Regarding the question of whether middle-aged and elderly people should get a marriage certificate, whether they should get it or not is actually correct! But in my opinion, this depends on the individual's actual situation. If you are financially independent and have good living

2024/07/0200:57:33 emotion 1897

Should middle-aged and elderly people get a marriage certificate? Regarding this issue, whether to get it or not is actually correct!

Regarding the question of whether middle-aged and elderly people should get a marriage certificate, whether they should get it or not is actually correct! But in my opinion, this depends on the individual's actual situation. If you are financially independent and have good living - DayDayNews

But in my opinion, this depends on the individual's actual situation. If you are financially independent and have good living conditions, then it doesn’t make much difference whether you receive it or not, because such a woman will never have a bad life no matter what. But if your finances are not very good and you are not independent enough, I suggest you get a certificate.

Women who are not in a good condition, the purpose of looking for a man is to improve their living conditions. To put it bluntly, they are looking for help. If they don't get a certificate, they are likely to be in vain!

Sister Fang is 55 years old this year. Her story deserves our careful consideration.

Regarding the question of whether middle-aged and elderly people should get a marriage certificate, whether they should get it or not is actually correct! But in my opinion, this depends on the individual's actual situation. If you are financially independent and have good living - DayDayNews

When she was 48 years old, Sister Fang met Lao Chen through someone’s introduction. Lao Chen was 55 years old, 7 years older than Sister Fang. Old Chen was quite a nice person. His children were all in other places. He was also very kind to Sister Fang’s daughter. The two of them After dating, they all got along well. Lao Chen proposed to Sister Fang several times, but Sister Fang was hesitant. The marriage with her ex-husband made Sister Fang very afraid of marriage. After being rejected several times, Lao Chen never mentioned the matter again, and the two lived together like this for 7 years.

Regarding Sister Fang's unwillingness to get married, Lao Chen is actually a little uncomfortable. This is obviously because he doesn't trust himself, so he doesn't want to get married. But since Sister Fang insists, let's just live like this.

Regarding the question of whether middle-aged and elderly people should get a marriage certificate, whether they should get it or not is actually correct! But in my opinion, this depends on the individual's actual situation. If you are financially independent and have good living - DayDayNews

And just in March this year, Sister Fang’s daughter gave birth to a baby. Sister Fang’s thoughts were all about her daughter. She would often go to her daughter’s house after making tonics, leaving Lao Chen alone at home. Lao Chen had a sudden brainstorm. Idiom , by the time Sister Fang came back from her daughter’s house and found out, most of the day had passed.

When he arrived at the hospital, Lao Chen was already unconscious. His son and daughter-in-law rushed back. Later they learned about the situation and resented Sister Fang. The hospital could only leave one person to take care of her. For the next time, Sister Fang was left to carry out feces and urine. Running up and down to take care of Lao Chen, it was only then that Sister Fang knew she was afraid.

Regarding the question of whether middle-aged and elderly people should get a marriage certificate, whether they should get it or not is actually correct! But in my opinion, this depends on the individual's actual situation. If you are financially independent and have good living - DayDayNews

Sister Fang is afraid. She is getting old too. In the future, she will still count on Lao Chen. If Lao Chen is really gone, what will she do? At this time, Sister Fang really regretted not agreeing to Lao Chen's proposal. Now Lao Chen has been in a coma and there is no solution.

In the end, Lao Chen couldn't bear it and left. He took care of Lao Chen for a month without taking care of his clothes. Sister Fang was so tired that her skin peeled off. After taking care of Lao Chen's funeral affairs, before resting for a few days, Lao Chen's son and daughter-in-law came to visit.

Regarding the question of whether middle-aged and elderly people should get a marriage certificate, whether they should get it or not is actually correct! But in my opinion, this depends on the individual's actual situation. If you are financially independent and have good living - DayDayNews

directly asked Sister Fang to move out. Sister Fang had nowhere to go and of course she was unwilling. The son and daughter-in-law directly said that your house has been listed with an agency and you can continue to live in it until it is sold. The son said even more bitterly, if Fang If Sister can take good care of Lao Chen, then even if Lao Chen passes away, she will support Sister Fang and live in this room with him.

But Lao Chen left like this. Before Lao Chen fell ill, he had been feeling uncomfortable for several days. Sister Fang was always busy and ignored Lao Chen's words, and she had no time to accompany him to the hospital for examination until he fell ill.

Sister Fang regrets it, but there is nothing she can do. She always feels lucky in her heart. This old house is not easy to sell, but she can still live in it.

Regarding the question of whether middle-aged and elderly people should get a marriage certificate, whether they should get it or not is actually correct! But in my opinion, this depends on the individual's actual situation. If you are financially independent and have good living - DayDayNews

What I didn’t expect was that people came to view the house every three days, and within two months, the house was sold. Sister Fang has nowhere to go, not even her daughter's house. Her mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and the whole family are renting a house. She doesn't have much money. After getting together with Lao Chen, she no longer has a job, and she relies on Lao Chen to support her.

For a while, Sister Fang was in trouble. In the end, there was really nothing she could do. Sister Fang was thinking about finding another man, hoping to find a place to settle down. However, she was 55 years old and had poor conditions. Sister Fang was not willing to marry someone with good conditions. And I don’t like Sister Fang.

went to his daughter's house every three days. As time went by, the in-laws had objections again: She is so old and she still thinks about finding a man to support her. It makes her sick just thinking about it. It's not like you have lost your hands and feet, so you can't find a job, and you don't like this or that. People can support themselves just by picking up paper.

Regarding the question of whether middle-aged and elderly people should get a marriage certificate, whether they should get it or not is actually correct! But in my opinion, this depends on the individual's actual situation. If you are financially independent and have good living - DayDayNews

These words are a slap in the face. My own thoughts are one thing, but when someone says them out, it is a slap in the face, but I still can’t argue with them.

Editor’s words:

For Sister Fang, she really asked for it. We have said that you should be cautious when looking for a partner, but observing for a year or two is enough to be cautious. Meeting a good man is more difficult than winning a lottery. No wonder Lao Chen may have other ideas and is unwilling to get married after being together for several years. Do you have other ideas? No wonder Lao Chen later gave up and gave the house to his children.

I still have the same suggestion. If you have money and can be independent and free, you have the right to find a partner, but your own conditions are not good, you have no money or a house and you don’t want to be with your children. If you want to improve the environment by finding a man, you must get a certificate, even if If the house is not given to you, you can always add residence rights . If it doesn't work, you can also ask for a betrothal gift.

Regarding the question of whether middle-aged and elderly people should get a marriage certificate, whether they should get it or not is actually correct! But in my opinion, this depends on the individual's actual situation. If you are financially independent and have good living - DayDayNews

When talking about this topic, many people will have a lot of opinions, saying that being a nanny can be paid, and you can support yourself by sweeping the streets. Let’s not talk about whether there is anyone who is 55 years old. Even if someone is hired, how many jobs can they do? Year? The owner doesn't mind the old legs and arms, but he can't do much work himself.

So again, if you find the right person, you should get a certificate and get married. What do you think? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area

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