However, now the AA system has also appeared in marriage, which is a bit puzzling. Especially in second marriages in later years, the AA system lifestyle has become more popular.

2024/07/0103:30:33 emotion 1525

When you get married in your later years, will you accept the life of an AA couple?

Generally speaking, the AA system appears mostly at gatherings between classmates and friends, or even among colleagues buying something together, and then the AA system is used to share evenly. However, now the AA system has also appeared in marriage, which is a bit puzzling. Especially in second marriages in later years, the AA system lifestyle has become more popular.

However, now the AA system has also appeared in marriage, which is a bit puzzling. Especially in second marriages in later years, the AA system lifestyle has become more popular. - DayDayNews

Many elderly people who remarry in their later years do not choose to obtain a marriage certificate, but directly live together as a partner. Then in life, an AA system is implemented, with each person doing half of the housework and sharing the living expenses equally. This seems to be quite good. Each person takes half of the responsibility and the division is clear. However, "it is difficult for an upright official to sort out household chores." In married life, it is never possible to clearly separate household chores, especially marital accounts.

Therefore, the AA lifestyle will only intensify the conflicts between husband and wife in the end, make the marriage relationship worse, and even lose the original innocence of the couple.

A 60-year-old couple lived in a partnership for ten years. The husband suddenly became ill in bed and asked his partner to take care of him. But the wife said that he would take care of her for 6,000 yuan per month. As a result, the husband was unwilling and the marriage eventually broke up.

However, now the AA system has also appeared in marriage, which is a bit puzzling. Especially in second marriages in later years, the AA system lifestyle has become more popular. - DayDayNews

Aunt Xu, who is 63 years old this year, originally lived a very good life after retiring at the age of 50. She receives a pension of 3,000 yuan every month, and her husband is a small leader in a certain unit. His monthly living expenses are supported by his husband, and Aunt Xu is a comfortable housewife every day. She serves her husband at home and cooks. Cooking and doing housework.

After her husband goes to work, she can have free and unrestrained entertainment, go to the mahjong parlor to play cards, travel everywhere, go dancing, etc. Moreover, the only daughter married off early, so she didn't have to worry about anything. Her life after retirement was simply the envy of thousands of women.

However, fate had a twist. When Aunt Xu was 52 years old, her husband, who had always been healthy, took away his life early due to a cancer , and then also took away Aunt Xu's happy life. At that time, in order to treat her husband's cancer, Aunt Xu spent more than 300,000 yuan in savings, but she was unable to save her husband. In the end, when she was left alone, she could only rely on a pension of 3,000 yuan a month to survive.

However, now the AA system has also appeared in marriage, which is a bit puzzling. Especially in second marriages in later years, the AA system lifestyle has become more popular. - DayDayNews

Although she has 3,000 yuan per month, she can still live a good life. After all, Aunt Xu still has a house to live in and a daughter who will always take care of her. But Aunt Xu, who was only in her early 50s, was dissatisfied with her single life. The year after her husband died, she chose to find a man and remarry.

But at such an old age, when it came to remarriage, many men did not want her. In the end, in order to find a man quickly, Aunt Xu began to partner up with a man who was 3 years older than herself.

This man is called Uncle Li. He is also retired from his work unit. His pension is very high, 7,000 yuan per month. He has only one son and he separated early. Therefore, Uncle Li's conditions are also good, and Aunt Xu thinks they are a good match. Two old people who have pensions and don't have to worry about their children will be a perfect match together, and their future life will be happy.

However, all this is Aunt Xuā€™s naive expectation.

However, now the AA system has also appeared in marriage, which is a bit puzzling. Especially in second marriages in later years, the AA system lifestyle has become more popular. - DayDayNews

Uncle Li was very kind to Aunt Xu at first. He took Aunt Xu into his home and bought her this and that. This made Aunt Xu very happy and she felt that she had really found a very reliable man. Unexpectedly, less than half a month after entering the house, Uncle Li proposed to Aunt Xu to implement the AA system. He said a lot of very reasonable things, saying that the AA system would make their marriage last longer, because everything Calculate clearly, no one will suffer, and no one will take advantage of anyone.

This made Aunt Xu believe it, and she felt that what Uncle Li said was right, so she followed Uncle Li's suggestion. The two of them spent 1,000 yuan a month, a total of 2,000 yuan, as living expenses. As for water, electricity and gas bills, there was a small amount. Uncle Li assumed that Aunt Xu was a woman and did not have to pay the money, so she could compensate by being responsible for buying food, cooking and cleaning. Then, in daily life, whatever you want to buy and invest in, we share it equally with each other.

AA's lifestyle has indeed allowed Aunt Xu and Uncle Li to live a very harmonious life. Aunt Xu is also secretly happy because she only has to pay 1,000 yuan a month to have such a happy life, and she also has a man. Companionship is much more comfortable than living alone.

However, now the AA system has also appeared in marriage, which is a bit puzzling. Especially in second marriages in later years, the AA system lifestyle has become more popular. - DayDayNews

However, as time goes by, it becomes increasingly difficult for couples to settle their accounts clearly.

Uncle Li is a very fussy man. He values ā€‹ā€‹fairness and justice in everything, and he has to account for every cent with Aunt Xu. For example, when buying groceries, Aunt Xu has to go to the supermarket every time, because only in this way can there be receipts. At the end of every month, Uncle Li will also do the accounting, which means that he can use it to practice his skills. In fact, he just wants to see what Aunt Xu actually uses in a month. How much money has been paid and will there be any leftover?

However, when two old people live in the city, 2,000 yuan is sometimes not enough for expenses. But even if it is not enough every month, Aunt Xu never cares. When the general ledger is used up, she will make up for it from her own pocket. And Uncle Li knew clearly that Aunt Xu was so disrespectful, but he always pretended not to know. Instead, he became more careless. In his heart, he felt that he was Aunt Xu's noble person. Otherwise, if he was willing to accept Aunt Xu, Aunt Xu might not be able to find a better one. Good mate.

Therefore, Uncle Li is very clear about everything with Aunt Xu. He will settle accounts with Aunt Xu when he buys a bucket of water, a towel, or even a pack of toothpicks. But Aunt Xu innocently thought this was good. Every time Uncle Li settled accounts with her, he was always very cooperative, never fussy or angry.

However, now the AA system has also appeared in marriage, which is a bit puzzling. Especially in second marriages in later years, the AA system lifestyle has become more popular. - DayDayNews

As a result, in the fourth year of their partnership, Aunt Xu fell ill and was hospitalized, but Uncle Li's behavior chilled Aunt Xu's heart. At that time, although Aunt Xu only had a minor operation on her arm and could still take care of herself, she would definitely need to be accompanied by her family when she was hospitalized. But Uncle Li directly called Aunt Xu's daughter back to accompany her, and he made excuses saying that he couldn't I liked staying in the hospital, so I didn't take care of Aunt Xu.

What's even more ridiculous is that Uncle Li didn't want to pay for some expenses on the day he was hospitalized. Instead, he asked Aunt Xu to reimburse him before getting to the hospital bed. This made Aunt Xu very sad. She felt that Uncle Li was a bit too fussy. But Aunt Xu chose to endure the past for the sake of her hard-won partnering life.

However, now the AA system has also appeared in marriage, which is a bit puzzling. Especially in second marriages in later years, the AA system lifestyle has become more popular. - DayDayNews

However, after that, Aunt Xu also started to care about it. She no longer foolishly poured money on Uncle Li.

Just like this, the remarriage life of Aunt Xu and Uncle Li was full of conflicts. They would quarrel over some money matters every now and then. Several times, Aunt Xu had the idea of ā€‹ā€‹breaking up the relationship, but she thought that they were already old and it would be difficult to break up the relationship. It was difficult to find a man, so I gave up the idea for once.

endures for 10 years. Uncle Li fell down while going out this year, causing damage to his spinal nerves and paralysis of his lower body. He will need help for the rest of his life.

Aunt Xu ignored the previous suspicion and took good care of Uncle Li during his hospitalization. She also bought a lot of nutritional supplements for him with her own money.

However, now the AA system has also appeared in marriage, which is a bit puzzling. Especially in second marriages in later years, the AA system lifestyle has become more popular. - DayDayNews

But Uncle Li was not grateful at all. He was still afraid that something might happen to him, so he transferred the ownership of the family house to his son, and asked his son to take away the valuable things in the safe, even the pension money he received. The cards were all given to his son for safekeeping. After Aunt Xu knew all this, she was really disheartened. She took such good care of Uncle Li in the hospital, but he ended up being so defensive about her.

After he was discharged from the hospital, Uncle Li didnā€™t want to hire a nanny, so he asked Aunt Xu to take care of him. But how could Aunt Xu be willing? She has been in the AA system for 10 years, and everything is clear. Even Uncle Li, who is sick, has not fulfilled any of his responsibilities as a husband and wife. Now he is paralyzed and has to be waited on by someone who is exhausted. Who would want to.

However, now the AA system has also appeared in marriage, which is a bit puzzling. Especially in second marriages in later years, the AA system lifestyle has become more popular. - DayDayNews

Aunt Xu refused and said to Uncle Li: " Aren't you talking about the AA system? I was sick in the past, and you didn't come to take care of me, and you even settled the accounts with me so clearly. Now it's your turn to get sick, isn't it? Can't I settle the accounts? " At this time, Uncle Li picked up the relationship between husband and wife and cried: " Lao Xu, can't you serve me for the sake of our 10-year marriage? "

Aunt Xu thought about the past 10 years. Although she was very resentful, she felt sorry for Uncle Li when she saw him lying in bed. She softened her heart and said: " It's okay for me to take care of you, but you have to The monthly pension of 7,000 yuan is handed over to me, so that I can accept it! " But when Uncle Li heard that Aunt Xu asked for 7,000 yuan, he was very upset: " I can only hire a nanny outside. 5,000, why should I pay so much for you to take care of her? " Uncle Li was worried about his money, but felt that Aunt Xu was too cruel.

In the end, Uncle Li was only willing to take out 4,000 yuan, and was unwilling to give it all to Aunt Xu, and Aunt Xu did not choose to sympathize with Uncle Li anymore. After all, with such an agreement, he would be bound to Uncle Li from now on. In this way, neither party was willing. In the end, Aunt Xu chose to break up the partnership, and Uncle Li was picked up by his son.

However, now the AA system has also appeared in marriage, which is a bit puzzling. Especially in second marriages in later years, the AA system lifestyle has become more popular. - DayDayNews

After the partnership broke up, Aunt Xu saw through the marriage in her later years and never remarried. Instead, she chose to live alone. Although she was a little lonely, she was still quite comfortable. But Uncle Li's ending made people applaud. Less than half a year after his son's life, he was sent to a nursing home. He cried every day, which made people sigh.


Marriage is a long-term happiness when two people manage each other and make selfless contributions together, rather than maintaining it by caring about each other. Therefore, an AA marriage seems to be fair to everyone, but in the long run, the marriage will break down due to interest disputes.

Therefore, if you partner up to implement the AA lifestyle in your later years, there will be no good results in the end. Especially for women, they have always contributed the most in the family. If you talk about the AA system with men, it will be greatly affected. Damaging one's own interests and making one's life very disadvantageous is like being a free nanny for a man, providing both money and effort.

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