[The famous German chemist Ostwald was in unbearable pain due to dental disease and was in a bad mood. He picked up the manuscript sent by an unknown young man, looked at it briefly, and then threw the paper into the wastebasket. After his toothache healed and his mood became hap

2024/07/0200:55:33 emotion 1311

[The famous German chemist Ostwald suffered from unbearable pain due to dental disease and was in a bad mood. He picked up the manuscript sent by an unknown young man, looked at it briefly, and then threw the paper into the wastebasket. After his toothache healed, his mood became happier. At this time, he picked out the manuscript from the wastebasket and read it again. He found that this paper was of great scientific value. He recommended the paper to a well-known magazine, and the paper was published and caused a sensation in the academic world. The author of this paper also won the Nobel Prize . In fact, good or bad emotions are inseparable from our own mentality and thoughts. This is the law of emotions in psychology.

The Law of Emotions means that most people are susceptible to the influence of emotions. One thing may look sad in the eyes of others, but it may be happy in your eyes. The key is what you think. On the long road of life, either we control life, or life controls us, and it is our emotions that determine who is the mount and who is the jockey. It is like a double-edged sword. When it is negative, it can attack us like an enemy. When it is positive and healthy, it can help us like a friend.

You must know that the key to your happiness is not in the hands of others, but in your own hands. Whether we are depressed or happy, it is actually not caused by external factors, but by our own emotions. Therefore, we must be the masters of our emotions and not be swayed by our emotions. As psychologists have proven: people are not only magnifiers of negative emotions, but also producers of positive emotions. Being angry and depressed can only torture yourself. We should learn to regulate our emotions so that we can always maintain positive emotions.

There are many ways to maintain a positive emotional state, including tolerating others, maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude, being able to accept one's own emotional changes, being good at adjusting one's bad attitude in a timely manner, and mastering effective self-regulation methods. If you accidentally fall into a ditch, think about maybe a fish will swim into your pocket; when you take part in some important exams or activities and feel very nervous, you can secretly remind yourself in your heart, "Calm down, don't be nervous. Victory must belong to you", then you will naturally calm down and become more confident; when encountering difficulties and adversity, think about "failure is the mother of success", cheer up, and then the next step will be towards success.

[The famous German chemist Ostwald was in unbearable pain due to dental disease and was in a bad mood. He picked up the manuscript sent by an unknown young man, looked at it briefly, and then threw the paper into the wastebasket. After his toothache healed and his mood became hap - DayDayNews

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