was very strict with her when she was studying. Once she was caught secretly playing games at night and I made her stand for two hours. From then on, she never came back. I don’t dare to play anymore.

My little cotton-padded jacket was very good in reading from elementary school to high school, and he was equally good in college. He gloriously joined the Communist Party of China in the second semester of his freshman year. I am very happy and relieved that my little cotton-padded jacket has gloriously joined the Communist Party.

The night when the little cotton-padded jacket just went on vacation, she walked into my room with a smile. I was watching TV at the time. The little cotton-padded jacket walked into my room and said to me: Dad, close your eyes and extend your hand to me. I didn’t know what the little cotton-padded jacket was up to, so I closed my eyes and stretched out my hand to her. When I closed my eyes, I felt that the little cotton-padded jacket was putting something on my finger. When I opened my eyes, I saw it was a small square ring. Weared it on my hand.

When I saw it was a ring, I immediately asked my daughter where this ring came from. After hearing this, the little cotton-padded jacket immediately said to me: This is my Father’s Day gift for you. After hearing this, I immediately asked my daughter where you got the money to buy this. After hearing this, my daughter said to me: Dad, the money is saved from the living expenses you usually give me. I saw that my father has a little bit of gold on his body. I heard people say that gold is good to wear, so I usually save some money. , I want to give you a small gift when I graduate. Dad, it’s not easy for you. You have brought me up since childhood. I will definitely honor you in the future. After saying this, the little cotton-padded jacket kissed me on the face. Ran away.

Friends who are reading the article, is your family a son or a daughter? How are your children? Friends are welcome to leave messages in the comment area.

My little cotton-padded jacket is named Wang Haiyan. She is 22 years old this year. She is 1.70 meters tall and weighs 49 kilograms. The little cotton-padded jacket is too thin and refuses to eat. The little cotton-padded jacket has just graduated from a university in Jiangsu wit - DayDayNews

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