It is understood that extramarital affairs: A person who truly loves you cannot accept your casual contact with the opposite sex. Netizens shared that some people don’t understand what true love is. A person who truly loves you cannot accept your casual contact with the opposite

2024/07/0110:18:32 emotion 1376

It is understood that extramarital affairs: A person who truly loves you cannot accept your casual contact with the opposite sex. Netizens shared that some people don’t understand what true love is. A person who truly loves you cannot accept your casual contact with the opposite  - DayDayNews

It is understood that extramarital affairs: A person who truly loves you cannot accept your casual contact with the opposite sex. Netizen

shared that some people don’t understand what true love is. A person who truly loves you cannot accept your casual contact with the opposite sex. True love must be based on innocence and innocence. If you hurt him casually, even if he still loves you, You are also missing one word, that is "true". The terrible thing is that love has been hurt twice in a life, and I have tried my best to give up all my heart and soul, but the end result is betrayal, deception, concealment and acting. When you trust the other person immensely, show all kinds of humility, tolerance and unlimited investment, this is the outcome. There must be good women who are kind, sincere and virtuous, but you cannot meet such women, and you will not give any man a chance to get close to such women. I am over 40 years old and can afford to get divorced. I bravely filed for divorce, but he refused to agree to it. He accepted the punishment and kneeled down. He has always turned over my salary and has always been good to my children and me. What happened to society? Are all men like this?

Extramarital affairs are a poisonous sword that gnaws at the body and mind of the betrayed person. It explains what it means to be miserable, and it also interprets part of the love and hatred in life. Life is not easy, cherish those who are kind to you. In the face of betrayal and being unable to divorce due to various reasons, you must let go of the relationship, stop losses in time, focus on yourself, arrange your own life, and control the economy. Give more affection to your children so that they can grow up healthily. Stop extramarital affairs in time. Tenderness at home is water, tenderness outside is a trap. Which one is more important, water or trap, which one is more valuable? Not forgiving means divorce. After divorce, the other party will not get married again. No one is the same. It is meaningless not to forgive. It is true to consider the reality [pick your nose]

It is understood that extramarital affairs: A person who truly loves you cannot accept your casual contact with the opposite sex. Netizens shared that some people don’t understand what true love is. A person who truly loves you cannot accept your casual contact with the opposite  - DayDayNews

One of my clients is a relative. Before marriage, I just passed by thousands of flowers, didn't touch my back for a moment, came back to have enough fun, introduced someone on a blind date at home, and got married. The new daughter-in-law is very good. She has given birth to two sons and is running her own business. She has no money, so the new daughter-in-law’s family lent him a start-up capital plus 200,000 of his own money. In just a few years, he has a net worth of tens of millions. The eldest and the second were born one after another, and in the middle, there are still lingering flowers. Among them, I remember that the one with the best conditions was a senior teacher in Beijing in 2014. The only daughter in the house with 7 apartments went to the company and took out a card worth 12 million yuan and told his wife, "Please let me go. I'll give you everything." Later, at a junior high school party, I met my childhood crush and spent several years together secretly. The girl got divorced first. The two of them calculated that they would only give their ex-wife more than three million yuan worth of tens of millions of dollars. In order not to get alimony, each of them had one child. However, they excluded the eldest son and still followed his mother.

This woman also has a low IQ and EQ, so she suffers. When this woman asked the man to leave the house and follow her, you could agree. What else would a man do if you have money? A slap can't make a sound, my friend! No matter how bad a man is, a woman should stick to her moral bottom line, but what can she do to him? They are together just because they have similar interests, regardless of their moral bottom line! After a divorce, the man's good days have come to an end. His lover ran away, and the family went to seek help from his ex-wife. The ex-wife and his current wife had a happy life with a perfect ending.

Most examples prove that women should not do stupid things like using their family’s connections and money to help their husbands’ careers. If her husband succeeds in his career and makes money, he will think that it is his own ability, and he will not like it and is unwilling to admit it. He made his fortune from his wife's natal family. When he succeeds in his career, he becomes a farmer and becomes a landlord. He abandons his wife and children and raises his lover outside. How can he be grateful? This is not what a scumbag would do, unless he is a real man! few. The above content is all shared by netizens.

It is understood that extramarital affairs: A person who truly loves you cannot accept your casual contact with the opposite sex. Netizens shared that some people don’t understand what true love is. A person who truly loves you cannot accept your casual contact with the opposite  - DayDayNews

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