People are the most complex in the world. Who knows what they are thinking? As the saying goes, even the most intimate couples have hidden secrets. Although the human mind cannot understand it, it will manifest itself to a certain extent according to a person's psychological chan

2024/07/0106:51:32 emotion 1528

people are the most sophisticated in the world. Who knows what they are thinking? As the saying goes, even the most intimate couples have hidden secrets.

Although the human mind is incomprehensible, it will manifest itself to a certain extent according to a person's psychological changes. As long as you carefully observe some small details, you will always find some flaws.

Here are some observations to make sure your man is faithful.


Phone is an indispensable product for everyone in modern society. With a phone, you can travel far away from home without going out. You can tell the other person what you feel without having to meet each other, and you can get what you want without leaving the house.

Therefore, the phone is the bridge of communication in modern society. By observing your man, the small details of using the phone can help determine loyalty. So how to observe?

People are the most complex in the world. Who knows what they are thinking? As the saying goes, even the most intimate couples have hidden secrets. Although the human mind cannot understand it, it will manifest itself to a certain extent according to a person's psychological chan - DayDayNews

Power-on password, lock screen password:

Now Every mobile phone has a power-on password and a lock screen password. The power-on password is to prevent theft, and the lock screen password is to prevent leaks.

Regarding your man’s mobile phone, how many of these two passwords do you know? The first one is not important, the more important thing is the lock screen password. Generally speaking, those who feel insecure and are afraid of people or words that should not appear in front of their wives should never let their wives know the lock screen password. If your phone is not with you, the secret may be revealed at any time.

So, as long as your man has the courage to tell you the lock screen password, it proves that the phone does not have his secrets. Of course, you have to exclude some resourceful people.


There are many ways to chat on mobile phones, such as QQ, WeChat and Weibo. The way he chats is not important, what is important is whether he avoids you, or moves to another place as soon as you approach him, or blocks you from looking at his phone, which proves that there are things you can't show you. When

was chatting, he deleted the chat history while chatting because he was afraid that some explicit chat text would be seen by his wife. Of course, in addition to some people who have the habit of cleaning their phones at any time, I also have this habit, but I always delete them once after chatting, not one by one. When

deletes chat records, not all chat records are deleted one by one, but are deleted in a targeted manner, which is problematic.

Answering and making calls:

It is worth noting when answering and making calls. Normal contact numbers, business calls, and work calls. Is it necessary to avoid your wife talking? Unless you work for an important organization.

If you don't want your wife to answer the phone, try approaching her. When I see you coming, I immediately change my position and continue to call. This kind of action is constant. Don’t you think it’s suspicious?

There are also some people who will pretend to answer the phone in front of their wives on purpose. However, you can also find some from the language. Small problems, the most common one is just listening but not speaking, and there is a constant buzzing in the nose from beginning to end. This kind of phone call is also suspicious when there are many.

Carry your mobile phone with you:

A man holds his mobile phone in his hand anytime, anywhere, even when eating, going to the toilet, or even taking a shower. Anyway, it never leaves the body. This is definitely a ghost in his mind, for fear of being absent from time to time, or the mobile phone being stolen. My wife saw it. Don’t you suspect there is such an abnormal behavior?


Modern dress is more particular, but some abnormal behaviors are also worth considering. For example, I have always been casual in the past, and suddenly one day I started to like it. This It shouldn't be normal, right?

Pay more attention to your man's clothes and pants. They are flat when you walk in the morning, but wrinkled when you come back at night. It may be because you didn't hang up your clothes after taking them off, or there is something wrong with them. For stress, if you sleep in the office or in the car, only one side should be wrinkled.

Observe whether there is long hair on men's clothes and whether there is a smell of perfume that does not belong to you. You have straight hair, he has curly hair, you have black hair, he has yellow hair, etc. These are all abnormal.

Some careful people will even observe men's socks. When they went out in the morning, the pattern marks on the men's socks were the same, but when they came back in the evening, they had changed, which proved that they had taken off their socks.Why do they take off their socks during the day?

Observation Expression:

A person's psychological dynamics are sometimes shown on the face, but many of us cannot see it.

When your man comes home late and you ask him why he is so late, his answer is always hesitant and incoherent, but his eyes always avoid you, and he does nothing as soon as he comes in. The first thing he does is Wash, this is fishy.

always uses his peripheral vision to observe your every move from time to time when he is on the phone or chatting. He is afraid that you will get close to him, which is also worth your consideration.

Overtime work:

Overtime work has always existed in all walks of life. However, the country now has corresponding regulations on overtime work in the workplace. Your man works in the workplace. One day he often says that working overtime means working overtime. Is he the only one in his workplace? ?

Many people will use the excuse of working overtime to meet their people in private outside. When this happens, you might as well check quietly. Of course, there are indeed people who often work overtime. Everyone should pay attention to the distinction and not misunderstand good people.

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