There is a saying in life, "If you marry a daughter-in-law, you forget your mother," which means that your son will not be filial to his parents after he gets married. In fact, some men forget their mother after they marry a daughter-in-law, and the responsibility does not lie wi

2024/07/0200:53:32 emotion 1281

There is a saying in life, "If you marry a wife, you forget your mother," which means that a son will not be filial to his parents after he gets married. In fact, some men forget their mother after they marry a daughter-in-law, and the responsibility does not lie with the son!

There is a saying in life,

Old man Wang and Mrs. Liu are both farmers. They have two sons. In rural areas, if you only make money by farming, it will be difficult for the son to find a wife for a family with two sons. However, Wang Fei, the eldest son of Mr. Wang, was promising. After graduating from college, he worked in a company and later married a female colleague.

Wang Fei’s wife is named You Yan. Her parents are doing business in the city and her family is relatively wealthy. When You Yan got married, her parents gave her a wedding house. Since Wang Fei had already purchased a house with a mortgage, after You Yan got married, he rented out the wedding house where he was dowry.

Let’s talk about Old Man Wang’s younger son Wang Ping, who works outside after graduating from middle school. Wang Ping likes to make fair-weather friends, and his monthly salary is only enough for him to eat and drink. Old man Wang and Mrs. Liu farm at home and can only make ends meet.

Seeing that Wang Ping was almost thirty years old and still had no partner, Old Man Wang and Mrs. Liu were very anxious and asked a matchmaker to introduce Wang Ping to a partner. Before they met, the woman proposed that they must have a wedding room in the city, otherwise, There is no need to meet.

The old couple went to the city and inquired about it. They found that buying a house would cost about one million yuan. They were almost frightened. Old man Wang said: "We, the old couple, can't buy such an expensive house even if we farm for a lifetime." rise! Mrs. Liu thought for a while and said: My daughter-in-law has a house, please let her use it as a wedding room for our youngest son!

So Mrs. Liu rushed to her eldest son’s house in the city. When she explained her purpose of coming, her eldest daughter-in-law You Yan said: That was the wedding room where my parents married me, how could I give it to my brother-in-law? Mrs. Liu said: Once you get married, you become a member of our family. We are all one family. Why should we divide what is yours and what is mine? You Yan said: There are two brothers in the family, and brothers will settle the accounts! If you don’t let it, you won’t let it!

There is a saying in life,

When Mrs. Liu saw You Yan speaking so resolutely, she said to her son Wang Fei: Look, my daughter-in-law is an outsider and never thinks about your brother! If You Yan refuses to give up the dowry house, why not give the house you live in now to your brother as a wedding house! Wang Fei said: This is the house I bought and I am still paying off the mortgage. How could I give it to my brother? Mrs. Liu cried and said while crying: Your father and I have raised you since you were a child so that you can graduate from college. We fully expect you to contribute to the family and take away the worries, but we don’t expect it at all!

From then on, Mrs. Liu lived in the home of her eldest son Wang Fei and never left. She met You Yan like an enemy and often made irresponsible remarks to You Yan. One day, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had a quarrel. Mrs. Liu said to Wang Fei in front of You Yan: What does such a woman want from her? It’s better to just divorce her. Any woman she can find will be better than her!

Due to the quarrel between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Liu often spoke ill of You Yan in front of Wang Fei. Gradually, Wang Fei's balance favored his mother. He thought that You Yan was quarreling with his mother, had no elders, and did not respect him. The two of them Their relationship became increasingly cold. Under Mrs. Liu's instigation and instigation, Wang Fei and You Yan divorced.

Since the house was bought by Wang Fei with a mortgage alone, You Yan had to leave the house. Of course, the dowry house given to You Yan by her parents still belongs to You Yan.

After getting divorced, Wang Fei was in a bad mood and often frowned. Mrs. Liu said: What's the reason for being unhappy? Find a better woman than You Yan in the future!

One day, Mrs. Liu said to Wang Fei: You are a college graduate and have a good job. You will not have to worry about finding a good wife in the future! Now that you are divorced and there is no interference from your wife, your mother has the final say. You can rent a house outside for a while and give your house to your brother as a wedding room!

Grandma Liu decisively let her youngest son Wang Ping move in. Wang Fei thought that since he was single now, if he could use this house to get his younger brother married and help him, he could be considered as sharing the worries of his parents and doing something good for his younger brother!

There is a saying in life,

When Wang Fei gave up his house to his younger brother and lived alone in the small house he rented, he felt lonely and deserted. His nose became sour and he burst into tears...

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