Some time ago, a female poet had a quarrel with her boyfriend and it became a hot topic. The woman has messy hair and is crying into the camera. However, the man did not appear in the picture, but his words were extremely calm. Every sentence seemed to lure the woman to take the

2024/07/0305:33:33 emotion 1649

Some time ago, a female poet had a quarrel with her boyfriend and it became a hot topic. The woman has messy hair and is crying into the camera. However, the man did not appear in the picture, but his words were extremely calm. Every sentence seemed to lure the woman to take the  - DayDayNews

Some time ago, a female poet had a quarrel with her boyfriend and became a hot search topic.

The woman has messy hair and is crying at the camera.

However, the man did not appear in the picture, but his words were extremely calm. Every sentence seemed to be tempting the woman to take the initiative to reveal that when she was drunk, she would wet her pants, she would scold him, etc.

The woman's voice sounded tired and almost collapsed.

Fortunately, after this incident happened, she simply broke up with the man.

Perhaps, many people warned her in the comments when she first announced her relationship: This man is unreliable and is definitely here for money.

Because, in relationships, the more you are a bystander, the more aware you will be of other people's emotions. On the contrary, the more someone is in love, the more unclear they will be.

No matter how romantic love is, it is very realistic.

A woman is disabled, old, not beautiful, it doesn’t matter if you are talented, it doesn’t matter if you are rich.

Even if the man who keeps saying he loves her is just an ordinary man who is married for the second time, has a junior high school education, and lives by keeping bees, he is only a "man" after all, and he will not know how to appreciate the beauty of your soul.

When a man approaches you with a purpose, this in itself means that there is something wrong with this relationship.

Unfortunately, this woman, she longs for love too much.

Even if she knows like a mirror in her heart that the man is just using her live broadcast to make money, she will still say: I hope he will use me more and make more money, so that he will have a long life in the future.

is so obsessed with love.

The reason why she lacks love is because of her past experience, from birth to her previous marriage, the harm she suffered from her family and ex-husband.

once saw an article that said that when her ex-husband was working, he owed 800 yuan and failed to pay it, so he took the woman to collect the debt.

He asked his wife to stop the boss's car, and what he said was, "You are a cripple, he doesn't dare to hit you."

The woman asked: What if he really bumped into him?

The man chose silence.

When people see this, they can't help but feel sad. In this man's heart, his wife is not worth even 800 yuan.

Such indifference shows that it is absolutely inevitable for a woman to divorce him if she is determined to do so.

Therefore, whether a man loves you or not is hidden in his actions and words. When he has shown indifference and disdain to you, then you should let go and stop being infatuated.

Some time ago, a female poet had a quarrel with her boyfriend and it became a hot topic. The woman has messy hair and is crying into the camera. However, the man did not appear in the picture, but his words were extremely calm. Every sentence seemed to lure the woman to take the  - DayDayNews

He is indifferent to you in words, and he has no love for you anymore

Love is really not an eternal romance.

But it is a real accumulation of emotions between two people.

A friend once said that there was a female colleague in their workplace. Before the divorce, every time her husband called her, the voice was so loud that the people next to her clearly knew the content of the call, because he was not "talking" but It was "roaring", even though she didn't say it openly.

And women coax him like a child every time.

Someone asked: It’s a pity that your husband doesn’t sing rock with such a voice.

Women always answer uneasily: He was not like this before. In the past two years, he has become extremely angry.

Later, everyone found out that her husband had a woman outside and wanted to divorce her, but she refused to divorce her, so the man deliberately treated her like this to embarrass her.

A man is so scumbag and will do anything.

Therefore, women must understand that if love is gone, stop lingering and make yourself so wronged, why bother?

Maybe you are still obsessed with the past, unwilling to let go of the sweetness that he once chased you, and unwilling to accept the fact that a love has left you.

However, when a person starts to use "indifference" to challenge your bottom line again and again, and has even caused harm to you, then if you continue to be that nodding and bowing slave, you are "looking for guilt" for yourself.

Only by being decisive can you get out of the past and return to the original you.

Some time ago, a female poet had a quarrel with her boyfriend and it became a hot topic. The woman has messy hair and is crying into the camera. However, the man did not appear in the picture, but his words were extremely calm. Every sentence seemed to lure the woman to take the  - DayDayNews

If he shows disdain for you in action, he no longer cares about you.

In life, there are always some men who are begging for mercy when chasing a woman, but once they get her, they begin to reveal their true nature.

All kinds of caressing, all kinds of paying a cent for a pound in return, all kinds of irritable and irritable emotions...women have to face the gap between "before he gets it" and "after he gets it".

Marriage is really not something that a person can "bear".

Because life is not just a day or two, but a lifetime.

So, when you start to be groveling and tolerant, when you distort yourself and are obsessed with him being able to treat you as well as before, you have given him the opportunity to take advantage of you.

is like the female poet we talked about at the beginning.

In her first marriage, the man didn't care about her at all.

When it rained when she went out, the man never thought of giving her an umbrella; because she was ill as a child, she walked unsteadily and always fell. The man did not feel sorry for her, but laughed at her again and again.

No woman can survive such a day.

When she filed for divorce, because she had become famous by writing poems, and becoming famous would naturally be "advantageous". The man did not agree to the divorce, but his friend actually gave him an idea: Women are pigs, so just coax her. alright.

Then, the woman gave him 150,000 yuan and a house, finally escaping from this absurdity.

I can only say that this woman is lucky, because although God gave her a disability, it also gave her the soul to save herself, so that she can achieve her own career and live her own wonderful life.

However, in life, there are still many women who marry just to have an iron rice bowl and someone to support themselves.

This kind of life is actually very miserable, because you will face it with fear. Once a man stops loving you, everything about you will lose all its luster.

So, women, you must know that whether you are in love or not is not important. Whether you can support yourself is really important.

Some time ago, a female poet had a quarrel with her boyfriend and it became a hot topic. The woman has messy hair and is crying into the camera. However, the man did not appear in the picture, but his words were extremely calm. Every sentence seemed to lure the woman to take the  - DayDayNews


In fact, everyone hopes that in love, they can meet each other and stay together for a lifetime.

Two people respect each other as guests, love each other calmly and passionately.

However, in life, there are always some people who fall in love but lack understanding of each other, less respect for each other, less recognition of three views, and less determination to spend the rest of their lives together.

So, he felt that she had changed; she also felt that he had changed.

However, living life is actually like being pregnant for ten months. It needs to be nurtured before a fresh life can be born.

If one person shows enthusiasm and the other person only gives indifference, then the ending of this kind of love will either break up or torture each other.

What's more, many men, before pursuing a woman, will actually evaluate the woman's figure, appearance, family background, etc., in all aspects, and then they will cleverly pursue you. In order to get you, they will do everything A kind of calculation to make you think you have met true love.

So, women, no matter how obsessed you are with a man, don’t fall in love so blindly.

No matter how sweet and passionate he is when he chases you, if all he gives you at the moment is "indifference", then don't waste your great youth and waste it with him.

Life is long, you should find someone who can give you "affectionate" and stay with you for the rest of your life.

Some time ago, a female poet had a quarrel with her boyfriend and it became a hot topic. The woman has messy hair and is crying into the camera. However, the man did not appear in the picture, but his words were extremely calm. Every sentence seemed to lure the woman to take the  - DayDayNews

author, calm fox

picture, network

I hope you can find the deep affection in the ordinary years in my words! Thanks for attention!

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