Long Tao, who has a reputation as a good man, actually has an unclear relationship with a female neighbor in the community. After Zhao Ting went to inquire about it, she found that some things were not as simple as they seemed... 01 A man came to the community where Zhao Ting liv

2024/07/0115:42:33 emotion 1226

Long Tao, who has a reputation as a good man, actually has an unclear relationship with a female neighbor in the community. After Zhao Ting went to inquire about it, she found that some things were not as simple as they seemed...

Long Tao, who has a reputation as a good man, actually has an unclear relationship with a female neighbor in the community. After Zhao Ting went to inquire about it, she found that some things were not as simple as they seemed... 01 A man came to the community where Zhao Ting liv - DayDayNews


The community where Zhao Ting lives The arrival of a woman made many women feel like enemies.

The woman is so beautiful, like a TV star, with white skin and a hot figure. She has her own charm when standing or sitting. No one is not attracted to her.

As her name suggests, her name is Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang came here a few months ago. He opened a photo studio in the community and knew how to take care of people. Plus he was beautiful and his business was very good. People in the

community have mixed reviews about her. Women call her coquettish, men praise her for her beauty, and even Zhao Ting's husband Long Tao is full of praise for her.

Zhao Ting didn't have those crooked thoughts and just regarded Zhang Yang as a neighbor, but she didn't expect that Zhang Yang would seduce Long Tao.


Zhao Ting had just picked up her daughter from the interest class that day, and her best friend Li Li called one after another.

When the call came through, Li Li shouted angrily. She had seen Long Tao sneaking into Zhang Yang's store for several days and stayed there for a long time for no apparent reason.

Zhao Ting was stunned and asked if she had seen it wrong.

Li Li said that she could see clearly and told her to be more careful and not wait until her man was seduced by another woman without knowing it.

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Ting didn't recover for a long time. She didn't quite believe that Long Tao would do anything wrong to her. He was a good man, a good father, and a filial son.

But Li Li's words finally stuck in her heart, and she couldn't help but think of how busy Long Tao seemed to be half a month ago.

was too busy to have dinner with their mother and daughter, and often came back late at night. Could it be that he was fooling around with Zhang Yang during that time?

Zhao Ting couldn't calm down, and the more she thought about it, the more confused she became.

But this was not something she saw with her own eyes. She couldn't just ask, so she began to secretly pay attention to Long Tao's every move.

When Long Tao called again and said he would work overtime, she asked what Long Tao was busy with. Long Tao guessed what she was thinking and sent her a photo or video of the office.

dealt with her impeccably.

Several times she got up secretly in the middle of the night to check his mobile phone. He was unsuspecting and his mobile phone was cleaner than his face.

After staring at it for more than half a month, there was no result. Zhao Ting breathed a sigh of relief. She thought that Li Li had made a mistake and stopped checking.

But just two days after she relaxed, Long Tao was still exposed.


Zhao Ting and Li Li took their two children shopping on Saturday and came back a little late. After

and Li Li separated, when she led her daughter past Zhang Yang's photo studio, she caught a glimpse of Long Tao and went into Zhang Yang's photo studio.

My daughter also saw it, pointed at it and asked, "Mom, where is daddy?"

Zhao Ting's body was cold and stiff. Why was Long Tao, who had taken a few days off to have a wedding banquet, here?

Countless anger erupted in her chest, but because of her daughter, she did not have an attack after all.

She took a sharp breath and told her daughter that that was not her father, but a person who looked very similar to her father.

The daughter said in confusion.

After returning home, Zhao Ting acted like a zombie in everything she did.

forced herself to put her daughter to sleep and called Long Tao many times, but all received busy signals.

Zhao Ting couldn't hold herself any longer, covering her face and sitting on the sofa crying.

At this time, Li Li called and asked her how the investigation was going and whether Long Tao had really cheated on her.

This sentence made Zhao Ting burst into tears. She couldn't care less about her face and told her everything about seeing Long Tao go to Zhang Yang.

Li Li was so angry that she scolded Long Tao and Zhang Yang on the phone.

must not let them go.

Zhao Ting didn't know what to do for a while. Li Li told her to rest first and she would help her clean up Zhang Yang tomorrow.


Long Tao still didn’t call back the next day, and Zhao Ting couldn’t confront him.

Li Li knew that Zhao Ting was not in the mood to cook, so she came over early in the morning with breakfast. After the two children had eaten and went to play in the room, Li Li discussed Zhang Yang's matter with her.

Zhao Ting was silent for a long time, and Li Li became anxious. She is a person who dares to love and hate. The mistress must warn her and teach her a lesson, and Long Tao must also suffer.

Zhao Ting couldn't swallow this breath in her heart. The two sent their children to class and went to Zhang Yang's store angrily.

It was noon at that time and it was very hot. Zhang Yang was alone in the store and greeted them with a smile when he saw them, as if she and Long Teng had nothing to do.

Zhao Ting snorted in her heart, she was looking down on her.

Zhao Ting patted away the water handed over by Zhang Yang and told Zhang Yang straight to the point, saying that she knew about her affair with Long Tao and that she was shameless enough to seduce someone else's husband.

Li Li also supported her. Women who steal other people's husbands are the most despicable. They are here to warn her today. If she doesn't know better, they will make this matter known to everyone and let her drown in saliva.

Zhang Yang's expression changed, he was stunned for a while, he flipped up his long hair, and sat across from them charmingly. He looked at Zhao Ting and sneered, "You are with the wrong person, I don't want anything like your husband as a gift."

Now Zhao Ting and Li Li’s faces changed.

Especially Zhao Ting was ashamed, angry and embarrassed, and Zhang Yang sounded like Long Teng was a stinking piece of trash who was not worthy of her at all.

Zhao Ting suffered a critical hit of 10,000 points. She glared at Zhang Yang with sharp eyes and asked her, why would Long Tao, who went on a business trip yesterday, come to her at night?

Zhang Yang sneered and said that Long Tao was stubbornly pestering her and asked Zhao Ting to take care of him, otherwise he would sue him for sexual harassment.


After returning from Zhang Yang, Zhao Ting's heart sank to the bottom.

Zhao Ting just collapsed on the sofa until Long Tao came back.

Long Tao looked tired and asked her if it was urgent for her to call him so many times.

Zhao Ting stood up immediately, looking at him to eat him up, and asked him if he had a crush on Zhang Yang and often harassed him.

Long Tao shouted that he was wronged and refused to admit it.

Zhao Ting put the chat history sent to her by Zhang Yang in front of him, and Long Tao fell silent.

Sure enough, Zhao Ting wanted to eat but couldn't eat it. Zhao Ting was heartbroken.

She said, Long Tao, I know people well but don’t know their hearts, yet I was deceived by you.

She said, Long Tao, you don’t care about this family or me, so let’s get divorced.

Long Tao refused and begged Zhao Ting to give him a chance. He was temporarily fascinated by Zhang Yang and nothing happened to them.

Zhao Ting was struggling in every possible way. Li Li was furious when she saw her struggling. There is nothing to forgive a cheating scumbag. If he thinks about it once, he will do it countless times.

But even so, Zhao Ting still couldn't be cruel. Long Tao begged her for forgiveness eight hundred times a day. She was not hard-hearted.

A month passed and Long Tao tried to please her. Zhao Ting gradually softened her heart and thought about giving him another chance.

She told Li Li this decision, and Li Li had complicated eyes.

Somehow, Li Li, who was always busy, came to Zhao Ting's house frequently.

Long Tao looked very strange when he saw Li Li at home.

Especially for the first time, Li Li came out of the toilet and bumped into Long Tao, who had just returned from get off work. Long Tao was shocked like a statue.

Zhao Ting didn't care and introduced Li Li to him, but she didn't expect that something happened a few days later that shocked her.


Zhao Ting and Long Tao were just lying on the bed that day. Long Tao’s cell phone kept ringing. Long Tao looked ugly and made an excuse to go out in a hurry.

After what happened to Zhang Yang, Zhao Ting was feeling overwhelmed and followed Long Tao to a pavilion in the community.

With the help of the blurred moonlight, Zhao Ting could still see that the person standing opposite Long Tao was a woman.

At that moment, five thunders struck.

Zhao Ting endured the overwhelming anger and stepped closer. Seeing the woman's face clearly and hearing their conversation, Zhao Ting was petrified.

The woman who had a secret meeting with Long Tao turned out to be Li Li, and they had had an affair for a long time and had a child. Not long after

married Zhao Ting, Long Tao met Li Li, and the two developed a brief underground affair.

Long Tao broke up with Li Li not long after he was afraid of a thunderstorm. Unexpectedly, Li Li became pregnant and gave birth to the child.

When Long Tao saw the child, everyone was gone. Li Li said that she really loved him and wanted to be with him.

How could Long Tao agree? He already had a wife and a daughter, but Li Li's child could not be stuffed back into his belly, so he could only secretly raise the mother and child.

Li Li wanted to rise to power, so she moved into their community without telling Long Tao, and even gained Zhao Ting's favor and became her best friend.

Long Tao found out later that there was nothing he could do, so he warned Li Li to be careful.

How could Li Li be so willing to never see the light of day? Just as she was thinking about how to divorce Zhao Ting and Long Tao, she discovered that Long Tao actually fell in love with Zhang Yang.

couldn't bear it anymore, why did she get a mistress when she wasn't even on top? Although it was just Long Tao's wishful thinking.

So Li Li told Zhao Ting the news and used Zhao Ting's help to deal with Zhang Yang.

After that, she kept urging Zhao Ting to divorce, but this stupid woman planned to forgive Long Tao, so she did not hesitate to expose the truth.


Zhao Ting, who knew the truth that night, rushed up to Long Tao, slapped him twice and left.

didn't say a word, she was so shocked that she was numb.

She remembered the day she went to settle accounts with Zhang Yang. When she left, Zhang Yang looked at her pitifully and told her to be careful about the people around her and not to be blinded by shit.

turns out to be this!

Zhao Ting went back and hugged her daughter and left home, letting Long Tao call her phone until it exploded without answering any of them.

Zhao Ting did not expect that Long Tao could be so scumbag and Li Li could be so scheming.

She was played around like a fool by two people.

knows people well but doesn’t know their hearts. She was just too unprepared and was deceived for so many years.

A few days later, Zhao Ting went to the court to file for divorce, and also sued Long Tao for bigamy.

She will make him pay a heavy price for hurting her.

People can be stupid once, but they cannot be stupid a second time.

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