Meng Fei once said: The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is that the mother-in-law must know how to keep a distance, and the daughter-in-law must know how to stay polite. As the saying goes, it is always difficult for mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to get

2024/07/0223:16:32 emotion 1631

Meng Fei once said: The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is that the mother-in-law must know how to keep a distance, and the daughter-in-law must know how to stay polite. As the saying goes, it is always difficult for mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to get - DayDayNews

Meng Fei once said: The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is that the mother-in-law must know how to keep a distance, and the daughter-in-law must know how to remain polite.

As the saying goes, there is a veil between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and it is always difficult to get along harmoniously. In fact, it is not difficult to get along with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. What is difficult is that some people have big faces and lack of self-awareness.

A mother-in-law who has no self-awareness and no sense of proportion will destroy her son's family and marriage. After all, no one likes to be pointed out, interfered with, and controlled.

Meng Fei once said: The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is that the mother-in-law must know how to keep a distance, and the daughter-in-law must know how to stay polite. As the saying goes, it is always difficult for mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to get - DayDayNews

01. The mother-in-law teamed up with her son to forcefully move into the daughter-in-law's house.

Meng Qin and her husband were in a free relationship, and their relationship has always been very good. In these years of marriage, she has never been blushing. Until Meng Qin gave birth to the child, her parents-in-law refused to take care of the confinement and the child. However, when Meng Qin's parents took care of the eldest child until he was 3 years old, her parents-in-law came to enjoy the benefits and pick peaches.

Meng Qin understood clearly the little thoughts of her parents-in-law. They just wanted to take care of themselves in old age. Now that their children have grown up, they no longer need to stay up late and work as hard as before.

In addition, her parents-in-law were jealous and jealous that Meng Qin's parents came to their son's house to provide for their elderly care. Without any explanation, they united with their son and moved into their daughter-in-law's house in a forceful manner. Meng Qin did not even have room to object.

For the sake of her husband, Meng Qin couldn't do anything but accept her parents-in-law. But after the mother-in-law came, she seemed to be the hostess. Not only did she order Meng Qin to do this and that, but she was also picky about her.

Meng Qin couldn't bear it anymore, so she had an unprecedented quarrel with her mother-in-law. But at the end of the argument, the mother-in-law said confidently that this was her son's home and she could live there as long as she wanted, and her daughter-in-law had nothing to do with it.

Meng Fei once said: The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is that the mother-in-law must know how to keep a distance, and the daughter-in-law must know how to stay polite. As the saying goes, it is always difficult for mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to get - DayDayNews

02. On the night when her daughter-in-law and her mother-in-law quarreled, Meng Qin could not bear it anymore. Instead of taking her child back to her parents' home, she took her child directly to stay in a five-star hotel.

Before leaving, she told her husband, your parents can live with you as long as they like, and you can be as filial as you like. I won’t cause trouble in front of you, but I won’t be a free nanny for your parents either.

My husband thought she was joking. Staying in a five-star hotel for one night is not cheap. But who would have known that Meng Qin stayed there for five days. No matter how much her husband begged for mercy, Meng Qin refused to go back. She also insisted that if your parents didn't leave, my children and I would stay in the hotel.

During this period, her mother-in-law also called and mocked Meng Qin for overestimating her capabilities and going against her. She was her son's biological mother, how could an outsider like Meng Qin compare to her?

At the beginning, my husband was very stubborn and would never let go of his parents. After all, he spent a lot of effort to take his parents out to take care of him in old age. Now that his parents are not enjoying much happiness, how can he send them away?

Meng Fei once said: The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is that the mother-in-law must know how to keep a distance, and the daughter-in-law must know how to stay polite. As the saying goes, it is always difficult for mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to get - DayDayNews

03. My mother-in-law was sent away 5 days later.

But Meng Qin, who has always been easy to talk to, refused to compromise, and instead said harshly, "Your parents can stay here as long as they like. I take my children to stay in hotels every day. I want to You can live anywhere you like, and it doesn’t cost me anything anyway.

At first, her husband was calm, but when he saw that his bank card was being used up every day, he couldn't help but twitch his eyes. Meng Qin's ability to make a fortune was no less than anyone else's. She used to feel sorry for her husband, but now her husband can take in her parents-in-law regardless of her feelings, so why is she frugally saving money for him?

After Meng Qin’s retaliatory spending, her husband finally gave in. After returning from the hotel, he sent his parents directly back to his hometown and never invited them to his home again.

Meng Fei once said: The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is that the mother-in-law must know how to keep a distance, and the daughter-in-law must know how to stay polite. As the saying goes, it is always difficult for mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to get - DayDayNews

The mother-in-law was also dumbfounded. Why did her son, who had always been filial and obedient, suddenly change his attitude like a different person? But no matter how much my mother-in-law cried and refused to leave, my husband never compromised.

After this experience, my mother-in-law no longer dared to mess around. Because she knew very well that if they kept struggling like this, her son might even lose his monthly living expenses of 2,000 yuan.

Yishu once said: The best revenge is not hatred, but indifference from the bottom of your heart. Why spend effort to hate someone who has nothing to do with you. The daughter-in-law did not argue or quarrel. In this way, the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was easily resolved, allowing the man in the middle to express his attitude and position, and making the mother-in-law no longer unscrupulous.

Today’s topic:

Do you think Meng Qin’s approach relieves her anger?

Pinxia explanation: Analyze marriage emotions and teach you to understand human nature!

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