Author: Five-level marriage is the most sacred and solemn commitment in a person's life. It is not a child's play, and you can't let you fool around. So, the first time I heard Hui Hui’s story, I was really speechless. The incident happened at the end of the previous year. Perhap

2024/07/0200:54:32 emotion 1964

Author: Five Layers

Marriage is the most sacred and solemn commitment in a person's life. It is not a child's play, and you can't let you fool around. So, the first time I heard Hui Hui’s story, I was really speechless.

Author: Five-level marriage is the most sacred and solemn commitment in a person's life. It is not a child's play, and you can't let you fool around. So, the first time I heard Hui Hui’s story, I was really speechless. The incident happened at the end of the previous year. Perhap - DayDayNews

The incident happened at the end of the previous year. Perhaps it was because of the backlog of trivial problems in the marriage. Huihui couldn't bear it and complained to her girlfriends: She really wanted a divorce and she would go crazy if she continued to live with this man.

And what about the best friends? I don't know if he is tired of hearing her words, or if he really thinks that Huihui should leave this man. They firmly supported Huihui. Since they couldn't stand him, why should they just make do with him and leave him?

Although she was the first to propose a divorce, Huihui was still a little hesitant when she suddenly heard her best friend's words. After all, the house he lives in now belongs to the man, the car belongs to the man, and he usually still takes the household expenses handed over by his husband. If it disappears all of a sudden, will life in the future go downhill?

Seeing Huihui's worry, her best friend said: What are you afraid of? You are still young and have no children, so it will be easy to find a partner. From what you said, your husband doesn't care about you and is usually very picky. Why bother yourself? You're happier alone! Enjoy being single for a while first, and then we will introduce you to some high-quality men. They will definitely be more exciting and live a more enjoyable life than now. As for where to live, you can come to my house or Sister Zhang’s house when the time comes. We will always open the door to you.

Speaking of this, how could Huihui not be moved? She felt that she had the best best friend in the world, who could give herself such a solid confidence in the face of such a big decision.

Author: Five-level marriage is the most sacred and solemn commitment in a person's life. It is not a child's play, and you can't let you fool around. So, the first time I heard Hui Hui’s story, I was really speechless. The incident happened at the end of the previous year. Perhap - DayDayNews

So, without really thinking about it, I filed for divorce with my husband when I got back. Then, I wholeheartedly forced him to get the divorce certificate, as if he was afraid of missing out on the wonderful life in the future.

Just like that, at Huihui’s strong request, her husband finally went to the Civil Affairs Bureau with her. She thought that when she got the certificate, she would be extremely happy and joyful. Unexpectedly, the moment she parted ways with her husband, Huihui realized that she had made a big mistake.

Because, from this moment on, she completely lost her husband. She suddenly felt that those trivial things in the past were not unforgivable. Her husband's kindness to her came to mind one after another, and she asked herself: Is it necessary to divorce like this? Have they gotten this far? Is the marriage really dead?

Huihui’s answer is no, she should not get divorced! He was obviously just complaining to his best friend, but just talking about it, he strengthened his determination to get a divorce. She really couldn't figure it out, so she could only put the blame on her best friend. Thinking that they are just troublemakers, who don't wish you well at all, is completely out of intention. Is it because you are so jealous of being married that you keep encouraging yourself to get a divorce? He also said that he would introduce her to a better one. There is such a good one, but they can’t do it themselves? After

, Huihui tried her best to get back together with her husband. Although she went through a lot of twists and turns, she finally got what she wanted. However, she and her best friends have completely broken off.

Author: Five-level marriage is the most sacred and solemn commitment in a person's life. It is not a child's play, and you can't let you fool around. So, the first time I heard Hui Hui’s story, I was really speechless. The incident happened at the end of the previous year. Perhap - DayDayNews

In my opinion, Huihui is really inexplicable, and her best friend is indeed not a good person. Everyone was trying to persuade them to make peace but not to leave, so it would be better for them to just let people break up quickly. But the main problem still lies with Hui Hui.

What you have to complain about is your decision, and it is you who implement it in the end. Why put the responsibility on others and think others are troublemakers. If you want to blame, it's your fault. You didn't know yourself correctly, and you made a group of best friends who you don't know if they are friends or not.

Note: Original article, please do not reprint.

Author: Five-level marriage is the most sacred and solemn commitment in a person's life. It is not a child's play, and you can't let you fool around. So, the first time I heard Hui Hui’s story, I was really speechless. The incident happened at the end of the previous year. Perhap - DayDayNews

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