#新农人creation contest# Clever Muzi Miss Sister Shares Emotional Stories#春日生活check-in season# Original Understand You 2022-07-12 12:30 Published in Guangdong #Listen·Your Voice Pictures come from the Internet I have A few days ago, I finally plucked up the courage to confess my lov

2024/07/0100:50:32 emotion 1029

#新农人creation contest# Clever Muzi Miss Sister Shares Emotional Stories#春日生活check-in season# Original Understand You 2022-07-12 12:30 Published in Guangdong #Listen·Your Voice Pictures come from the Internet I have A few days ago, I finally plucked up the courage to confess my lov - DayDayNews

I have a crush on someone I have loved for six years. I finally got up the courage to confess my love to him a few days ago, but to my surprise he agreed. But he has an ex-girlfriend who is prettier than me, has better grades than me, and is better than me. I am afraid that he will leave her if she says "Let's get back together." His ex-girlfriend was answering questions in class, and he glanced back, and there were many things that made me think he still liked his ex-girlfriend. What should I do?

You, your boyfriend, and your boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend are still in school and are classmates.

Being in the same class means that you never see each other when you look up. If you encounter group work, you may have frequent contact, and it is difficult to ignore it.

Allowing yourself to think wildly will obviously only make you more miserable.

In this case, what you can do is to actively seek a sense of security:

Actively communicate with your boyfriend

If you are afraid that your boyfriend will get back together with your ex, then first of all, you need to understand the reason for their breakup:

If you feel that it is not suitable to break up after contact The hand that broke up means that they have realized that the future is impossible;

If the hand broke up out of temper, it means that the two of them are still in love, and it is really hard to say what will happen in the future.

Not only ask verbally, you can also observe how your boyfriend behaves:

Is he patient with you, will he take the initiative to find you, and can he avoid misunderstandings...

You have to figure it out, boyfriend Do you really want to get along with yourself and fall in love, or do you treat yourself as a tool?

Don't underestimate yourself

In your eyes, she is prettier than you, has better grades than you, is better than you, and seems to be able to overwhelm you in everything.

This kind of thinking can be false or true. Think about it carefully, are you really inferior to others in everything, or are you feeling inferior to others because of your inferiority complex?

It should be said that everyone has their shining points, and you must have your own advantages and things that attract your boyfriend.

Maybe you can't reach 90 points, but don't underestimate yourself and think of yourself as 60 points or even lower.

Besides, she is better than you in every way, but they still broke up. Obviously they are not suitable, and there are flaws between them that cannot be corrected.

In that case, what are you still worrying about?

Cherish the present and love each other well

Love is a matter of two people, and everyone is the protagonist of their own life.

If you are truly together, then focus on your feelings, don't have to feel inferior and don't be influenced by others.

Enjoy the sweetness, and love yourself even more when you love him.

In addition, don’t forget that the most ideal relationship model is to rely on each other, grow together, and achieve each other.

Work hard to make yourself better and more confident. People are unpredictable, but your results will not lie, and your true ability will not abandon you.

Finally, let me share a very similar story:

I met a couple who were top students. They met in a key class in high school and got admitted to the same 985 university.

They get along well with each other, they are low-key and unassuming, and everyone they know is very optimistic about them.

Just when everyone felt that it would not be over without getting married and waiting for the good news, they broke up.

It turns out that after graduation, the girls went to Hong Kong to study, and the boys worked in a Fortune 500 company. The rhythms were inconsistent, and they were unable to help each other's difficulties. Their sense of presence and participation were getting lower and lower, and the gap became wider and wider.

The girls returned from their studies. Although they made a lot of efforts, they still couldn't go back.

Later, the boy fell in love with another girl and got married. Coincidentally, his wife also went to the same high school. In the ordinary class, she had already heard about her husband's previous relationship.

She said: "At the beginning, I felt that I was incomparable and unworthy. I was even told at a class reunion why I found someone like me.

Just when I was embarrassed, he, who was still my boyfriend at the time, He replied very seriously that I was his pistachio. Although he was noisy, he was also very interesting. He was very happy and comfortable as long as he stayed with me.

From then on, I knew clearly that I was unique and that I was unique to him. It occupies an irreplaceable position in my heart. "

Love is not that the higher the match, the better, but the best match.

Finally, I wish you can have sweet love and a full sense of security!

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