Hit the snake seven inches, and the treatment must be symptomatic. The same goes for pursuing a woman you like. If you don't even know what she wants and just give it foolishly, that's not brave, but stupid. The most intuitive example is that she doesn't know how to drink, doesn'

2024/07/0207:12:32 emotion 1528

Hit the snake seven inches, and the treatment must be symptomatic. The same goes for pursuing a woman you like. If you don't even know what she wants and just give it foolishly, that's not brave, but stupid.

The most intuitive example is that she doesn’t know how to drink, doesn’t like drinking, and even hates drinking, but you always ask her to go to a small bar or give her wine. Will she be grateful to you?

does not know that. He will only think that you are sick and that he is not the same person as you. To seduce women, you must master the methods and methods to get twice the result with half the effort.

Generally speaking, to "settle" a woman, use "hardness" in these three places to easily win the beauty back.

Hit the snake seven inches, and the treatment must be symptomatic. The same goes for pursuing a woman you like. If you don't even know what she wants and just give it foolishly, that's not brave, but stupid. The most intuitive example is that she doesn't know how to drink, doesn' - DayDayNews

Work hard on the life she likes

Everyone has the right to choose their own life, even if your life may not be healthy, it can indeed be optimized, but even if you want to change, it is your personal choice, others do not have so much The right to claim you.

Some men, when pursuing a woman, always want to change her. In fact, this is not necessary. It will only lead you into a dead end.

In fact, when flirting with a woman, you should focus on the life she likes and make her believe that you have a lot in common and have many intersections in life. On the contrary, it will be easier for you to truly enter her heart and become her. The most important part of her body, she can easily embrace her beauty.

On the contrary, if you object to whatever she likes, then even if she likes you, she will subconsciously stay away from you.

Hit the snake seven inches, and the treatment must be symptomatic. The same goes for pursuing a woman you like. If you don't even know what she wants and just give it foolishly, that's not brave, but stupid. The most intuitive example is that she doesn't know how to drink, doesn' - DayDayNews

The most important thing when liking someone is to do everything possible to meet all her expectations.

In her life, if you are the only one holding her in the palm of your hand, then if she doesn’t treat you well, who else will she treat well? This is how feelings are, you have to understand that no one is stupid enough to find fault by themselves, and if it is a good thing, they will definitely fight for it as soon as possible.

So, when it comes to flirting with a woman, you don’t have to think so much, just do your best to pamper her. When it comes to pampering her, the harder you work, the more she will feel happy and secure when she is with you. She will naturally fall in love with you, and you will be able to relax. Just embrace the beauty.

On the contrary, if you not only do not pamper her, but will make her unhappy everywhere, then she can only push you away as soon as possible to avoid being angry.

Hit the snake seven inches, and the treatment must be symptomatic. The same goes for pursuing a woman you like. If you don't even know what she wants and just give it foolishly, that's not brave, but stupid. The most intuitive example is that she doesn't know how to drink, doesn' - DayDayNews

Working hard

to accompany you and respond instantly is the longest confession of love. As the saying goes, the one who is near the water and the tower first gets the moon, which is very reasonable.

You must know that it is easy for a woman to fall in love with someone just because she is used to his existence. If, in her world, you are like a flower in the mirror or the moon in the water, always separated by a screen, or even unable to see anyone for a long time, then even if she has some good feelings for you, she will soon be rejected. Worn out.

When flirting with a woman, you must find ways to accompany her more. When she is in need, respond to her requests instantly. The harder you work to appear in front of her in time, she will naturally believe that you really care about her. A man who falls in love will naturally be able to hug a beautiful woman easily.

On the contrary, she can't find you at all. No matter she needs it or not, her world has more than you, but you don't have too much, so how can she be passionate about you?

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