#马情 Manual# A couple, they were classmates in college. From wearing school uniforms to working, their relationship has been very good. In the end, the two did not work in the same city after graduation, but their relationship was very good. It is said that distance brings beauty.

2024/07/0119:52:33 emotion 1539

#马情 Manual# A couple, they were classmates in college. From wearing school uniforms to working, their relationship has been very good. In the end, the two did not work in the same city after graduation, but their relationship was very good. It is said that distance brings beauty. - DayDayNews

A couple, they were classmates in college. They had a good relationship from wearing school uniforms to working. In the end, the two did not work in the same city after graduation, but their relationship was very good.

all say that distance creates beauty. Although the two of them do not work in the same city, the man often chats and posts videos with the woman after get off work, and cares about the other's work and living conditions. Every weekend, the man always takes a car to the city where the woman lives, and the two of them will be together. Although it takes two hours for a man to travel by car, he will still feel happy no matter how hard he works in order to see his girlfriend.

One afternoon, the man called his girlfriend after get off work. Her girlfriend said that she had a cold and was not feeling well. After saying a few words, she hung up the phone. The man felt that he did not care enough for his girlfriend. She was not feeling well and it was inconvenient to buy medicine. So he bought cold medicine, took a taxi and rushed downstairs to the community where the woman lived.

#马情 Manual# A couple, they were classmates in college. From wearing school uniforms to working, their relationship has been very good. In the end, the two did not work in the same city after graduation, but their relationship was very good. It is said that distance brings beauty. - DayDayNews

When he came to the downstairs of the community, he saw his girlfriend talking to a man. The two of them had a very good conversation, and the boyfriend even kissed his girlfriend on the spot. The man felt uncomfortable at the time, but he was already walking in front of him. When he saw the scene in front of him, he stabilized his position and controlled his emotions. He stepped forward and pretended to be his brother and said to the woman: "You have a boyfriend." , Take it home quickly and let your parents see it!" Unexpectedly, his girlfriend also cooperated very tacitly and said: "I know, I will definitely take it home and let my parents see it!"

So the man said this! The scene was posted on the Internet and aroused heated discussions among netizens. Netizens said that you can't keep the people who should leave, and you can't wake up the people who should sleep. Let nature take its course. Maybe your girlfriend is dating someone else, and she may still have something in her heart. you. Forgive her once. Everyone has a friend. Maybe the woman will forgive you and you will get married together.

#马情 Manual# A couple, they were classmates in college. From wearing school uniforms to working, their relationship has been very good. In the end, the two did not work in the same city after graduation, but their relationship was very good. It is said that distance brings beauty. - DayDayNews

Some netizens said that your boyfriend’s head is already green, how can he fall in love with you and date other people? Such a woman is not worthy of your love, break up with her as soon as possible!

I want to say that young people still need to establish a correct outlook on life, values, and marriage. When falling in love, they still need to be dedicated to love and be sincere to each other. They should not eat from the bowl and look at the pot. You must know that love is relatively selfish, and love cannot be mixed with any sand. Since you are in love with a man, you must talk to him wholeheartedly. If the two people cannot talk well, then break up. Talk to someone else after breaking up. Maybe you can find true love and your life will be happy!

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