At the same time, it also reflects a social reality, that is, even if the parents are here, even if the house in their hometown is dilapidated on the outside, it is full of fireworks inside, and the descendants will often return to their hometown to gather together.

2024/07/0201:05:32 emotion 1060


came across a boy recording the changes in the small courtyard in the year after his grandmother passed away, from family reunion to fallen leaves. The video made me cry watching it. It's sad and touching, and I also miss my family and my hometown.

At the same time, it also reflects a social reality, that is, even if the parents are here, even if the house in their hometown is dilapidated on the outside, it is full of fireworks inside, and the descendants will often return to their hometown to gather together. - DayDayNews

also reflects a social reality, that is, even if the parents are here, even if the house in their hometown is dilapidated on the outside, it is full of fireworks inside, and the descendants will often return to their hometown to gather together. But if the parents are gone, no matter how well-repaired the house is, it will slowly decay, become overgrown with weeds, and be deserted, and the children will rarely go back. So we often say that brothers and sisters often come and go when their parents are away, but they gradually disperse when their parents are away. This is very realistic.

The elders in the family are the core cohesion of a family. When parents are present, children from all over the world have a home in their hearts.

In a family, older and surviving parents must be in charge. As long as one parent is alive, even if there is a gap between the younger generations, for the sake of their parents' sake, they will put aside their temporary prejudices and get together during the holidays, so that the elderly can liven up and celebrate the festival happily.

At the same time, it also reflects a social reality, that is, even if the parents are here, even if the house in their hometown is dilapidated on the outside, it is full of fireworks inside, and the descendants will often return to their hometown to gather together. - DayDayNews

It can be said that the presence of parents is the core cohesion of the family. No matter where their parents are, the children who are away from home all have a home in their hearts, and that is the home where their parents are. In their free time, they will think about going to their parents' homes to reunite. As children of their parents, only when their elders are around do they have a reason to get together.

For a married daughter, when her parents are present, she goes home, but when her parents are gone, she becomes a relative when she returns home. When parents are here, there is still a place to come in life; when parents are gone, there is only a way back in life. But once the parents are gone, there is no reason to go back to their hometown, and the family is broken up. Brothers and sisters no longer have the ties of their parents, and all their thoughts are focused on their own small families. With fewer opportunities to see each other, their hearts are far away, and they gradually disperse.

Children are like the pearls, and the old man is like the red rope with beads. When the old man is not around, it is difficult for people to gather together. This is also something that cannot be done.

When parents are away, conflicts between children come to the fore, and they gradually stop interacting with each other.

When parents are around, even brothers and sisters who are not close to each other will get together because of their parents. Although they are very polite when meeting, they are as polite as outsiders, but in Blood ties are also shown in front of parents. Originally, brothers and sisters had some conflicts in private, but generally they would not make it too ugly in front of their parents. It can be said that as long as the parents are around, many conflicts between brothers and sisters can be suppressed.

At the same time, it also reflects a social reality, that is, even if the parents are here, even if the house in their hometown is dilapidated on the outside, it is full of fireworks inside, and the descendants will often return to their hometown to gather together. - DayDayNews

But once their parents are gone, many people have no scruples. Those who had conflicts before may no longer have any contact with each other. There are no conflicts. Without the backbone of the parents, everyone has less contact. Or in the future getting along, without parents to mediate in the middle, brothers and sisters can easily amplify conflicts, causing the relationship to become increasingly estranged.

[Topic discussion: After your parents are gone, how is your relationship with your brothers and sisters? 】

Senior nanny, psychological counselor, author of original parenting comic articles, welcome to follow [Little Kid], you can find the answers here for everything you want to know about family education, mental health, child development, and fashion education.

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