Hello everyone, the 232nd article of "Evening Breeze in the Wheat Field", remember to like and follow, and continue to share the philosophy and fun of life with you. . Network is the exchange of value between people. When the other party can obtain benefits from you, they will in

2024/07/0111:51:32 emotion 1183

Hello everyone, the 232nd article of "Evening Breeze in the Wheat Field", remember to like and follow, and continue to share the philosophy and fun of life with you. .

Hello everyone, the 232nd article of

Network is the exchange of value between people. When the other party can obtain benefits from you, they will involuntarily approach you.

Of course, if you are at the bottom and need someone to help you and give you a chance to rise, you must have enough advantages to attract the other person and let the other person still support you and take you with you even when your value is not great. rising.

The following 13 ways to build connections, I hope they will be useful to you.

Hello everyone, the 232nd article of 1. Learn to be generous

You must learn to be generous and not stingy.

As the saying goes: " You can't let go of your children, but you can't trap the wolf "

If you want to open up connections, if you don't get some actual value, how can the other party like you if they like something.

Therefore, often those who are generous and willing to spend money do not have a strong foundation or a strong family background.

Money does not come with strong winds. Only if you think the other person is important will you be willing to spend money to please the relationship.

Hello everyone, the 232nd article of 2. Politeness

Politeness is the foundation of being a human being. The other party often does not remember you as a person at first glance, but your behavior.

If you are polite, speak and act appropriately, and treat others with respect, you will get the reciprocation you deserve.

Powerful people don't care about how many resources you have or how many connections you have, but how much money you have.

But you are particularly interested in a person’s connotation and accomplishment. If you can advance and retreat in a moderate manner and speak appropriately, the other party will definitely be willing to talk and have more contact with you.

Hello everyone, the 232nd article of 3. Learn to be grateful.

People’s magnetic field is very important. If you learn to be grateful, everything will go well.

What you give will be rewarded.

If you are loving, you will naturally attract many people to love you.

All good things come from A kind and grateful heart.

Hello everyone, the 232nd article of 4. Learn to be patient.

Yishu said:

To live a beautiful life, you need a lot of patience.

doesn’t complain;

doesn’t explain;

is definitely a talent.

Patience is a beautiful thing, but many people cannot do it and cannot swallow this breath.

endure the calm for a while, take a step back and the sky will be brighter.

Only by controlling your temper, learning to be patient, and understanding the current situation will you attract more people to make friends with you.

Hello everyone, the 232nd article of 5. Learn to praise others

Don’t be self-centered, think that others are worse than yourself, and look down on others.

This idea is wrong from the beginning. People who cannot praise others will naturally be arrogant and find it difficult to make friends.

On the contrary, people around you will only stay away.

Hello everyone, the 232nd article of

Hello everyone, the 232nd article of 6. Always review yourself

" Mencius " says:

If you are not good at what you do, , you should seek others instead.

In life, you will encounter many things.

If you don’t look for the reasons for everything from yourself, it will be difficult to jump out of the predicament.

Really good people will first see themselves clearly and make the necessary corrections to become better.

Hello everyone, the 232nd article of 7. Learn to think from someone else's perspective

Voltaire said:

" I use to judge a person based on the questions he asks, not the answers he gives."

How to ask questions is extremely important in building connections.

A good question can help you bring two people closer.

Kevin Tsai asked " Jackie Chan " in the program "True Love Index" if he was tired of making movies?

Unexpectedly, Jackie Chan burst into tears on the spot and couldn't stop for a long time.

People with high emotional intelligence often know how to put themselves in others' shoes when asking questions, and ask questions with gentle and appropriate words.

Hello everyone, the 232nd article of 8. Learn to be low-key

When you cannot create value for others, you must learn to be low-key.

Only if you work hard enough and are good enough can you gain real connections.

Hello everyone, the 232nd article of 9. Be respectful when you are above, and be generous when you are below.

Don't look at others with a snobbish attitude. One day, those who are higher than you will fall, and those who are lower than you will rise.

Treating people equally, respecting seniors and being tolerant to juniors are the basic principles of life.

Hello everyone, the 232nd article of

10. Have a normal heart

Don’t pursue fame, fortune, status, don’t insist on what you can’t get, and don’t show off what you get.

If you interact with people with a normal heart and look at right and wrong, you will not only live comfortably, but also do things smoothly.

11. Learn to adapt to the environment

If you want to open up a social situation, you must take the initiative to approach others.

If you want to build a " network of people ", you can't do it behind closed doors.

Sharing yourself is not about blindly joining the crowd, but about adapting yourself to the environment, integrating into the world of others, and exploring society at the appropriate time.

12. Be sweet with your words

Everyone likes nice words. It doesn’t need to be lofty, but praising people truthfully and not sparing words is the key to opening the door to interpersonal relationships.

13. Talking too much leads to mistakes.

Speaking is an art. It does not mean that you talk too much or stop talking if you are afraid, but that you learn to observe words, look at the situation, look at the person, and look at the time before speaking.

Don't talk too much if you shouldn't say it. If you should say it, you must learn to open your mouth.

Hello everyone, the 232nd article of


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