I think everyone has heard of the story of Wu Dalang and Pan Jinlian, right? Unfortunately, not many people can remember this lesson in real life! For example, take the following case: Mr. Yang has been married to his wife for ten years, has a car, a house, and a six-year-old son

2024/07/0214:05:33 emotion 1282

I think everyone has heard of the story of Wu Dalang and Pan Jinlian, right?

Unfortunately, not many people can remember this lesson in real life! For example, take the following case:

I think everyone has heard of the story of Wu Dalang and Pan Jinlian, right? Unfortunately, not many people can remember this lesson in real life! For example, take the following case: Mr. Yang has been married to his wife for ten years, has a car, a house, and a six-year-old son - DayDayNews

Mr. Yang has been married to his wife for ten years, has a car, a house, and a six-year-old son.

In March this year, when my wife came back from a business trip, it was already past 11 o'clock in the evening. She was drunk and was sent back by a man.

Mr. Yang was very unhappy when he saw that it was a man who was sending his wife back, so he dragged his wife over. However, this move made the man who was sending his wife back unhappy, and a physical conflict broke out!

As a result of the conflict, the man who sent his wife back was uninjured, but Mr. Yang had three teeth knocked out and his right hand was fractured!

After that, Mr. Yang originally planned to report it to J, but his wife, who was sober, said to him: "He is my colleague, and he is also for my safety. This is just a misunderstanding. It can be resolved privately." Otherwise, I will not be a good person in the future."

Mr. Yang thought about it and his wife was right. After all, my wife will have to get along with her colleagues in the future! So I agreed.

I think everyone has heard of the story of Wu Dalang and Pan Jinlian, right? Unfortunately, not many people can remember this lesson in real life! For example, take the following case: Mr. Yang has been married to his wife for ten years, has a car, a house, and a six-year-old son - DayDayNews

The next day, my wife went to the hospital and told Mr. Yang: "My colleague is willing to pay 60,000 yuan. This is all his property, which makes him a big deal!"

After hearing what his wife said, Mr. Yang thought to himself: "I don't lack this either. The key to medical expenses is to have the other party's attitude. Besides, my wife will have to face her colleagues in the future, so he accepted it. "

However, after this incident, my wife often left early and came home late, so she was driven by curiosity. Mr. Yang retrieved his wife's driving recorder , and then he heard the conversation between his wife and a man. The conversation was very intimate, as if they were in love. These contents were enough to prove that his wife had cheated.

Mr. Yang was very painful and angry after knowing this fact. Then she went upstairs to confront his wife...

In front of the evidence, the wife did not deny it too much. She admitted that the other party was the one who had the conflict with Mr. Yang, and then She repeatedly assured Mr. Yang that she did not love him, but Mr. Yang, and hoped that Mr. Yang could forgive her once.

Later, it turned out that Mr. Yang still could not forgive her. In order to show her sincerity, she took the initiative to say to Mr. Yang: "The last time you had a conflict, he paid 120,000 yuan, and I took 60,000 yuan out of my mind. As long as you can forgive me, this money, I will leave all my future income to you!”

Mr. Yang relented when he saw that his wife was so sincere, and because he still loved her, he chose to forgive her!

I think everyone has heard of the story of Wu Dalang and Pan Jinlian, right? Unfortunately, not many people can remember this lesson in real life! For example, take the following case: Mr. Yang has been married to his wife for ten years, has a car, a house, and a six-year-old son - DayDayNews

The real problem is: "It has been more than four months since this happened. Mr. Yang feels very painful every time he thinks about it. I ask the editor what should I do?"

In this regard, netizens, what can you do to solve his problem? Does it hurt? If you can, help him!

As for the editor, I don’t have any good way to solve Mr. Yang’s pain, but I have a suggestion for him:

My suggestion is that you should get divorced! Think about it for yourself, the other party has beaten you like this, and your wife will keep it for herself even if she pays you some money. What is she doing with the money? I dare say that you must have given it back to the other party, just because you found it early before she had time. From this incident, you can see that this is the relationship between husband and wife, and she thinks about each other in everything; As for her, her relationship with you is just a marriage certificate worth a few yuan, so please stop deceiving yourself, okay? Face reality earlier and stop your losses earlier!

Finally, I wish you a happy marriage!

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