Text/Yutu without Emotional Intelligence/Internet Perhaps everyone has noticed this, that is, when older people gather together, they are either talking about health care or about children and grandchildren, especially the topic of raising grandchildren. many. It is said that the

2024/07/0301:33:33 emotion 1711

text/Rain without EQ


Text/Yutu without Emotional Intelligence/Internet Perhaps everyone has noticed this, that is, when older people gather together, they are either talking about health care or about children and grandchildren, especially the topic of raising grandchildren. many. It is said that the - DayDayNews

Perhaps everyone has noticed this, that is, older people gather together, either to talk about health care, or to talk about children and grandchildren, especially about raising grandchildren. There will be more topics.

said that the elderly do not have the obligation to take care of their grandchildren, but the vast majority of them are willing to take care of their grandchildren, even if they are separated from their wives.

But those elderly people who do not want to take care of their grandchildren choose to help them financially. But it turns out that money cannot replace everything.

This is what this aunt did. She would rather pay her son 6,000 yuan a month than take care of her grandson. Eight years later, she regretted it.

Text/Yutu without Emotional Intelligence/Internet Perhaps everyone has noticed this, that is, when older people gather together, they are either talking about health care or about children and grandchildren, especially the topic of raising grandchildren. many. It is said that the - DayDayNews


Aunt Xue is born in the 1960s and has not gone out to work since she got married. After her son entered elementary school, with the support of her husband, she rented a shop to sell cosmetics.

relied on his own efforts, and a few years later, he opened another beauty salon. As her business grew bigger and bigger, she made more money, and Aunt Xue's knowledge in all aspects became a higher level.

Gradually, Aunt Xue's demands for emotions became higher and higher. She always felt that her husband did not understand emotions and was not romantic enough. He only knew how to do things, and she became annoyed with her husband's words and deeds.

Aunt Xue was having trouble with her husband every now and then, and their relationship became extremely weak despite all the quarrels. When her son was in high school, Aunt Xue divorced her husband.

Some things seemed to have been arranged secretly. A few months later, Aunt Xue went out to purchase goods, but she accidentally met her first love.

People who had lost contact for many years have regained contact.

Coincidentally, both of them were single, and half a year later, they got married.

Aunt Xue thought that maybe the relationship between the two was not over, and they were destined to be husband and wife in this life.

Aunt Xue's first love, whose surname was Hua, worked in engineering and had a strong financial foundation. His wife died of illness, he has a son who has settled abroad, and there is only one mother in the family.

After the two got married, Aunt Xue took Mr. Hua's mother to live and cared for her in daily life. Mr. Hua was particularly grateful for this and loved Aunt Xue even more. Mr. Hua is also a good person and treats Aunt Xue's son as his own. The couple is very loving and everyone around them envy them.

Text/Yutu without Emotional Intelligence/Internet Perhaps everyone has noticed this, that is, when older people gather together, they are either talking about health care or about children and grandchildren, especially the topic of raising grandchildren. many. It is said that the - DayDayNews


Time flies, Aunt Xue became a grandma, and she was very happy looking at the photos of her grandson.

That day, Aunt Xue received a call from her son, saying that her mother-in-law had not retired yet and there was no one to take care of the children. Aunt Xue was asked to sell the shop or hire someone to manage it, and asked her to come and take care of her grandson. Her daughter-in-law also called specifically and said she would be paid monthly. But Aunt Xue just didn't agree.

Mr. Hua did not agree with Aunt Xue's decision and thought it was natural to take care of her grandson. He also said that it was within the country and no matter how far away it was, it could not be further away than abroad. This also shows that Mr. Hua misses his grandson very much.

But Aunt Xue was unwilling. The reason was that she had to run the store and had no obligation to take care of her grandchildren.

In fact, Aunt Xue is too selfish. She is unwilling to take care of her grandson. In fact, she is afraid of suffering and suffering. I run a shop at home, hire employees to do things, hire cooks to eat, and hire housekeepers to keep my house clean. In other words, Aunt Xue doesn't have to do anything.

The same goes for Aunt Xue. In addition to visiting the store and giving instructions every day, Aunt Xue also went to the chess and card room. She had no worries about food and clothing, she was very free and easy all day long, living a fairy life. How could she agree to take care of her grandson?

Aunt Xue's unwillingness to take care of her grandson aroused heated discussion among people around her. No matter what others said, Aunt Xue just didn't want to go.

Text/Yutu without Emotional Intelligence/Internet Perhaps everyone has noticed this, that is, when older people gather together, they are either talking about health care or about children and grandchildren, especially the topic of raising grandchildren. many. It is said that the - DayDayNews


At this point, Aunt Xue’s son and daughter-in-law had to find another way, and they were extremely dissatisfied with Aunt Xue.

Aunt Xue knew that her son had hired a nanny to take care of the children, so she promised to pay her 6,000 yuan a month.

From then on, Aunt Xue transferred 6,000 yuan to her son on time every month, and her son also accepted it. But every time Aunt Xue had a video chat with her son, she wanted to see her grandson but she didn't see her. Every time, she said that the nanny at home had taken the child out to play.

Aunt Xue also understood that her son did this on purpose.

To be honest, everyone has the emotional factor of having a child with across generations, and so does Aunt Xue. Every time she sees other people raising their grandchildren, she can't help but burst into tears.

Mr. Hua advised Aunt Xue to fulfill her responsibilities as a grandma and go see her grandson.

Aunt Xue actually went to her son's house. When she was about to pick up her grandson, she was stopped by her daughter-in-law, saying that the child was too heavy and she didn't want to get away from Aunt Xue's waist. Her son also agreed.

That night, Aunt Xue left her son's home in tears and drove back all night. After returning home, Aunt Xue didn't go out for three days. She had no appetite to eat and relied on drinking water every day.

At this time, Aunt Xue began to regret her original decision. She was just a son. No matter how rich she was, she still had to have someone to rely on when she got old. Yes, there is Mr. Flower by my side, but what if he leaves early?

The more Aunt Xue thought about it, the more she regretted it, and couldn't help but feel sad.

Text/Yutu without Emotional Intelligence/Internet Perhaps everyone has noticed this, that is, when older people gather together, they are either talking about health care or about children and grandchildren, especially the topic of raising grandchildren. many. It is said that the - DayDayNews


As the saying goes: Nine times out of ten, life will be unsatisfactory. After Mr. Hua's mother died of illness, his son and his family returned to China, and they wanted to take Mr. Hua to live abroad for a few years so that he could fulfill his filial piety.

After Mr. Hua left, Aunt Xue's body and spirit slowly began to collapse. She had no intention of running the store anymore, so she sold the store.

Aunt Xue has a lot of money, but she is depressed every day, and her lonely life is too difficult. Despite Mr. Hua's sincere greetings, he still couldn't be happy.

At this time, Aunt Xue missed her son and grandson who was already in elementary school.

It was raining that day. Aunt Xue was not paying attention. When she went down the stairs, her foot fell and she fell and was hospitalized. His son and daughter-in-law came back to see her, and Aunt Xue told her son that she would live with her son after he was discharged from the hospital.

His son and daughter-in-law did not agree, and admitted to paying her to hire a nanny to take care of her.

Is this treating others with their own treatment? Although this sentence is not exactly used here, it is the current situation.

Aunt Xue gradually became able to walk, so her son hired a nanny for her and went back to work.

From then on, Aunt Xue was accompanied by a nanny every day. She rarely received greetings from her son and daughter-in-law, and it became difficult to see her grandson.

Aunt Xue regrets every day. If she had promised to take care of her grandson, even if it was only for a few months, she would not be in this situation now.

Text/Yutu without Emotional Intelligence/Internet Perhaps everyone has noticed this, that is, when older people gather together, they are either talking about health care or about children and grandchildren, especially the topic of raising grandchildren. many. It is said that the - DayDayNews

is written at the end

The elderly have no obligation to take care of their grandchildren, but in a family, they must help each other. Aunt Xue in the article was willing to pay but refused to contribute. When she got old, her son also paid for a nanny but refused to take her to live with her. What does this mean? It shows that family affection is also mutual.

Judging from what happened to Aunt Xue, family relationships should be managed with care, rather than making up for it with money.

When parents give their children money, they are helping them, but money is not everything. It cannot replace the true love between people.

I sincerely hope that every family can live in harmony, share hardships, and be happy for a long time.


I am Rain without emotional intelligence, a woman who loves to write emotional texts. Welcome to follow and leave comments.

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