In 1990, my name was Su Zihan and I came from a well-off family. She is 19 years old and has no scars or wrinkles on her face. So a test paper had just been sent out, and I patted her back and said sincerely: "Haixia, don't be discouraged, this does not represent the results of t

2024/07/0103:29:33 emotion 1521

In 1990, my name was Su Zihan and I came from a well-off family. My parents are busy with business all year round and don't care about me.

My deskmate is Aunt Wang Haixia from an ordinary high school. She is 19 years old and has neither scars nor wrinkles on her face. Her eyes are so bright and vibrant.

My mind was filled with her words: Auntie didn’t even pass the college entrance examination...

So a test paper was just handed out, I patted her back and said sincerely:

"Haixia, don’t be discouraged, this is not It does not represent the results of the college entrance examination. In a few months, I will teach you to study together, and we will definitely be admitted to college."

Wang Haixia looked at me like a ghost, waiting for the paper to be turned over:

She got 114 in the math test. , I passed 14.

Physics adds up to 175, and I got 75 in the test.

Damn it, I'm a bicycle mechanic. I'm teaching chemistry to Tu Youyou. It's killing me.

Why did Principal Wang Like and Xia Hai not take the college entrance examination later?

Why do you only go to ordinary high schools with scores like Wang Haixia's?

I have to stay and see why!

During the short period of time when I was distracted, Wang Haixia had already packed her luggage and left:

"My parents came to pick me up and go home. I will go back to help build the greenhouse. Wait for me. We will be back in a month!"

Alarms went off in my mind. Did she go home and build a greenhouse before the college entrance examination?

I chased out and saw a man and a woman standing on the loess road in front of the school, carrying bags like human traffickers in old movies.

Wang Haixia pushed the No. 28 bar and walked over happily, as if she was leaving forever.

"...I will go home with my parents to rest first, and then help build a greenhouse. Seeing that you read the book, my mother feels very sorry for you."

I was anxious, so I rushed up and shouted: "Wang Haixia, you know you are a senior in high school. "The teacher won't let you come back after the first semester!"

Wang Haixia looked at me innocently: "What's wrong with you, Zihan? My parents are short of money and I can't afford workers. I just go home to help." God. I will definitely come back. I still want to take the high school entrance examination, mom?"

"Don't worry, your dad has asked for leave. The teacher won't blame you."

I saw his parents smiling all the time. But that smart look gives me the creeps. Too strange.

Why did my daughter ask for leave in her senior year of high school? What does Wang Can Xia Hai do with his thin arms and legs?

I couldn't stop Wang Haixia from going home, so I went back with her. On the way, I suddenly remembered that there was a piggy bank on my desk. There are dozens of old banknotes in

. My mother said it was the dowry that increased my value.

It came into circulation in 1990.

So I put all the money in my pocket and jumped on the back seat of Wang Haixia's bicycle:

"Let's go, take me to your house, I will help you with the farm work, and you will be my tutor. We must come back together to take the college entrance examination !"

"Zi Han, what's you have a fever?"

I didn't listen. I hugged Wang Haixia's waist tightly with both hands, sticking to her like candy.

Dad urged us impatiently: "Your classmate is kind enough to help our family with work. Let her go to your house to play. Girls don't study hard."

Dad approached Wang Haixia again and whispered: "Hurry up, we have to Go to the department store to buy a set of clothes for your brother. How much did it cost me to send him to a technical secondary school? "

I couldn't help but ask loudly, "Why don't you let Wang Haixia's brother go back? Build a greenhouse? Give your brother money to buy a suit, but don’t have money to hire workers to build a greenhouse?"

Wang Haixia immediately explained softly, "All the boys in the family have to go to technical secondary schools to have a future. I understand my parents. Besides, , A boy of this age must have a decent set of clothes. "

In 1990, technical secondary schools were crowded with good students who wanted to enter, but ordinary high schools admitted poor students. I guess this patriarchal family is hopeless.

For a moment, I felt that Aunt Wang was hopeless. She's a friend of PUA, she's become a tool helper, isn't she?

I was sitting on Wang Haixia's bicycle, the wind blowing her pink pants.The sleeves of her ill-fitting long white coat were a bit short, and her exposed wrists were yellow and thin. It was obvious that she often went back to farm work.

Her waist is straight, her back is long and straight, and her long and powerful legs make it easy to ride a bicycle.

For a moment, I really believed that the college entrance examination could change my destiny. At the age of 19, she seemed to be able to see all the smooth roads in life at a glance, except for one exam.

But she missed it, and at the age of 49, she was tortured to death by life.

Before entering the mall, Wang's father avoided his gaze and suddenly pushed the bicycle back: "You go in first, I'll go do some errands. See you at the bus station later."

Before I had time to think, I was pulled by Wang Haixia Entered the mall.

In 1990, cloth was still sold in shopping malls. Wang Haixia and her mother spent a long time choosing, thinking that ready-made clothes were too expensive. She bought the cheapest cloth and went back to the village to find a tailor to make it. The money she saved can also buy her brother another pair of shoes.

After hearing this, my lungs almost exploded. I grabbed Wang Haixia and asked: "Don't you think about yourself? Isn't it good to hire workers to save money? Don't you think your parents treat you differently?"

My words were heard by Mrs. Wang, and she blushed slightly. Face, she took out a few dime bills from her wallet and handed them to the waiter: "Buy some cloth for my daughter to make a skirt. She likes flowers, how about that one?"

Wang Haixia immediately shook her head: "Mom, I don't want to ——Zihan, you see, my mother is as good to me as her brother."

The waiter smiled and said to us: "The curtain you are talking about is the one that keeps out dust. The cheapest flower cloth is this, two. Yuan five cents ." After

finished speaking, she greeted a tall and handsome boy like Hua.

Wang Haixia blushed, and her mother scratched her head in embarrassment.

I think of Aunt Wang in 2022.

saved up money to buy me the latest mobile phone without blinking an eye, so I took out the money, picked out the most expensive white dress, and said: "Take the right size, try it on for her, and I'll buy it for her." ! ”

Wang Haixia and her mother suddenly became stupid. The suit material they chose cost only a dozen yuan, and this skirt cost 156.

I will give her the best, just like she doesn’t mind if I take the 290 exam and give me the best mobile phone!

I pushed Wang Haixia into the fitting room like a domineering president. When she came out sweetly, even the waiter was stunned.

In fact, Wang Haixia has a good figure, fair skin, and tall figure. She is wearing a well-cut old-fashioned lace dress with loose sleeves and waist. She was dressed like a European princess, with clear and vague facial features. In the dusty crowd, she is like a lily with the flavor of green plum, super eye-catching.

Is this really my Aunt Wang? ? Who ruined her like this in the end? ?

A tall, thin boy walked out of the fitting room next to Wang Haixia, with two straight long legs wrapped in suit pants, a broad and straight back, straight shoulders, and indescribably handsome features.

They stand side by side, even better than the host of the Spring Festival Gala.

Is it possible for Aunt Wang to marry this man? Rich boy × poor girl, I think this is okay for CP!

The pink bubble on my head is about to pop. Suddenly, I heard Mrs. Wang behind me whispering to the waiter: "I bought this skirt, can I return it?" I will return it later. You know me - "

Old man, you think I can't hear you, do you?

When I was about to fly into a rage, Wang Haixia ran over awkwardly and whispered: "This skirt is not suitable for me...I There is no way to mend the holes in the cloth shoes, so don’t buy them. "

Behind her, the boy in a suit and leather shoes was chasing her. His clean voice made people feel very comfortable: "I'm sorry, you look good in this skirt. Can I give you a pair of shoes? There is a pair of shoes that are very comfortable. Match you."

Wang Haixia suddenly froze, his face turned the color of pig liver, and she didn't even dare to look back at him.

The boy asked the waiter to bring her size. After paying the money, he didn't bother much and left with the driver.

Mother Wang has never seen such a scene in her life.When she picks up the shopping bags, her mouth will be raised to the sky.

I was about to tell Wang Haixia, but when I turned around, I found that she was crying.

silently, silently shed tears.

She whispered to me: This is the first time she has worn a skirt and leather shoes. This was the first time someone told her she was beautiful, but she didn't deserve it. My brother doesn't have such expensive clothes. How could she wear something so nice?

I wanted to slap her hard to wake her up, but I held back:

"You don't deserve anything? You are really good, you study so well, you deserve the best! Your family is doing this for your brother." , eat well and wear well. Why are you born inferior?"

Wang Haixia was stunned for a moment, and then said in a lower voice: "My family is very poor, so I shouldn't wear this kind of clothes. If I have money, please first To my brother."

"Don't look down on yourself, learn to love yourself! I scored 290 points, and people praised me for giving me a mobile phone... Anyway, you deserve these! Be a good girl, silly. You I will give everything to your brother. You are only 19 years old. Do you plan to be your brother's maid for the rest of your life?"

I don't know which sentence touched her. Her pale amber eyes flashed with surprise, and the tears stopped flowing.

Wang's mother came over happily and discussed: "Your friend gave us such an expensive dress, we must treat her well at home. But look at these shoes... don't return them. With that With this money, you can buy a pair of brand-name shoes for your brother..."

"Mom... I don't want to give it back to my brother this time..."

Unexpectedly, Wang Haixia came hard and gave the new ones directly. Wearing leather shoes on my feet, I said to my mother: "If brother is short of money, just sell my old cloth shoes." These are things given to me by others. I can't just sell it. If word gets out, it will be said that our character is not good. Plus, I like it. You let me be willful once. "

I saw Mrs. Wang's eyes straighten after hearing this, with unprecedented shock on her face:

"Look at you... This is simply pie in the sky, what kind of character is this child!"

That day It is more than 20 kilometers from the city to her hometown in the countryside. She wore an old coat, a new skirt, and new leather shoes, and rode a bicycle to carry me. Her back was filled with indescribable confidence and happiness.

Now that I have helped her take the first step, I believe I can pull her out of the quagmire! Being bullied like this by family members, the post-00s generation really can’t swallow this bad breath!

It was very late that day. Mother King simply prepared a meal. Wang Haixia and I each ate a large chicken drumstick in a bowl. Her parents only had porridge and old corn in their bowls, and they ate with gusto.

Her mother said happily: "You two kids are still in school, eat more nutritious things - our family is not well off recently, so just take a bite."

I diaphragm have chicken skin. I'm confused, and I don't know what kind of ecstasy soup they have. Until she went to bed at night, Wang Haixia suddenly said with red eyes:

"I'm sorry, Zihan, I'm going to town to sell skirts and shoes tomorrow. My parents are really in trouble at home, and I just want them to have a good meal."

I took a breath of air, first took her hand to comfort me and said: "Don't worry... They are used to saving. They have a lot of money in their hands and are reluctant to spend it on themselves, but they are lavish on their children. You Look, they bought your brother a suit and sent him to a technical secondary school. The family must not be that poor!"

"You can secretly cook a delicious meal for them tomorrow, don't hide it from them?"

Wang Haixia was stunned for a while. , nodding to sleep.

The next day, Haixia, the King of Heaven, killed a chicken and packed the stewed chicken firmly under the iron lunch box. While delivering food, Wang Haixia sprained her ankle. I immediately asked her to sit on the back slope and take a rest. I'll send it over.

In 1990, greenhouses were just getting started, and building a greenhouse was a new thing for anyone. Many people in the village came to join in the fun. When it was lunch time, every household used the same iron lunch box. I handed the meal over and said:

"Uncle and aunt, we are too busy studying and have no time to prepare the meal. This is made by our neighbor's aunt."

Wang's father stared at me, but didn't say anything.Wang's mother laughed awkwardly and reminded: "I don't understand this girl so much. I have to help her with work when I get home. Why... Hey, Zihan, don't be as stupid as her!"

Me He smiled coldly.

Wang Haixia saw her parents eating in the distance before leaving.

In the evening, after counting the materials for building the greenhouse and returning home, Wang's mother quickly made a pot of noodle porridge, and sat at the table with her father to make noodles seriously.

"You eat slowly, eat slowly. Aren't you hungry at noon? Due to the special circumstances of our family recently, we can save money, eat less lunch, and buy more chicken drumsticks for my daughter!"

Dad Wang said, "... Then I'll eat more corn. It's cheap and hungry. You should eat more meat in Zihan. You have to take the college entrance examination to keep up."

I saw Wang Haixia's face slowly changed. A cold face appeared at the bottom of the pale eyes, with thin lips pouting and slender eyebrows frowning.

Father Wang seemed to speak casually and said to Mother Wang: "By the way, I heard that you went to the mall and bought a lot of things for your daughter, such as skirts and shoes. You said not to spend money randomly. Why did you buy those things? Useless things? It would be better for you to buy some food for your children to replenish their health!"

Mother Wang immediately agreed, "Yes, yes, then I will return the things tomorrow -"

Wang Haixia suddenly interrupted her. , "Mom, I said I won't return anything, so don't worry."

Her eyes were cold, and she stood up slowly, with no expression on her fair face: "You two ate a whole chicken for lunch, and at night Of course I want something light. Have you had enough? "I can't dig some wild vegetables for you." Eating that is worse than eating potatoes. ”

Dad banged the potatoes into the bowl, his whole face turned black and red with embarrassment.

"I'm not that poor, right? If you really want to eat noodles and porridge, you might as well sell your brother's suit and we drop out of school and go home to farm!"

I almost want to applaud Wang Haixia.

Wang's mother quickly turned her head and chased her to explain: "Daughter, my parents didn't mean that. You are too ostentatious, we are afraid of gossiping in the village -"

"Others never think like this, the scary thing is that they guess!" Take your time, I went back to the room to review. She put down her chopsticks, limped to the bedroom, and shouted to me: "Zihan, come in. I will give you a set of papers in the evening and you can finish them before going to bed. "

I walked into the room triumphantly. As soon as I sat down, Wang Haixia held my hand and said, "I twisted it this time, but I was too angry to refute them. We will stay for another week and wait until the scaffolding is finished before going back to class. Dad lied to me, It's also because the family is short of money. Only if I pass the exam and become famous can the family have a good life. "

... Although her way of solving the problem is a bit crooked, as long as the result is right, at least she won't. So silly, sweet, and easy to trick.

The next week was very stable. Wang Haixia ran to the ground to help build the shed. Just when I thought I was about to turn the tables, suddenly, Tianwang's mother ran back crying: "Haixia, what can I do? What can I do to your legs? This is..."

I put down my pen, Run out and have a look. Wang Haixia was carried back on a wooden board. His right leg was dripping with blood.

"What else can I do if I go to the hospital? What should I take home?!"

In 1990, my name was Su Zihan and I came from a well-off family. She is 19 years old and has no scars or wrinkles on her face. So a test paper had just been sent out, and I patted her back and said sincerely:

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