Jane Austen once said: "It is absurd for marriage to only consider family circumstances; it is foolish not to consider family circumstances." Falling in love is a matter between two people. Marriage is indeed a matter between two families. When you fall in love, you don't need to

2024/07/0222:41:33 emotion 1776

Jane Austen once said:

Jane Austen once said: "It is absurd for marriage to only consider family circumstances; it is foolish not to consider family circumstances."

Falling in love is a matter between two people. Marriage is indeed a matter between two families. When you fall in love, you don't need to consider the other person's family background. In your family of origin, you only need to consider the feelings of two people.

But marriage is different. You need to consider the other person's original family, the other person's family background, and even the other person's parents, brothers and sisters. Not saying "I love you" can solve all problems.

A marriage relationship is actually similar to bargaining at a vegetable market. Everyone has their own bottom line. With a common desire to make a deal, you will advance a little and I will retreat a little.

Jane Austen once said:

01, Phoenix man uses the whole family to buy a house

When Limin and her boyfriend were talking about marriage, her parents did not agree and even tried their best to obstruct it. Because her parents believed that the boyfriend Limin was looking for was an out-and-out Phoenix man.

Her parents' advice was offensive to her ears, and she couldn't listen to it. She even resorted to crying, making trouble, and hanging herself on her parents. The parents hated iron and were afraid that their daughter would do something stupid, so they had no choice but to agree to the marriage.

However, they were not willing to just marry their daughter to the Phoenix man, so they offered to let the other party buy a wedding house in the city center, and the bride price could be waived. This requirement is not a problem for Li Min, who has a good family background. But for Phoenix boyfriend, it is undoubtedly a heavy burden.

Limin felt sorry for her boyfriend and tried to persuade her parents to give up their request to buy a wedding house. However, the parents were so determined that if they could not afford a wedding house, they would not be qualified to marry their daughter.

In desperation, Limin gave all her savings over the years to her boyfriend. In order to marry the only daughter in the city and become a master, her boyfriend also convinced his parents, who immediately started dating his two sisters. The job required each family to get 100,000 yuan, which allowed her boyfriend to buy a house as he wished.

Jane Austen once said:

02. Asking his girlfriend to decorate and buy a car

I originally thought that my family would take the initiative to cancel the bride price. If her boyfriend really loved her, he would definitely be willing to add her name to the real estate certificate. It's just that my boyfriend bought a wedding house, but only put his own name on it.

Although Li Min felt a little uncomfortable, she didn't hold on to it. But she hasn't complained to her boyfriend yet, but her boyfriend has made a new request, which is to decorate Limin's house and buy a wedding car.

’s boyfriend’s reason is that Limin is the only daughter in the family, and decorating the wedding car is just a trivial matter for Limin’s parents. But he spent all his family's efforts to buy a wedding house, and there was really nothing he could do to renovate and buy the wedding house. In order to persuade Limin, her boyfriend also said that it is a common custom for the man to buy a house and the woman to decorate and buy a car.

But the boyfriend’s request was not enough, and he also listed specific requirements: the decoration of the wedding room should not be less than 300,000, and the wedding room should not be less than 200,000. The decoration of the wedding room was too cheap and not up to the mark; and the car was too cheap for him to drive out.

At first, Limin thought her boyfriend was joking. Her boyfriend's house only paid 400,000 yuan for the wedding house. She was renovating the wedding house and buying a wedding car. The total cost was at least 500,000 yuan. Doesn't it mean that she can also buy a house?

Jane Austen once said:

03. Girlfriend’s parents: break up immediately

Limin was unwilling to part ways just because of money, so she proposed to add her name to her boyfriend’s wedding room. In this way, her parents paid for the decoration of the wedding room and the purchase of A wedding car is only fair.

When she heard that Limin asked her name to be added to her wedding room, her boyfriend suddenly became unhappy. He bought this house with all his family's efforts, but Limin's family didn't pay a penny, so why should they take half of the property rights?

Limin disagreed and told her parents about her boyfriend’s request. When my parents heard this, they became very angry and said that they should break up immediately. A man who was so calculating and wanted to take advantage of her was not worth marrying.

Limin still wanted to fight for it, but her parents told her directly that you can get married, but don't even think about 300,000 yuan for decoration and 200,000 yuan for a wedding car. They will not give people money for nothing.

After thinking about it for a few days, Limin finally reluctantly broke up with her boyfriend. Her breakup also angered her boyfriend. He always believed that Limin's parents were not short of money, so why should they care about her like this? Isn’t it true that whoever has money should pay more? Why couldn't it work when it came to Li Min's parents? Then what was the point of using the whole family's efforts to buy a wedding house and marry an only daughter?

Today’s topic:

Do you support Limin to break up immediately and stop the loss?

Pinxia explanation: Analyze marriage emotions and teach you to understand human nature!

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