01. Only when I grow up do I understand why my parents take making money so seriously! When we are young, we simply cannot understand the true meaning of the four words "father's love is like a mountain". Until I grew up, I realized how difficult it was to make money, how difficu

2024/07/0214:09:32 emotion 1136

01. Only when I grow up do I understand why my parents take making money so seriously! When we are young, we simply cannot understand the true meaning of the four words

01. Only when I grow up do I understand why my parents take making money so seriously! When we are young, we simply cannot understand the true meaning of the four words "father's love is like a mountain". Until I grew up, I realized how difficult it was to make money, how difficult it was to ask for help, and how difficult it was to have no money. Only then did I really understand why my father had been working hard to make money and save money all these years, but he basically didn’t spend much money. My father works so hard not because he loves money, but because he loves this family, especially me.

02. Only when I grow up do I realize that my parents’ abilities are limited, but their love is unreserved. When I first graduated, I saw some classmates buying houses and cars in the provincial capital with full payment, with the support of their parents. I thought it must be a lie if I said I didn't envy them at all. At that time, I would even fantasize about how great it would be if my parents could also earn a lot of money. Until I grew up, in order to have a place in a big city, my parents put all their life savings in my hands without saying a word. They asked me to pay the down payment first, and the family would bear the rest together. Only then did I realize that it was not my parents who held me back, but that I owed them so much. Parents are ordinary people with limited abilities, but their love for their children is always unreserved.

01. Only when I grow up do I understand why my parents take making money so seriously! When we are young, we simply cannot understand the true meaning of the four words

03. When I grow up, I realize that not only my parents are mortals, but I am also an ordinary person. When I was young, I always thought that my parents were the most magical and powerful beings in the world. As long as I wanted something, my parents would work hard to satisfy me. It was only after I grew up that I realized that life was not easy, especially because some of the rigid expenses of life were too high. It was so expensive that even ordinary parents could not help their children achieve it by spending their entire lives. It’s not that my parents weren’t diligent enough, on the contrary, they worked hard and frugally throughout their lives. Only when I grew up did I realize how idealistic I was when I was young. I thought that my future would be brilliant and unique. But when I grew up, I realized that in the world of mortals, in the sea of ​​life, and among all living beings, I was the only one. He is just a drop in the ocean, an ordinary person who is extremely ordinary.

4. Only when I grow up do I understand that saving money is the highest level of self-discipline for an adult. Today, when consumerism is prevalent, when I was young, I always thought that the most unrestrained thing in life was that I could buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy and buy. You could go on a trip to see poetry and distant places, and go on a spontaneous trip. At that time, I thought that youth was capital, and that wealth would naturally accumulate over time. Only when I grow up do I realize that all the good things in life have a price tag. All the gifts in life will not fall from the sky just by lying down and doing nothing. Happiness has always been earned and fought for by oneself. For an adult, the best self-discipline is to earn money seriously and work hard to save money.

01. Only when I grow up do I understand why my parents take making money so seriously! When we are young, we simply cannot understand the true meaning of the four words

05. Only when I grow up do I realize that the hardships of studying are really just the lightest hardships in this society. When I was a student, I always thought that I was the busiest and hardest working person in the world. At that time, I always fantasized that by the time I finished my studies, graduated from college, or started working, I would be completely liberated and embrace freedom. Only when I grew up did I understand that in this society, from all walks of life, for the sake of a few taels of silver, everyone would work hard, rack their brains, and even endure humiliation. For life, for family, or even just for survival, no one is exerting all their strength. Maybe reading can't change everyone's destiny, but it at least opens a door or a window, and it may be a rare real shortcut. Because by enrolling in good universities and advantageous majors, the fate of a large number of rural children has indeed been changed. If you don’t want to suffer the hardship of study today, then you will undoubtedly have to suffer the hardship of life tomorrow.

06. Only when I grow up do I understand that talking about money will not hurt feelings. If it does, it can only be because the feelings are not in place. When I was young, I often heard adults say that talking about money hurts feelings.At that time, I felt that feelings were feelings and money was money. Feelings were very pure, independent and detached, and could not tolerate any contamination from the worldliness of money or the smell of money. Only when I grew up did I understand that the economic base of determines the superstructure . There is so much unreasonable love and unreasonable hatred. In this world, except for the person who gave birth to you, and the person you gave birth to, you can not care about the gains and losses of money. All other relationships involve weighing the pros and cons. In the adult world, interests come first. If you don't have any benefits, you won't be able to get up early. It's all about interests. Brothers settle accounts, but talking about money itself does not hurt feelings. What hurts feelings is that both parties only consider what will be more beneficial to themselves, without considering others. To put it bluntly, this relationship and friendship itself are relatively shallow.

01. Only when I grow up do I understand why my parents take making money so seriously! When we are young, we simply cannot understand the true meaning of the four words

07. After growing up, I realized that "not marrying far away" is not because parents are selfish, but because it is really good for their daughters. When I was young, I always thought that the power of love is endless and can break through all worldly barriers and prejudices. As long as two people truly love each other and are full of affection, even if they marry far away, as long as they respect each other, love each other and work together, their lives will definitely be good. Only when I grow up do I realize that life is just firewood, rice, oil and salt. How can there be so many flowers in front of me, moonlight in front of me and romance in my life? When the passion and freshness gradually fade away, and when life unfolds in front of them day by day, a daughter who is married far away, when she feels lost and helpless, will suddenly realize that her parents and relatives are so far away, and the only one she can rely on is herself. Choosing to marry far away is almost equivalent to giving up most of the love and care that one's family of origin can provide. It is equivalent to completely leaving the happiness of one's future life to the distant husband's family. Therefore, you must be careful when marrying far away.

08. Only when I grow up do I understand that a well-matched marriage is really easier to be happy. When I was young, I always thought that love was the purest thing and had nothing to do with family, wealth, fame, status, etc. Even if two people have very different growth backgrounds and family conditions, as long as they can tolerate and understand each other, they can definitely live a good life. After growing up, I realized that society is very realistic and people have limitations. Marriage is not only a matter between two people, but also a relationship between two families. It is difficult for adults to make changes for others. Being in the wrong family means that there are differences and conflicts in many aspects such as consumption views, education views, and living habits. In real life, these are difficult to compromise and reconcile. It tends to be exhausting for both parties.

09. Only when I grow up do I realize that it is extremely difficult to communicate the joys and sorrows between people. When I was young, I always thought that if I told about the things that made me happy and happy, others would be as happy as me. And if you talk about your sadness and pain, others will be able to empathize with you and give you some encouragement and comfort. Only when I grow up do I realize that in the adult world, no one is moving forward with a heavy burden, and no one has their own worries. Who has so much free time to care about other people's happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy, and to care about whether others are living well or not. In this world, apart from parents, relatives and loved ones, it has always been extremely difficult to communicate the joys and sorrows between people.

01. Only when I grow up do I understand why my parents take making money so seriously! When we are young, we simply cannot understand the true meaning of the four words

10. When I grow up, I realize that it is better to ask for help from others than to ask for help from others, and it is better to rely on yourself than to rely on your parents. When I was young, I always thought that with my parents as my backers, I didn’t have to worry about anything or be afraid of anything. Besides, I have so many relatives and friends, and they will definitely lend a helping hand if I encounter any difficulties. Only when I grow up do I realize that no matter how much my parents love me, their abilities are limited after all. Moreover, as my parents get older, they also have their own lives and worries. Many times, parents actually have too much time to take care of themselves and are really powerless to help their children.

Therefore, as an adult, the least you need to do is to be self-reliant and self-reliant, face your own affairs by yourself, and support your own world independently. Only in this way can we be able to support our family!

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