Introduction: The biggest wish of the elderly is to be happy in their old age, with their children accompanying them and their wives taking care of them. Unfortunately, as people age, their health deteriorates. Birth, aging, sickness and death are the norm. Some could not hold on

2024/07/0106:53:33 emotion 1683

Introduction : The biggest wish of the elderly is to be happy in their old age, with their children accompanying them and their wives taking care of them. Unfortunately, as people age, their health deteriorates. Birth, aging, sickness and death are the norm.

Some people could not hold on and passed away. Some are still living alone in this world. Therefore, many elderly people will choose to remarry. In this way, you have someone to take care of you and help you in case of accidents. This way you won't be too miserable.

56-year-old Aunt Liu cried: "I divorced him two months after we remarried. His demands were so unreasonable that I couldn't bear it for a day. I had no choice but to divorce."

What exactly happened? Let's listen to what Aunt Liu has to say.

Introduction: The biggest wish of the elderly is to be happy in their old age, with their children accompanying them and their wives taking care of them. Unfortunately, as people age, their health deteriorates. Birth, aging, sickness and death are the norm. Some could not hold on - DayDayNews

56-year-old Aunt Liu's self-report

I am 56 years old. When I was young, I worked in the company. When I turned 50, I retired. After retirement, you can also receive a pension of 3,000 yuan per month. My two children have their own little family.

But they are very filial and will visit me during holidays with various nutritional products. My children also took the initiative to let me live in their home for retirement. But I really don’t adapt to it. I don’t feel at all comfortable in other people’s homes. It’s still nourishing to live at home.

Therefore I rejected my children and returned to my own home. But my children are particularly worried about me, fearing that something might happen to me. So he advised me to find a wife and remarry, so that I could be taken care of. I also feel that I am too lonely and need a wife to accompany me.

Many women look for a wife mainly to reduce the stress in life. But I don't care about money, I'm just too empty mentally. Every time I see old people in pairs. I feel envious in my heart.

Introduction: The biggest wish of the elderly is to be happy in their old age, with their children accompanying them and their wives taking care of them. Unfortunately, as people age, their health deteriorates. Birth, aging, sickness and death are the norm. Some could not hold on - DayDayNews

When I wake up every night, I am thirsty and no one wants to drink water. I really wish I could have someone by my side to take care of me. So I asked the matchmaker to find a man with good facial features and an honest look. But after several rounds of blind dates, I found that everything was not as beautiful as I imagined. The men on blind dates all have their own agendas.

They are not looking for someone to live a good life, but a nanny who can take care of themselves. In this way, I can be a hands-off shopkeeper in my later years and live a happier life. Or they hope that the woman can help take care of the grandchildren at home.

Introduction: The biggest wish of the elderly is to be happy in their old age, with their children accompanying them and their wives taking care of them. Unfortunately, as people age, their health deteriorates. Birth, aging, sickness and death are the norm. Some could not hold on - DayDayNews

I really can’t stand such a calculating man. I won't do such stupid things as being a free nanny when I'm old enough. If I remarry these men, I will get divorced. Later I met Lao Wang while walking in the park. Lao Wang's wife passed away very early. He raised his son by himself. Fortunately, he is the leader of the company and can receive a pension of 8,000 yuan after retirement.

Therefore, it is also a hot commodity in the blind date market.

He doesn't know how to sweet talk and is more down-to-earth. I just like such a simple and unscrupulous man. I feel very relaxed with him. His every move is so charming in my eyes.

He is also a very filial man. As the saying goes: "There is no dutiful son in bed for a long time." But he took care of my seriously ill mother throughout the whole process. He not only had to take care of me but also my mother.

I am really touched by this responsibility and filial piety. Before my mother left, she held my hand tightly and said he was a good man. I also burst into tears. After my mother left, I was sad for a while. Lao Wang accompanied me to adjust my life. The first thing I did after I cheered up was to marry him.

Introduction: The biggest wish of the elderly is to be happy in their old age, with their children accompanying them and their wives taking care of them. Unfortunately, as people age, their health deteriorates. Birth, aging, sickness and death are the norm. Some could not hold on - DayDayNews

When we first got married, the two of us were just like you and me. He helps me with cooking and housework. He never took it for granted. I usually like bags, shoes and the like. He would also buy it for me without hesitation. People around me say that I have found a wonderful man.

Unfortunately, this relationship ended within two months due to the contradiction in reality.

Introduction: The biggest wish of the elderly is to be happy in their old age, with their children accompanying them and their wives taking care of them. Unfortunately, as people age, their health deteriorates. Birth, aging, sickness and death are the norm. Some could not hold on - DayDayNews

First of all, he was too domineering and strong. He hopes that all the furnishings in the house will be at his command. While I was tidying up the room, he was outside giving advice. My heart is really tired.I wanted to shut him up. And he also has severe athlete's foot . As soon as he took off his shoes, the stench could make me faint. I felt very reluctant to be near him. But he wanted to kiss me and hug me very roughly.

Secondly, he insisted on bringing his parents over to live with him. His parents are very old and have some Alzheimer's disease. I can only take care of it with him. It's just that his mother seems to like to stick to him. She degenerated into a child, crying and fussing at every turn. And he also asked Lao Wang to kiss him and hug him.

Introduction: The biggest wish of the elderly is to be happy in their old age, with their children accompanying them and their wives taking care of them. Unfortunately, as people age, their health deteriorates. Birth, aging, sickness and death are the norm. Some could not hold on - DayDayNews

Every time I see pictures like this of their mother and son, it irritates my eyes. I want to talk to Lao Wang about something. His mother was about to interrupt me quickly. His mother said I stole her son. Angrily smashing things everywhere.

I am really exhausted physically and mentally. I not only have to take care of two old people, but also take care of all their emotions. Can I still chat with Lao Wang for a while? Lao Wang and I chatted less and communicated less.

I feel like I am not getting married at all, but taking care of his parents. As for my wife, she is also dispensable. Mentally he couldn't satisfy me at all, and in life he made me feel upset.

Lao Wang took care of his parents and also gave them medical treatment, which cost a lot of money. Therefore, he cannot afford basic living expenses. I am the only one who gets the monthly pension subsidy. Every time at the end of the month, I have no money left.

You must know that when my mother was seriously ill, I paid for Lao Wang’s food expenses. And Lao Wang didn’t subsidize me a penny.

I know that if I stay with Lao Wang again, I will only lose more.

So I filed for divorce directly with Lao Wang. This kind of marriage that involves both money and effort makes me feel like I'm being bullied. Lao Wang also said that I worship money and don’t know how to be considerate.

I don’t want to explain anything to him. In their later years, people seek more happiness and stability. Lao Wang obviously didn't let me feel this way, so I left decisively.

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