The weather is hot and irritating. I believe everyone feels this way. The sultry feeling can make you feel extremely irritable. Scenes that you can usually deal with calmly may not be easy to deal with in summer. According to incomplete statistics, the divorce rate in summer is m

2024/07/0222:40:32 emotion 1975

The weather is hot and irritating. I believe everyone feels this way. The sultry feeling can make you feel extremely irritable. Scenes that you can usually deal with calmly may not be easy to deal with in summer.

According to incomplete statistics, the divorce rate in summer is much higher than that in other time periods, and a considerable number of divorces are due to impulsiveness.

Although the society has mixed opinions on the divorce cooling-off period regulations, it has also invisibly preserved some intact families.

As long as it is not a matter of principle, you should be as tolerant as possible. After all, getting together is not easy, and divorce is also a traumatic event for ordinary people.

However, some problems are indeed unbearable, such as taking a new love during the marriage, which has touched the bottom line of loyalty.

The weather is hot and irritating. I believe everyone feels this way. The sultry feeling can make you feel extremely irritable. Scenes that you can usually deal with calmly may not be easy to deal with in summer. According to incomplete statistics, the divorce rate in summer is m - DayDayNews

The original wife tore the mistress naked

"You think I'm old, don't you? I want you to be dishonest, I want you to lie to me, I want you to..." The middle-aged woman angrily lectured her husband, and slapped her husband on the back with her palm. There was a snapping sound, which showed that he had used all his strength.

In fact, her main target of attack was not her husband, but the mistress who was protected by her husband. It was only because her husband played a hero-saving trick that she, as the original wife, attacked her indiscriminately.

Although she had the protection of her husband, the mistress did not get a good deal because the first wife also brought a helper. The other two good sisters took advantage of her husband's distraction and instantly grabbed the mistress's clothes and stabbed her. Clothes were torn into strips.

The weather is hot and irritating. I believe everyone feels this way. The sultry feeling can make you feel extremely irritable. Scenes that you can usually deal with calmly may not be easy to deal with in summer. According to incomplete statistics, the divorce rate in summer is m - DayDayNews

The husband protected the mistress and cried heartbrokenly

The expected scene of the two sides tearing each other apart did not appear. The mistress did not resist or make a sound, lying still like a salted fish.

Did her conscience find out? Or maybe you just lie down because you know you can't beat him? No one knew what she was thinking. Maybe she was mentally prepared for this day to come. It was rare for a mistress to be so calm.

Compared with the mistress's calmness, the first wife's mood was much more violent. While instructing her sisters to tear the mistress apart, she took off her slippers and beat her husband wildly. As mentioned before, her direct target was the mistress.

The husband knew his wife's temper, and he cried heartbrokenly while holding his mistress. He knew that this matter could not be solved, so he could only do his best to protect her.

The weather is hot and irritating. I believe everyone feels this way. The sultry feeling can make you feel extremely irritable. Scenes that you can usually deal with calmly may not be easy to deal with in summer. According to incomplete statistics, the divorce rate in summer is m - DayDayNews

Come at me if you can

Is it wrong for a man to protect the woman he loves? That's right! But he was protecting the wrong person. What he should be protecting was his wife, his original wife, not this third party who jumped out of nowhere!

Anyone with some sense knows what his problem is. Normally, someone would have started to start a fight, but not this time. The onlookers were watching the show on their mobile phones, and some even laughed out loud.

was beaten by his wife with a slipper on the street. The man suffered a double blow both psychologically and physically, but he still did not know he was wrong.

"Come to me if you can!" The helpless look of the mistress made him feel heartbroken. He completely forgot that his wife was the one who accompanied him throughout his life, and forgot that his wife had endured hardships with him...

The weather is hot and irritating. I believe everyone feels this way. The sultry feeling can make you feel extremely irritable. Scenes that you can usually deal with calmly may not be easy to deal with in summer. According to incomplete statistics, the divorce rate in summer is m - DayDayNews

I really can't understand this man. Judging from the big gold chain around his neck, he must have some money. Can he do whatever he wants if he has money? When he was poor, his wife never left him, but when his life got better, he no longer looked down on the yellow-faced woman?

If you don’t have to endure hardships or work, your wife can go for beauty treatments and skin care every three days. No woman is born with a yellow face. Of course, time will leave its mark, but the hardships she endures in life are also one of the main reasons.

Of course, it is meaningless to pursue these matters now. A person who has changed his mind cannot be brought back no matter what. It is understandable that the original wife is angry and unwilling, but her tearing up the mistress is only treating the symptoms and not the root cause of the problem. The root of the problem is her husband.

Get rid of this one, and there may be mistresses such as mistresses four, five, and six. Since the root cause cannot be cured, it is better to be different. The wisest way is to collect evidence and file for divorce. It is meaningless to fight for this.

The weather is hot and irritating. I believe everyone feels this way. The sultry feeling can make you feel extremely irritable. Scenes that you can usually deal with calmly may not be easy to deal with in summer. According to incomplete statistics, the divorce rate in summer is m - DayDayNews

There is a more important point. If she had injured the mistress, she would have lost more than the gain if she was countersued. Yes, she was indeed justified, but the law did not care about that. As long as she sued her, she would lose.

This situation is indeed irritating, but being angry won't solve the problem, and it won't let her get any compensation or benefits. So what if she takes it out?

The fundamental problem has not been solved, and she will be even more angry in the future. It is heartbreaking to give up the results of these years of hard work, but people have to face reality.

Society is like this. Many things will not change according to people's will. The plan for now is to strive for our own economic interests as much as possible. If we can't keep people, we must keep our own property. I will go crazy for a person who changes his mind. It's better to make plans early.

To put it bluntly, it doesn’t matter whether you have such a husband or not. Is it worth it for a so-called complete family?

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