If a woman completely gives her heart to one man, she will no longer live for other men. Recently, a woman from Zhejiang posted some videos on the Internet. The content of the videos mainly talked about her divorce from her ex-husband. In the eyes of people nowadays, divorce is n

2024/07/0209:16:32 emotion 1310

If a woman completely gives her heart to a man, then she will no longer live for other men.

Recently, a woman from Zhejiang posted some videos on the Internet. The content of the videos mainly talked about her divorce from her ex-husband.

Divorce is not so scary in the eyes of people nowadays. Throughout the years, there are many people getting divorced every year, and the number of divorced people is increasing year by year.

Even under the propaganda of "single first" and "women's rights attack", many women are quite proud of being single, which is really shocking.

After divorce, both men and women will naturally live their own lives. Since you have chosen this path, you must go on bravely and strongly. No matter whether the future is happy or sad, you must take good care of yourself.

If a woman completely gives her heart to one man, she will no longer live for other men. Recently, a woman from Zhejiang posted some videos on the Internet. The content of the videos mainly talked about her divorce from her ex-husband. In the eyes of people nowadays, divorce is n - DayDayNews

Although it is easy to say, some feelings are difficult to let go of. Some people choose to divorce. After spending the first happy days, they seem confused and melancholy, and then they worry about gains and losses.

There are even many people who look back on the past and taste some sweetness from the past, so they feel regretful and regret their original decision.

For example, this woman returned to her single life after divorcing her ex-husband. However, after a few months, she missed her old days and missed her ex-husband more and more.

"I miss my ex-husband. I want him to wash my clothes, cook for me, take charge of his salary, and spend my own salary. I miss my ex-husband who has no pressure."

The most touching thing in the world Love words are love words spoken in the most common language. What this woman talks about are sparse and ordinary daily things, but it is not difficult to understand her longing for the past.

If a woman completely gives her heart to one man, she will no longer live for other men. Recently, a woman from Zhejiang posted some videos on the Internet. The content of the videos mainly talked about her divorce from her ex-husband. In the eyes of people nowadays, divorce is n - DayDayNews

But as the saying goes, there is no turning back. Now that the two have divorced, it may not be that easy to go back to the past.

It seems that the woman and her husband have been married for several years. They have two children, a daughter and a son. It can be said that the family is harmonious and happy.

However, due to some reasons, the woman and her husband have been living apart in two places for a long time. The woman is at home, while the man is far away in Guangdong.

Distance can bring beauty to people, but for relationships, distance will only slowly cool down the temperature of the relationship.

It is difficult for two people who are not together to truly understand each other's care and love for each other, and it is also difficult to feel the care and care from each other in daily small things.

If a woman completely gives her heart to one man, she will no longer live for other men. Recently, a woman from Zhejiang posted some videos on the Internet. The content of the videos mainly talked about her divorce from her ex-husband. In the eyes of people nowadays, divorce is n - DayDayNews

Time can dilute everything. For ordinary people, the same is true for feelings. They can also pass with time, not to mention people who are still so far apart, even couples, I am afraid that many people cannot escape this curse.

But the woman is still holding on and trying her best to maintain the marriage. If the conditions change in the future, the family can live together again and no longer have to endure the pain of separation.

But something happened later, which directly destroyed the woman's confidence. It was this incident that made her feel hopeless about marriage and tired of the future.

It turned out that the woman discovered that her husband often chatted ambiguously with other women. After chatting, she deleted the records for fear that she would see it.

If a woman completely gives her heart to one man, she will no longer live for other men. Recently, a woman from Zhejiang posted some videos on the Internet. The content of the videos mainly talked about her divorce from her ex-husband. In the eyes of people nowadays, divorce is n - DayDayNews

Especially, the husband went to a hotel with another woman and stayed together for the same night, which made the woman even more heartbroken. However, the husband explained that although they stayed for one night, they did not have sex.

But, does anyone believe this sentence?

Afterwards, the woman fell into confusion again. After all, marriage is not easy, not to mention that she has a pair of children. She wants to divorce and has too many worries, which makes the woman very embarrassed.

But as the saying goes, "The deeper you love, the harder you are hurt." For a woman who cares, this knot is difficult to overcome, and struggling to support it will only increase the suffering.

After a period of entanglement, the woman finally chose to divorce her husband. For this reason, she even went to court.

If a woman completely gives her heart to one man, she will no longer live for other men. Recently, a woman from Zhejiang posted some videos on the Internet. The content of the videos mainly talked about her divorce from her ex-husband. In the eyes of people nowadays, divorce is n - DayDayNews

But after just a few months after the divorce, the woman began to miss her old days and her ex-husband again.

Obviously the woman loves her ex-husband and likes her former home very much, and she also knows that maybe her ex-husband also loves her, but the man who is willing to cook, wash and hand over his wages has committed a crime that cannot be forgiven. mistake.

Entanglement and struggle, farewell and longing are the most torturous. Once a woman is trapped, it will be difficult to let go. The woman now said:

"I didn't cry when I signed the divorce agreement . When I got home, I still didn't cry, but now I am crying."

It can be seen that it is not easy for an emotional woman to forget the past.

If a woman completely gives her heart to one man, she will no longer live for other men. Recently, a woman from Zhejiang posted some videos on the Internet. The content of the videos mainly talked about her divorce from her ex-husband. In the eyes of people nowadays, divorce is n - DayDayNews

In this regard, netizens also expressed their opinions and experiences:

"My ex-wife has been at home for more than ten years. She does not have to go to work or take care of children. She sleeps at home every day until she wakes up naturally. She only uses all my salary. My parents raised the child, and the food was cooked for her. My ex-mother-in-law said that she was enjoying the blessings. She had had enough and insisted on getting a divorce. She found a wife with a one-year-old son and gave up her two children. "

" In fact, if a man does not engage in prostitution, gambling, or domestic violence, he is already very good. He is an ordinary person, living an ordinary life. I am very grateful to have met a good husband. Although he does not make much money, he has never left his wife hungry. My child, I have identified with him in this life. "

" I divorced willfully, and now I regret it. When I woke up, I was no longer young. Now his girlfriend is two months pregnant, and I am also married. I can't go back, and I can't forget it. They often send messages to each other. "

" So some people are not worthy of sympathy at all when they get divorced. When they are flirted with by other men who talk sweet words, they feel that being with this man must be more comfortable than being with their own husband, so they just do it in a confused way. Divorce is your own fault. "

If a woman completely gives her heart to one man, she will no longer live for other men. Recently, a woman from Zhejiang posted some videos on the Internet. The content of the videos mainly talked about her divorce from her ex-husband. In the eyes of people nowadays, divorce is n - DayDayNews

Finally: I can only say that emotional matters are the most complicated. Not only this woman, but most people will probably feel a sense of loss after divorce.

It is difficult to forget the past easily. Past lives, feelings, and experiences are all lingering, and people can only suffer alone in these memories.

Very few people can find happiness again after divorce. If a woman really can't let go of her ex-husband or her two children, and her ex-husband has changed his ways, then remarriage is also a good choice.

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