Introduction: Old people all hope that their wives can accompany them until they grow old. The two of them can rely on each other, join hands with each other, and spend the rest of their lives together. However, the reality is not as ideal as imagined. Many old people have their

2024/07/0200:58:32 emotion 1177


Old people all hope that their wives can accompany them until they grow old. The two of them can rely on each other, join hands with each other, and spend the rest of their lives together. However, the reality is not as ideal as imagined. There are many old people whose wives leave first, and the remaining person I feel very lonely. If possible, of course the old man hopes to find another wife. He will not be so lonely or worried in his later years. There is always a difference between ideal and reality. The 65-year-old man said bluntly: My wife passed away , I found a woman and lived with her for three years, and then I understood why women must find a wife in their later years. Read the story of Uncle Xu.

Introduction: Old people all hope that their wives can accompany them until they grow old. The two of them can rely on each other, join hands with each other, and spend the rest of their lives together. However, the reality is not as ideal as imagined. Many old people have their  - DayDayNews

Introduction: Old people all hope that their wives can accompany them until they grow old. The two of them can rely on each other, join hands with each other, and spend the rest of their lives together. However, the reality is not as ideal as imagined. Many old people have their  - DayDayNews1 Uncle Xu’s self-report:

My surname is Xu. I am 65 years old and have been retired for five years. My wife died unexpectedly when I was 52 years old. After my wife passed away, I was still working and my child had just started a family.

In order to get rid of loneliness and loneliness, I worked hard, just to earn more money in the first few years of retirement. I was an engineer at a design institute. I had two apprentices and ate in the cafeteria. I finally retired eight years later. , my retirement salary is more than 8,000 yuan, and I still have more than 400,000 yuan in savings. According to my plan, my life in my later years should be good.

I only have one son, and he is also very ambitious. He has a family and a career in a first-tier city. He once asked me to live with them.

After I went there, less than half a year later, I felt embarrassed to stay again. They were both very busy at work and hired a nanny to take care of them. Not only could it not relieve them of their burden, but because of their living habits and some trivial matters, they felt very constrained and living under someone else’s roof. Life is not so comfortable.

My daughter-in-law doesn’t like me at all and seldom talks to me. She talks to the nanny more than she talks to me every day. She told me that the nanny told me not to touch this or move that.

I was very embarrassed and uncomfortable. I felt that I had disturbed their lives, so I said goodbye to my son and returned to my hometown. I felt that my health was not bad and I could take care of myself. I didn’t want to become a burden and burden to them so early.

According to my plan, I think it’s not bad to live alone. No one cares about me, and no one restricts me. I can do whatever I want, eat whatever I want, and play how I want. This way After more than a year, I felt that being alone was not only lonely, but also dangerous.

Introduction: Old people all hope that their wives can accompany them until they grow old. The two of them can rely on each other, join hands with each other, and spend the rest of their lives together. However, the reality is not as ideal as imagined. Many old people have their  - DayDayNews

Introduction: Old people all hope that their wives can accompany them until they grow old. The two of them can rely on each other, join hands with each other, and spend the rest of their lives together. However, the reality is not as ideal as imagined. Many old people have their  - DayDayNews2

From then on, I went to the park every day to play chess and chat with my friend, and sometimes I would visit my friend’s house. After a few times, my friend avoided me and refused me to visit with various excuses. I became unpopular. people.

I went to the park to chat with them. They were neither cold nor warm to me, much colder. I felt very sad and embarrassed. I no longer dare to visit casually. I sometimes practice calligraphy and plant some flowers at home. Just watch TV and spend the day like a year.

Once, I caught a cold and caught a cold. I lay in bed for three days and couldn't even drink water. I struggled to get up and fell under the bed. I called my son. If he hadn't been on a plane, They came and took me to the hospital. I almost died.

After I was discharged from the hospital, I also changed my mind. I was very envious of those old people who were in pairs and had their wives with them. I think I still need to find a wife who can accompany me all the time. When I have a headache or fever, someone will care about me and greet me, bring water and medicine. He won't be so desperate anymore.

Just like that, under the introduction of a friend, I embarked on the road of blind date. My conditions are good, I am not very old, and my health is good. I met four or five women, and finally decided to live together with Xiao Zhang.

She is relatively young, only 54 years old. She is quite beautiful, and I am satisfied with her figure and appearance in every aspect. What man doesn’t want his wife to be better-looking and have a special reputation when going out.

Although her conditions are not very good, I will not dislike her. She does cleaning work, which is quite hard, and her son is married and has a family, so there is no burden anymore. Her husband died of illness 5 years ago.

She asked me to bear the living expenses, and I agreed to her, and she partnered with me for about two months. She always couldn't take care of me. She had to go to work every day, cook, wash and buy groceries. Instead, I was the one who partnered with her. More tired.

I suggested that she quit her cleaning job. The monthly salary was only over 1,000. I gave her 2,500 per month. Xiao Zhang happily agreed.

Introduction: Old people all hope that their wives can accompany them until they grow old. The two of them can rely on each other, join hands with each other, and spend the rest of their lives together. However, the reality is not as ideal as imagined. Many old people have their  - DayDayNews

Introduction: Old people all hope that their wives can accompany them until they grow old. The two of them can rely on each other, join hands with each other, and spend the rest of their lives together. However, the reality is not as ideal as imagined. Many old people have their  - DayDayNews3

In the beginning, Xiao Zhang was very grateful to me. He tried his best to take care of the family and my life. He often asked me what I like to eat and made delicious meals according to my taste.

In the past, I had a strong taste and liked to eat greasy food, which resulted in high blood pressure and high blood sugar becoming more serious and obese. Xiao Zhang asked me to change these eating habits and eat lighter and more nutritious foods. Some.

changed her tricks every day and cooked delicious food for me. I felt that Xiao Zhang treated me sincerely, and I felt more at ease with her. I felt very troublesome when asking me for money when buying groceries every day.

Three months later, Xiao Zhang refused me to pay her salary several times. She said: "We are a family, how can I ask you to pay me salary? Isn't this a joke?" She firmly refused to let me pay her salary. Give her a salary.

I was very touched by what Xiao Zhang did. I felt that I didn’t trust her enough. In order to reassure her, I gave her my salary card. This is her greatest sense of security and the greatest trust in her. She You will cherish me more and live a good life with me. Later facts proved that it was just my own sentimentality and wishful thinking.

Life goes by like this, the food at home is also good, everything is so perfect, every day, she goes out for a walk with me, and when she comes home, she takes the initiative to cook and do housework. She is really a good wife, I feel very satisfied, every day In the evening, she would go to Guangzhou to dance in the square, and I supported her.

I am very grateful to her. I wanted to take her to travel outside, but she said that traveling outside was too expensive and refused to go. This moved me again.

I have been with her for nearly three years. I have completely trusted her and regarded her as my real wife. My son often calls and knows that Aunt Zhang takes good care of me. He is also very relieved and expresses his gratitude to Xiao Zhang personally. .

That day, my son asked me to transfer 100,000 yuan to him for urgent needs, and he would pay it back to me at the end of the month. I hurriedly asked Xiao Zhang to get the card, but she advised me not to help him. My son is already old and he should let go. After such a long time, at her insistence, I completely believed her and did not transfer money to my son, leaving him to figure out his own solution. My son was very angry and had a big fight with me, saying that the woman named Zhang was not a good person and was called I don't trust her too much.

After that, I felt that I had indeed done something wrong and regretted a little. I apologized to my son and promised him to transfer money to him. I gave Xiao Zhang a card, but she refused to give it to me. Later, I got angry and she was coy. He gave me the card and said there was no money in it, only a few thousand yuan.

I don’t believe that 3,000 a month is enough for two people. They can save at least 100,000 in three years. In addition, there are already more than 100,000 in it, which means at least more than 200,000.

I didn’t believe it. I went to the bank to check. Oh my god, it was only more than 4,000 yuan. I checked the journal and Xiao Zhang had taken it all away. I had no choice but to use my regular passbook to transfer 100,000 yuan to my son. , a lot of interest was lost in vain.

Introduction: Old people all hope that their wives can accompany them until they grow old. The two of them can rely on each other, join hands with each other, and spend the rest of their lives together. However, the reality is not as ideal as imagined. Many old people have their  - DayDayNews

Introduction: Old people all hope that their wives can accompany them until they grow old. The two of them can rely on each other, join hands with each other, and spend the rest of their lives together. However, the reality is not as ideal as imagined. Many old people have their  - DayDayNews4

I was very angry and asked her when I got home: "I trust you so much, you have the heart to plot against me?" Xiao Zhang cried bitterly and said that she was wrong and would never dare to do it again. She said that it was her son, and every time her son Everyone asked for money from her, but if she didn't give it to him, the daughter-in-law would divorce her son.

Only then did I realize that my salary not only supported her, but also supported her son, daughter-in-law, and her grandson. I decisively asked her to leave without making her lose money, which was considered as spending money to buy a lesson.

Only then did I understand why this woman insisted on living with me even if she didn’t need a salary. It turned out that she regarded me as a long-term "free meal ticket."

is trying to get money from me. She pretends to be too cute. She pretends to be pitiful and virtuous. She pretends to like me. In fact, I can accept her spending more money. After all, she has provided me with services and of course she can get some rewards. Question She gave my money to her family, which I cannot agree to, and it also violates my bottom line.

My heart was too soft. Although I had doubted her, under her pitiful tears, I softened my heart again and no longer doubted her, but sympathized with her.

I naively thought that being nice to her would bring about the same kindness to me. If I compare my feelings with others, she would definitely not let me down. Who knew that this was just my naive idea.

You must be cautious and considerate when living with a woman. You must stay away from women who treat men as cash cows and cash machines.

Introduction: Old people all hope that their wives can accompany them until they grow old. The two of them can rely on each other, join hands with each other, and spend the rest of their lives together. However, the reality is not as ideal as imagined. Many old people have their  - DayDayNews


It is normal for single old people to want to find a wife in their old age. You must find the right person according to the conditions of both parties. You only focus on the other person's money without looking at the relationship. You don't want to give your sincerity, or let the other person do what you want for free. Nannies will never succeed. Whether they are remarried or married for the first time, sincerity is important. Without sincerity, it is just a transaction and there will be no good results.

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