My cousin's teahouse has a very good business, because there are always a few regular customers, and they play mahjong every day in the afternoon and evening. The teahouse is their working place, and the attendance rate is very high. Among them was a woman named Qiqi, who was in

2024/07/0205:50:33 emotion 1085

Cousin's teahouse business is very good, because there are always a few regular customers, and they play mahjong every day in the afternoon and evening. The teahouse is their working place, and the attendance rate is very high.

Among them was a woman named Qiqi, who was in her thirties. I heard from my cousin that she is a single mother with a son who is in primary school. My son divorced her husband just after he finished kindergarten, and he lived alone with his son in a rented house in the town. Qiqi’s daily task is to pick up and drop off her son, and then play mahjong.

My cousin's teahouse has a very good business, because there are always a few regular customers, and they play mahjong every day in the afternoon and evening. The teahouse is their working place, and the attendance rate is very high. Among them was a woman named Qiqi, who was in  - DayDayNews

Qiqi looks pretty delicate. At first glance, she looks like a lovable and smart woman. She is a local, and her husband is from other provinces. For some reason, her husband cannot adapt to the life of the locals, and Qiqi has special hobbies. They got divorced and left the two of them back to their hometown!

Fortunately, her family is relatively well-off. Her father is working on a construction site outside. Although she has a child after divorcing her husband, playing mahjong every day is still indispensable. One game in the afternoon and one in the evening have become a rule! There are at least four or five people like

, and they are all equally good at playing cards. What's more important is that they play at a level they recognize and win or lose every day. If the cards are played too big, those with poor financial capabilities may not be able to bear it for a long time; those who lose a lot may be absent during the game, making it difficult to form a game.

Therefore, the four or five people who often play cards with Qiqi tacitly agree with each other every day and come to the teahouse when the time comes without any notification from the boss, rain or shine!

There is a man named Liu Gang among them. He is about forty years old and he is really good at playing mahjong! Among them, he is the one who wins more often. Whenever he is around, the other three feel a little guilty and have to concentrate on dealing with it.

Liu Gang is a good-looking man, and he is also measured in his words and actions. Whenever he wins money in a game, no matter how much or how little, he is always very enthusiastic about entertaining him during meals. Since we are all from the same street, we have become poker friends. We are all familiar with each other and get along very naturally.

My cousin's teahouse has a very good business, because there are always a few regular customers, and they play mahjong every day in the afternoon and evening. The teahouse is their working place, and the attendance rate is very high. Among them was a woman named Qiqi, who was in  - DayDayNews

But I don’t know since when, Liu Gang’s luck in poker started to go bad. In a poker game, sometimes you can lose thousands. And Qiqi, who used to lose more and win less, started to win more and lose less. During this period, someone made a joke to Liu Gang and said: Are you having a lucky break?

Qiqi, who won the money, also jokingly said, I hope you will always have good luck, so that my luck will continue to get better! The characters mentioned by cousin

are actually very familiar in their circle. We often get together, chat and laugh. This is a very common thing, but everyone just passes it by and doesn't take it seriously!

But what my cousin said to me later surprised me. It gradually confirmed what someone once said: Gambling is actually the most boring activity!

It seems that these people play cards every day for the sake of playing cards, but in fact it is much more than that! Qiqi is young and has a good face. Although she appears to be indifferent after the divorce and spends her time playing cards every day, in fact, deep down she is in turmoil. Once she meets the right person, something will happen.

My cousin's teahouse has a very good business, because there are always a few regular customers, and they play mahjong every day in the afternoon and evening. The teahouse is their working place, and the attendance rate is very high. Among them was a woman named Qiqi, who was in  - DayDayNews

And this person is Liu Gang.

Liu Gang has a family and a house, and they are all very familiar people. They live on the same street, so nothing should happen. But as time went by, after getting along for a long time, playing cards was a boring activity, so they naturally developed feelings for each other after playing cards and eating for a long time.

At the poker table at first, Liu Gang lost money and Qiqi won. Later, one of the two of them won a big win and the other a small loss. Naturally, the other two people would lose big. I don’t understand the mystery at the poker table. Maybe they were playing cards together. The other two are also difficult to understand.

’s cousin said that they did it perfectly and no one thought anything bad of them because everyone thought they were poker buddies! friend! It's impossible to do anything outrageous!

But then things developed to such a point that everyone began to realize something unusual: when playing cards, when Qiqi was there, Liu Gang was there; when Liu Gang was away, Qiqi had an excuse to be away! At first everyone thought it was accidental, but later it became inevitable.

My cousin's teahouse has a very good business, because there are always a few regular customers, and they play mahjong every day in the afternoon and evening. The teahouse is their working place, and the attendance rate is very high. Among them was a woman named Qiqi, who was in  - DayDayNews

While they were away, I heard from my cousin that they must go out to stay and fly together! In fact, it is not only me, but also my cousins ​​and others. It is difficult to understand why Qiqi fell in love with Liu Gang, a man with a family. Is it just because of emptiness, loneliness and coldness?

After the incident came to light, the two men restrained themselves a little. They played cards separately for a while, but after a while, due to the poor quality of the card game, those who played cards no longer cared about it for the sake of playing cards. Anyway, as long as there were cards to play, unless they went too far!

But the emotional intelligence of these two people is pretty good! Knowing that you can’t do things too much, you can still play cards when playing cards, and having a good relationship in private is a good relationship in private.

It can be said:

Hongxing's cheating is unusual, ambiguous and secretive.

Mahjong Life is not long, and absurd and chaotic love must be paid for.

It is not advisable to adhere to the feudal system, and the use of emotions must be established.

Moral turpitude pays a price, which has been observed at all times and in all over the world.

My cousin's teahouse has a very good business, because there are always a few regular customers, and they play mahjong every day in the afternoon and evening. The teahouse is their working place, and the attendance rate is very high. Among them was a woman named Qiqi, who was in  - DayDayNews

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